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Why do people believe Tony Abbott? (Read 4092 times)
John S
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Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Jun 23rd, 2012 at 11:57am
From his ever-changing small business pulpit,  the Petulant Priest expounds incessantly about the end of the world, but how much credibility does he have? According to Denise Allen, absolutely none.

What is it that makes people believe Tony Abbott? For some strange inexplicable reason, it never seems to occur to people that he may well be, well, lying to you — just to get your vote.

For over 18 months now, Abbott has been rampaging around the nation like a door-to-door snake-oil salesman — dropping in on every single manufacturing business he thinks will let him in the door and give him a platform for his manipulative and calculating Chinese whispers.

Of course, many do believe him as he bleats endlessly about his cynically concocted scare-mongering version of Armageddon. Hellfire and damnation, preaches Tony!

‘Oh verily, this evil carbon tax – brought in by that lying, evil, satanic witch – will tear the sky asunder and make it fall in upon your heads … and the world as we know it will end on July 1. Repent all ye sinners! The end is nigh! Doom, doom, DOOM!’

For over 18 tedious months, Abbott has ranted and railed against the Government’s carbon tax — a pricing method, let’s not forget, that he said himself was “the best way to price carbon”.

Now, of course, he conveniently forgets that he was once the great purveyor and an ardent supporter of that which he so vehemently condemns.

Quite frankly, the Abbott has no shame. He brazenly stands on his pulpit, day after day, telling twisted, scheming,  lies – like a modern Rasputin (or maybe an “obstructionist Capuchin”, in the words of an immortal) – as if he alone has always been the most righteous, honest, moralistic, ethical person that ever was — who can do and say no wrong.  In actual fact, The Priestly Man is a blatant liar — and most certainly a fraud.

He slithers around the countryside like the black plague, infecting the minds of the people – willingly, in some unaccountable cases – with his toxic bag of lies and drivel — obviously rendering them all but incapable of thinking for themselves because with monotonous regularity they all robotically parrot his lying rhetoric. It would never occur to them to check the facts for themselves. The Abbott is the great pretender, claiming to be the almighty saviour of the world…

“Vote for me…I’ll save you!”

….From what?

From the gospel truth, maybe?

Or from a price on pollution, to reduce emissions by 5 per cent — the exact same target he and his clueless colleagues have themselves agreed to?

From a price that Treasury and (so far) three State Governments have proved will have minimal effect on the cost of some goods and services — and for which millions will be compensated for?

Oh, but Cardinal Abbott and his team think they have a much better plan — a plan that includes, among other things, planting 20 million trees, though they haven’t said where. And they also haven’t said who; maybe the some of the public servants they plan to sack and put into a forced Work for the Dole program? And how much will it cost? Well…according to their CC policy on their website its only going to cost them $5 per tree! Yes, a forced labour work for the dole program it is — just like the UK Tories utilised during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

They are also going to pay the biggest polluters billions – out of consolidated revenue – not to pollute! Isn’t that like blackmail? That’s giving our money to rich people so they don’t mess up our environment. Anyway, at the end of the day, we will be paying the price — which according to Treasury estimates, will be in the vicinity of $1,400 per year out of your pocket. And remember — no compensation!

On the other hand, Labor’s policy of making the big polluter pay a price for the pollution they create and they spew into the atmosphere – and then using that money to compensate you for the very minor increase in prices – will actually make millions of middle to low income Australians better off.

So, having a carbon tax will make ordinary people better off — yet the Abbott’s policy will make everyone worse off!

This is what I don’t get — why do gullible people believe him? Where is the sense in that?

And if (and it is a pretty big if, regardless of what the mainstream media cheer squads might tell you) Abbott is ever made PM — he is going to rip all that compensation, all those tax breaks – including the raising of the tax-free threshold from $6,000 to $18,000 – away and give the money to the big polluters.

Not only that, he also intends to give Australian women the worlds most expensive paid maternity leave. That will be, get this folks — A GREAT BIG NEW TAX on business, making $5 million in taxable profits; a $2.7billion tax!

