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Right wing refo rubbish (Read 30528 times)
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #195 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:16pm:
seriously, who do you expect to believe that drivel? so  the day howard brought in his solution he was lucky that suddenly all the refugees dried up the same month? and miraculously the refugees suddenly became a problem again co0incidentally the monthe Rudd stopped it?

yeah, if you believe that then your opinion isnt really very worthwhile. The very fact that you are trying to desperately claim that teh paciific solutino didnt work discredits your entire positiion. NO ONE can argue that it didnt work because it plainly did.

Not at all. There was some initial deterrent effect of the policy. However there were also fewer people escaping as can be seen worldwide where the numbers dropped to a minimum in 2006. This would have reduced the numbers coming to Australia.

It's interesting that 2004-6 saw a small gradual overall increase in numbers in Australia while they were still falling in the rest of the world (are you paying attention lolly!!?). 2005-7 saw ever increasing numbers despite the fact that the Pacific Solution was in full swing. Why? Because the deterrent effect had eroded.

The OECD chart shows this quite clearly but for the doubters it's even more clearly seen in this chart of BOAT arrivals across the Pacific Solution period:

Clearly 2005-2007 saw marked increases in the number of arrivals despite the Pacific Solution. And the OECD chart shows that numbers worldwide were increasing around that time. So with numbers increasing worldwide and a dysfunctional policy in Australia, it's no surprise that numbers were increasing even before Rudd dismantled the policy.

There's little doubt that dismantling the Pacific Solution without other measures in place did nothing to prevent new arrivals, especially in a climate of increased numbers worldwide.

There's also no doubt that a return to the Pacific Solution would do precisely ZERO.

Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #196 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:07pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:31pm:
nairbe wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:29pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:16pm:
Grey wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:39pm:
Nauru didn't work. There were less boats because there were less refugees in that period. And once pressure was on again and everybody who ended up in Nauru ended up in Australia it would've made no difference at all. Swapping 800 queue jumpers for 4,000 genune asylum seekers is a good solution statistically, but people aren't statistics, they're people.

Neither is a good solution and the Greens solution of flying in everybody who wants to come isn't either. A good solution is possible. It requires some creative outside the box thinking.

seriously, who do you expect to believe that drivel? so  the day howard brought in his solution he was lucky that suddenly all the refugees dried up the same month? and miraculously the refugees suddenly became a problem again co0incidentally the monthe Rudd stopped it?

yeah, if you believe that then your opinion isnt really very worthwhile. The very fact that you are trying to desperately claim that teh paciific solutino didnt work discredits your entire positiion. NO ONE can argue that it didnt work because it plainly did.

It did not quite work like that but we have all come to understand that you are not capable of understanding fact and concept only what Abbott tells you.

Whether you like it or not the refugee push factors and outright numbers fell dramatically at that very time that Howard put in his solution, and yes they exploded again at that very time so suck it up.

The problem was that the labor party did not formulate an alternative before they removed the status quo. this left a gap that could not be filled because the Greens have never supported it and Abbott is so power hungry he will sell human suffering to be PM.

Nauru will not work again as the bluff is gone. Over 80% got here anyway and there have been two decisions made by the courts that kill it. The most important part of Nauru was that it removed the asylum seekers access to the Australian Courts, other wise you might as well have them here. This has been removed and they will have access no matter where they are if we are the custodians. Secondly without change to the legislation Nauru is illegal so either Abbott changes the legislation or he is a hypocrite.

OH and don't bother with the UNHCR crap, it never mattered to Abbott and his goons when Nauru was formulated so don't pretent that you give a sh1t now. The Bali signatories will do and get the UNHCR to monitor the process. Hell thats all they do anyway.

you actually believe the highlighted section??? you REALLY believe tat either side of the pacific solution there were huge numbers of boat arrivals that had nothing whatseover to do with howard? it is a LUDICROUS belief to think that it didnt work and anyhow, its easy to prove. implement it again and see what happens. If the boats keep coming you are right. if they stop then... well you will justclaim that suddenly there are no refugees wanting to come here.

OH dear it is a bit like beating one's head into a brick wall. Try doing a little research, there are many good articles about and statistical data. Cant find one of those pretty graphs for you as clearly you don't read or research at all.

