"Is today's Australian government nothing else but just another American puppet"?.....................................................................
Probably more than that. We are the 51st state of the USA........Austerica. The people were never consulted about this, but I'm sure that the majority would all nod in agreeance and follow their glorious leader like good little mindless sheeples.
We love Austerica and we will soon be having the stars and stripes on our flag. That will be the day that the country of Australia that never grew up comes of age.
The people say it's a good move, America can do so much for us. We have evidence of this, look at all the wonderful invasions they've invited us to join. We could never do that on our own. The people are getting excited because it looks like we might have a few more fun invasions like Syria and Iran and we could re-invade Egypt. Re-invasions are the best, because we get to kill more civilians than the first time.
It's not our fault, the middle east asked for it. Didn't you hear them? Didn't you see what they did to us?
We can't wait for the big invasions like Russia, Pakistan and China, but we must be patient. We have to complete our other missions first, like Iraq and Afghanistan. Don't we? What do you mean, we just walk out because we get our asses kicked?
This is our new flag. Don't you just love it?