Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28
th, 2012 at 12:54pm:
You think the Malaysia deal will be a deterrent, eh? Okay, lets examine that deal. Each year, in return for Malaysia accepting 800 illegal immigrants from us, we will take from Malaysia 4,000 people.
So, when people smugglers get wind of this deal they will realise that the first 800 people they send a flotilla of boats with people crammed in like sardines. Currently, we get on average around 1,000 people come by boat per month. Under the Malaysia deal, this number is sure to increase - probably double. That would mean we'd reach the 800 quota within weeks.
Then what? After those 800 people have been sent to Malaysia, what then? I guess we'll return to onshore processing of the others who come during the other 11 months of the year.
Malaysia simply won't work and will increase the cost to taxpayers. Currently, the government is spending (wasting) about $1.2bn per year. Wayne Swan has budgeted for a meagre 450 arrivals per month. We see that many people arrive in little more than a week or so.
No, the so-called "Malaysian Solution" is no solution. It is, in fact, an incentive for people smugglers to send more people more quickly on their leaky boats. That Gillard, Swan, Bowen and all the other Leftards in this country cannot comprehend this (yet people smugglers certainly do) just demonstrates how comprehensively brain-dead stupid you lot all are. Unbelievable!
So... 800 people get sent to Malaysia after which they don't know where they will end up. Good chance it won't be Australia because our intake is piss-poor. Great incentive to pay someone to get onto a boat to Australia there? I think not.
Nauru - pretty much
everyone gets sent to Australia as happened before. Great incentive to pay someone to get onto a boat to Australia there? I think so.
Oh.. and for the Malaysia solution after the 800 we presumably go to onshore processing and most go to Australia. So no different to Nauru - as long as you're not one of the unlucky 800.
I think you need to revisit your idea of brain dead because there is a high level of deterrence in the Malaysia solution for a while at least. And virtually none ever in your much-loved Nauru solution.