Yes what i said is correct. And yes what do you know the Nauru action did stop the small push that was there while they waited to see the result. now if you had read what i said you would probably not have made such odd comments. You are funny.
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #197 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #198 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:18pm
nairbe wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:07pm:
OH dear it is a bit like beating one's head into a brick wall. Try doing a little research, there are many good articles about and statistical data. Cant find one of those pretty graphs for you as clearly you don't read or research at all.

Yes what i said is correct. And yes what do you know the Nauru action did stop the small push that was there while they waited to see the result. now if you had read what i said you would probably not have made such odd comments. You are funny.

Sadly, longidiot believes that waving his arms around and making brazen statements without proof somehow proves that he is correct beyond question.

Which is why longidiot is an idiot.
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"When our military goes to war it should be for purposes and objectives clearly in Australia’s interests, not merely because the Americans want some company" - Malcolm Fraser (2012 Whitlam Oration)
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #199 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.

lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun.
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere.
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #200 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:26pm
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.

lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun.
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere.

Poor regressive, the web link for the info would require you to look at reports over many years and compile the data. Sorry if that is hard, after all i would not do it for you so you should be grateful someone has.
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"Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage."
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #201 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:31pm
nairbe wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:26pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.

lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun.
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere.

Poor regressive, the web link for the info would require you to look at reports over many years and compile the data. Sorry if that is hard, after all i would not do it for you so you should be grateful someone has.

I tried but it was futile. Reading the numbers 404 over and over did not seem to yield anything further than 404.

Maybe you can spin your magic and help a fellow poor reader out.

Ill even provide the link in an easy format for you

Oh I get it now. The 404 is code for put 4 on the graph, next year put 0, next year put 4. Still a bit confused on what the graph represents compared to the fake one that was put up though.
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I am not a sock, I am
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #202 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:32pm
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.

lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun.
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere.

Poor sad lolly...  Roll Eyes

You can't put an active link in an image. The image is an image - your web browser doesn't recognise the text as text, it treats it as just a picture.

Try typing that long string into the URL bar on your browser and see where it takes you. Read that report. Then try firing up MS Excel, key in the numbers and get Excel to draw a chart for you. Piece of cake. There's no hope for longstupid but you should be able to manage it, really.
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"When our military goes to war it should be for purposes and objectives clearly in Australia’s interests, not merely because the Americans want some company" - Malcolm Fraser (2012 Whitlam Oration)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #203 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:35pm
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:32pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.

lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun.
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere.

Poor sad lolly...  Roll Eyes

You can't put an active link in an image. The image is an image - your web browser doesn't recognise the text as text, it treats it as just a picture.

Try typing that long string into the URL bar on your browser and see where it takes you. Read that report. Then try firing up MS Excel, key in the numbers and get Excel to draw a chart for you. Piece of cake. There's no hope for longstupid but you should be able to manage it, really.


Where does that go to and how do I extract your graph from the number 404
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Avram Horowitz
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #204 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:40pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:26pm:
you can aleays tell when you lose an argument - you move the topic to something else. you deflect. this is about BOATS. try and stay on topic or admict that the labor party's policeis are a failure, the greens are simply surrender and the lbs actually had a policy that worked. AND they support increased refugee numbers, only that they come thru OFFICIALLY, not by boatas.

I know it is hard for you to stay with the topic zine your side of politics is responsible for the deaths of 1000s simply thru arrogance, ignorance and blatant political grand-standing.

This is very well written comment.

It is very sad that people are dying in the boats and drowning because Australia has a policy which allows them to still be process and therefore to take this dangerous journey.

I find it very sad and inhuman to allow this to continue.

You must put down your marker and stop them.
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I am not a sock, I am
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #205 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:44pm
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:35pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:32pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.

lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun.
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere.

Poor sad lolly...  Roll Eyes

You can't put an active link in an image. The image is an image - your web browser doesn't recognise the text as text, it treats it as just a picture.

Try typing that long string into the URL bar on your browser and see where it takes you. Read that report. Then try firing up MS Excel, key in the numbers and get Excel to draw a chart for you. Piece of cake. There's no hope for longstupid but you should be able to manage it, really.