So, for all the single people and DINKs out there who are constantly complaining about “missing out on a hand out”, you along with every other working Australian will be paying, by way of increased, prices — for wealthy women to have babies.

So, what do we have so far?

Firstly, all compensation ripped away from you — your hard earnt tax dollars going in a great big handout to big polluters to not pollute

Secondly, businesses being slugged with a GREAT BIG NEW TAX that will force them to increase prices just so wealthy women will be paid well for having a baby. Yup, stuff the poor little working woman on $30,000 to 40,000 a year, because the Great Big New Tax on business will also pay for the paid maternity leave but on a much lower scale — whereas Labor’s policy is fair and equitable and every new mother gets the same, no matter what their pay scale.

So, according to Abbott, it’s ok to pay big polluters your taxes not to pollute and put a GBNT on business to pay women to have babies — but it’s not ok to tax to big polluters for poisoning our planet?

Oh — and he is going to cancel the mining tax that will allow the Australian people to share in the multi billions of dollars the industry generates out of the resources that belong to all Australians; wealth beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, except of course the likes of Gina, Clive and to a lesser extent Twiggy. So take all that out of your weekly income, benefits and super, everyone — that’s fair.

Mark my words, Abbott will put up the GST if he ever get to be PM — because it will be the only way he could possibly make up for his huge $70 billion black hole.

Do people believe The Monk because they simply don’t like the Prime Minister? Or is it that they have believed the rampant scaremongering of the nation’s commercial shock jocks – some of whom have the credibility of a slug – when they spew their venom about the PM “lying”, when in actual fact she simply compromised due to being faced with a minority Government; something Abbott himself would have done had the Independents given him the nod — and they didn’t because they didn’t trust him, didn’t believe he would be a good negotiator and certainly didn’t believe he would be a good PM.

For 18 months now, the mainstream media have barracked for The Mad Monk like rabid Collingwood supporters, have given him free rein to perpetuate his toxic drivel at every moment and have never once taken him to task nor challenged him to – not only provide the proof about the things he has been saying that has scared the living daylights out of the electorate – but to explain to the people how his climate change policy will stack up — and how all his blood oaths will affect the budget bottom line.

And this is not the only thing he has lied to the people about. I don’t have enough space to go into everything else, but the refugee issue alone is a whole new topic on its own!

The Abbott has very cleverly manipulated the debate by worming his way into the minds of the people, infecting them like a terminal disease with his noxious mendacity about how the world as we know will end come July 1.

When the world doesn’t collapse on July 1, we will be owed an apology, but don’t expect that from The Monk, he will just seamlessly move on to a new scare campaign.

You mark my words.
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #1 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 12:24pm
Who believes him apart from macca and longweekend and his forty socks?
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #2 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 12:58pm
Because he is a good, decent Catholic man.
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John S
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #3 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:00pm
matty wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 12:58pm:
Because he is a good, decent Catholic man.

He is a known lier so much for his catholic upbringing
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'The worst Labor Government is always better then the best Liberal government for Australians workers'
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #4 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:14pm
John S wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:00pm:
matty wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 12:58pm:
Because he is a good, decent Catholic man.

He is a known lier so much for his catholic upbringing

If you call Abbott a liar, what does that make Gillard?
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #5 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:19pm
Why do people believe Tony Abbott?

Maybe because his lies are reported and repeated  daily month after month in the popular (propoganda) media  as being factual.
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #6 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:25pm
THE chief executive of Shell, Peter Voser, has applauded the Gillard government’s $23 carbon price, saying it should not deter investment in Australian resources projects and countries that failed to follow suit would fall behind.

Shell, the world’s second-largest energy firm, is investing more than $30 billion in Australia in the next five years. Mr Voser told the ABC’s 7.30 program last night the company already assumes a $40 carbon price when it judges whether or not a project will be profitable.

”We’re investing those sums of money because we take 20, 30 years’ view rather than just the next two, three quarters and in that sense, historical experience and also a forward-looking experience for Australia is very positive,” he said.
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”Shell as a company is actually very much advocating that we need a price for carbon on the worldwide basis and we want that to be on a market mechanism.”

