Kevin Rudd inherited a highly successful policy from his predecessor. It was known as the "Pacific Solution" and, through the utilisation of offshore processing in Nauru, temporary protection visa's and turning back boats when it was safe to do so, we all saw the number of boats decrease to absolutely zero in the policy's first full year in operation. Not one boat, not one death on the ocean between Indonesia and Australia. The business model for people smugglers was smashed, and they knew it. Everyone from Australia to Indonesia to the Middle East and South-East Asia knew that Australia was not a soft touch and this was an effective deterrent.
But now we have a Labor government headed by Kevin Rudd, who thinks he can keep the boats away, albeit with a more "humanitarian" policy. The events that have followed speak for themselves - more than 300 boats have arrived carrying more than 19,000 illegal immigrants. The deterrent that preciously existed is no more. Tragically, since Kevin Rudd scrapped the Pacific Solution, at least 1,000 people have died. Today, we see another example of Labor's failure on this policy (or lack thereof).
All we have seen from Labor on this issue is one screw up after another. As I said, Rudd scrapped the Pacific Solution and Australia was again flooded with boats. Then Gillard became PM and she's been much worse. Gillard has had every position known on this issue - except a return to the policies of the Pacific Solution. She wanted to send these people to East Timor and announced as much without even informing the East Timorese, who subsequently told her to go fly her kite. Then came the Malaysia debacle, which ended in a massive slapdown by the full bench of the High Court. Gillard is determined to implement her supposed solution to this farce by sending 800 of these illegal immigrants to Malaysia in return for them sending us 4,000. This policy is doomed to fail because (a) in a couple of weeks we'd have reached our quota of 800 and then we'd be right back at square one and (b) the policy has been ruled as illegal by the full bench of the High Court.
No, the problem is most certainly NOT the Coalition. That party has consistently advocated the same policy for more than a decade - a policy that has been tested and found to be extremely effective. Even people smugglers interviewed by TV programs have admitted so. The problem is Labor and the Greens. Labor because they wrecked what was a highly successful policy and the Greens supported them. The Greens because they support only onshore processing, which is a recipie for absolute disaster and would make the 1,000-1,500 arrivals per month seem like a trickle.
If the ALP truly want to fix this mess, they need to either (a) talk to Christine Milne to get the Malaysia deal passed because the Coalition will not support it or (b) sit down with the Coalition to work out a policy that works and does not include sending any people to Malaysia, such as the one Tony Abbott just tried to table in parliament a few hours ago but was blocked by Gillard and Co.