Where does that go to and how do I extract your graph from the number 404

Alright.. settle down. Not my fault either - it seems the document has been updated and revised since I put that graph together so that link no longer works. The latest version seems to be here:

You'll find the raw numbers towards the end.
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"When our military goes to war it should be for purposes and objectives clearly in Australia’s interests, not merely because the Americans want some company" - Malcolm Fraser (2012 Whitlam Oration)
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Australian Politics

Posts: 17029
Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #206 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:49pm
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:44pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:35pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:32pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it.

Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate.

lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun.
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere.

Poor sad lolly...  Roll Eyes

You can't put an active link in an image. The image is an image - your web browser doesn't recognise the text as text, it treats it as just a picture.

Try typing that long string into the URL bar on your browser and see where it takes you. Read that report. Then try firing up MS Excel, key in the numbers and get Excel to draw a chart for you. Piece of cake. There's no hope for longstupid but you should be able to manage it, really.


Where does that go to and how do I extract your graph from the number 404

Alright.. settle down. Not my fault either - it seems the document has been updated and revised since I put that graph together so that link no longer works. The latest version seems to be here:

You'll find the raw numbers towards the end.

Thank you good sir. Shi. happens.
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Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #207 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 9:11pm
Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:16pm:
seriously, who do you expect to believe that drivel? so  the day howard brought in his solution he was lucky that suddenly all the refugees dried up the same month? and miraculously the refugees suddenly became a problem again co0incidentally the monthe Rudd stopped it?

yeah, if you believe that then your opinion isnt really very worthwhile. The very fact that you are trying to desperately claim that teh paciific solutino didnt work discredits your entire positiion. NO ONE can argue that it didnt work because it plainly did.

Not at all. There was some initial deterrent effect of the policy. However there were also fewer people escaping as can be seen worldwide where the numbers dropped to a minimum in 2006. This would have reduced the numbers coming to Australia.

It's interesting that 2004-6 saw a small gradual overall increase in numbers in Australia while they were still falling in the rest of the world (are you paying attention lolly!!?). 2005-7 saw ever increasing numbers despite the fact that the Pacific Solution was in full swing. Why? Because the deterrent effect had eroded.

The OECD chart shows this quite clearly but for the doubters it's even more clearly seen in this chart of BOAT arrivals across the Pacific Solution period:

Clearly 2005-2007 saw marked increases in the number of arrivals despite the Pacific Solution. And the OECD chart shows that numbers worldwide were increasing around that time. So with numbers increasing worldwide and a dysfunctional policy in Australia, it's no surprise that numbers were increasing even before Rudd dismantled the policy.

There's little doubt that dismantling the Pacific Solution without other measures in place did nothing to prevent new arrivals, especially in a climate of increased numbers worldwide.

There's also no doubt that a return to the Pacific Solution would do precisely ZERO.

I can see why you made your own. Let me help you with your excel as you purposely suck at it.

BTW, it was already done for you on the page you provided.


Oh labor, I cry for you as everything for you looks like bad luck, coincidental bad news. Oh labor you poor poor thing.

Even the raw numbers are easy to see what is going on


Column 2 is boat numbers. Boat arrivals. Read it an weap.

You tried to represent people numbers as boat arrivals. Sad.
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« Last Edit: Jun 28th, 2012 at 9:28pm by progressiveslol »  
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Avram Horowitz
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Re: Right wing refo rubbish
Reply #208 - Jun 28th, 2012 at 9:15pm
You have had bad bad numbers since 2008??
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Gold Member

I am not a sock, I am
a human being!

Posts: 5476
Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work
Reply #209 - Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:01am
progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 9:11pm:
Column 2 is boat numbers. Boat arrivals. Read it an weap.

Weap? What is that supposed to mean?

And was the Pacific Solution in force in 2011? I don't think so! If you're going to talk about the Pacific Solution then by all means talk about it but don't include periods when it wasn't around and pretend that it was.

Oh, and my chart was made simple so simple people could read it...  Grin

EDIT: Almost forgot... I misrepresented nothing. You need your extra powerful glasses. Here, let me zoom in on what I said for you:

Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
The OECD chart shows this quite clearly but for the doubters it's even more clearly seen in this chart of
arrivals across the Pacific Solution period:

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"When our military goes to war it should be for purposes and objectives clearly in Australia’s interests, not merely because the Americans want some company" - Malcolm Fraser (2012 Whitlam Oration)
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