He said Australia was generally an attractive place to develop resources projects and the carbon price should not deter investors. His remarks counter claims by the Coalition and other critics of the government’s carbon price that the policy will damage resources investment in Australia.

Mr Voser said the world would ultimately have to follow in Australia’s footsteps because the ballooning demand for energy would force a shift to cleaner sources.

He said countries that did not have a carbon price would ultimately fall behind: ”I think they will not be competitive in attracting investment.”

Buried on page 5 of the Business section.
Do you think it would be there if he bagged the CT?
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #7 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:30pm
Dnarever wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:19pm:
Why do people believe Tony Abbott?

Maybe because his lies are reported and repeated  daily month after month in the popular (propoganda) media  as being factual.

Not to mention being constantly parrotted on here and on other forums by extreme right-wing shills.

You know who you are.

As do we....sadly Sad
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John S
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #8 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:32pm
smithy this is the transcript of the 7.30 on Thursday night

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast: 21/06/2012

Reporter: Leigh Sales

Peter Voser is Global CEO of Shell, one of the world's biggest companies and one that is investing heavily in Australia, so what does he make of the economic outlook and cost factors such as the carbon tax and labour hire.

LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: Get set for more fireworks over foreign workers flying into Australia to take up local jobs. One of the most powerful business leaders in the world says his company will have to import workers for major projects in Australia because productivity here is too low, the dollar's too high and labour costs too much. Peter Voser is global CEO of Shell, which is set to become one of the largest investors in Australia over the next five years, spending about $30 billion on resource projects. Mr Voser's been in Australia this week and he spoke exclusively to 7.30.

Mr Voser, thank you very much for joining us.

PETER VOSER, GLOBAL CEO, SHELL: It's great to be here. Thank you.

LEIGH SALES: Shell is investing more than $30 billion in Australia over the next five years. Given the global economic uncertainty, you must consider it a pretty safe place to invest then.

PETER VOSER: Yeah, that's absolutely correct. We are investing those sums of monies because we take 2030 as view rather than just the next two, three quarters, and in that sense historical experience and also our forward-looking experience for Australia is very positive.

LEIGH SALES: In a couple of weeks Australia will introduce a $23-a-tonne price on carbon. How will that impact on the bottom line of your business here?

PETER VOSER: Well let me first say that Shell as a company is actually very much advocating that we need a price for carbon on a worldwide basis and we want that to be on a market mechanism. So for years actually Shell has included in all their projects a carbon price of $40 a tonne, so from that point of view we take a very long-term view that the carbon will be priced and needs therefore to be covered in our profitability in the projects.

LEIGH SALES: You say that you've factored in a price of $40 a tonne. Do you think then that Australia is underpricing carbon?

PETER VOSER: I think if you have a market mechanism, it would actually be established by the market. If I look today across the world, I think you don't have too many who would be above that price of the Australian price at this stage, but as I said, we take a 20, 30 years view and over that time we will judge on how our $40 will match all the countries where we are investing into.

LEIGH SALES: You say that there aren't too many countries in the world that would have a price above that $23 figure. Do you think that that is a problem at all for Australia's competitiveness as a place for international companies to invest?

PETER VOSER: I think it's more than just a carbon tax. I think it's the whole country and how interested the country is into foreign investments and developing big resource projects. So it's about labour productivity, it's about fiscal terms, it's about the overall environment to how you get permits established, how you can actually invest. So, carbon is own tax - is only one of the elements and I think in general the Australian country is an important and an interesting area to invest for us.

LEIGH SALES: What do you think will happen over the long range to countries that don't price carbon?

PETER VOSER: I think they will not achieve the long-term policies the world is going to set. I think they will be not competitive in attracting the right investments in the longer term, and therefore I think we need really to get some agreements for the longer term now by more than just Australia but other countries as well that we are actually move in the right directions. And you see other countries have already gone there and I think it hasn't actually kind of worked detrimental to the investment policies of those countries.

LEIGH SALES: Given Shell's quite strong position on this, would your company be bothered if the Coalition parties in Australia came to government and repealed the carbon price as they have promised to do?

PETER VOSER: No, I don't think we would be bothered. We would certainly offer our advice, our insights on how we see the long-term energy market actually developing and I think there can be discussions on how you actually build up a carbon price over the longer term. And let's be clear: we actually don't like carbon taxes too much; we actually like market mechanism for carbon pricing, so you could also actually work towards that in the longer term rather than to have a fixed tax.

LEIGH SALES: As I mentioned, Shell has some very major investments happening in Australia. Given the tight labour market here, how are you planning to get the workers to staff these projects?

PETER VOSER: Yeah, I think that the overall competitive productivity rates in Australia are really a concern. I think you have the high Australian dollar, you have got a scarce workforce in that sense and therefore we are concerned about the overall rates which we are paying for Australian Labor and that clearly needs some interventions from our side to make our projects more economic. So this is an area which is of high interest to us and is a concern for the longer term competitive nature of Australian gas projects which are already today some of the most expensive ones, and in order to stay competitive for Australia, some measures have to be taken here.

LEIGH SALES: And what sort of measures do you think should be taken?

PETER VOSER: I think clearly here we need more workforce so we need to be free to import labour as well, quite clearly. We need to optimise the supply chain, some of which will have to really be built outside Australia in order to actually get the costs better under control, and I think these are some of the measures. I leave the exchange rate to those who can manage that one. That's not up to me, but it's a clear concern to us. But some measures we can take and some need to come from the Government.

LEIGH SALES: On the question of the importation of labour, Australian unions would say that they are bothered by that because they fear that it will lead to an erosion of conditions for Australian workers. What would you say to that?

PETER VOSER: I think as a business we also have the clear desire to bring technology and generation into Australia, so therefore actually I think there is a future for Australian labour force as well to actually work in new areas. Let's take floating LNG which we are building. We're doing now research within Australia for this as well, so I think there will be new areas where we can actually employ Australian labour force. But I think in order to actually stay competitive and work for the revenue flow into the countries, we need to make sure we can invest in a competitive way and for that we need to make the best out of it and bring some people in so that we can actually deliver our projects at the competitive rate.

LEIGH SALES: Peter Voser, we very much appreciate you making time to speak to 7.30 on your trip to Australia. Thank you.

PETER VOSER: Thank you very much for having me.

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'The worst Labor Government is always better then the best Liberal government for Australians workers'
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John S
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #9 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:35pm
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:14pm:
John S wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:00pm:
matty wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 12:58pm:
Because he is a good, decent Catholic man.

He is a known lier so much for his catholic upbringing

If you call Abbott a liar, what does that make Gillard?

Gillard told one lie accord to your mob. How many as Abbott told?
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'The worst Labor Government is always better then the best Liberal government for Australians workers'
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #10 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:36pm
John S wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:35pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:14pm:
John S wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:00pm:
matty wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 12:58pm:
Because he is a good, decent Catholic man.

He is a known lier so much for his catholic upbringing

If you call Abbott a liar, what does that make Gillard?

Gillard told one lie accord to your mob. How many as Abbott told?

Really? Only one? Are you sure you don't wanna go back and check that before you get bombarded with a shopping list of her lies and broken promises?
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #11 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:39pm
John S wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:00pm:
matty wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 12:58pm:
Because he is a good, decent Catholic man.

He is a known lier so much for his catholic upbringing

Has he ever told a lie as big as Gillard's?
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #12 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:40pm
Kat wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:30pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:19pm:
Why do people believe Tony Abbott?

Maybe because his lies are reported and repeated  daily month after month in the popular (propoganda) media  as being factual.

Not to mention being constantly parrotted on here and on other forums by extreme right-wing shills.

You know who you are.

As do we....sadly Sad

Unlike (not) neutral centrists like you and smithy, hey Kat?

And what happened to your gender?
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #13 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:41pm
Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack
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Re: Why do people believe Tony Abbott?
Reply #14 - Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:43pm
bobbythefap1 wrote on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 1:41pm:
Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack

My thoughts on Gillard precisely!
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