TheGreenLight wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 7:14pm: progressiveslol wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 5:41pm: TheGreenLight wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 5:38pm: Doctor Jolly wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 4:12pm: john_g wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 3:40pm: Doctor Jolly wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 2:50pm: progressiveslol wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 2:46pm: Doctor Jolly wrote on Jul 2 nd, 2012 at 2:37pm: For me, labor surviving federally has becomes less of an issue.
We have finally got a carbon price, which cant be undone, and the liberals have said they will now back the NBN.
NBN and carbon price is locked in no matter which party governs. Australia is at peace.
Good. So then you wont mind if we get rid of the carbon tax. Atleast you were happy at one time or another. Anyone who thinks Abbott will get rid of the carbon tax is a muppet. He cant anyway. What the Parliament can do, the Parliament can undo. Abbott will repeal it. His political life depends on it. if he's PM, his political life is at its zenith, and he doesnt have to do anything. Denying climate change is just a vehicle for him, not a fundamental view. I'm sorry to say I disagree with you. Abbott has the potential to be PM for many years if he repeals the carbon tax at this point, because the electorate is too stupid and ignorant to understand how important it is for our future. He probably will repeal it, as sad as that may be. I had hope that the electorate would wake up to the Coalition, but it just isn't going to happen. The election is approaching nearer and nearer, and Labor just isn't making any ground. hehe not surprised by the "stupid electorate" statement. It is only a matter of time before we hear that from the leaders in greens and labor. Denial and disrespect. We get the disrespect part "the carbon tax and I dont give a shi.. what you say", but the denial is a little hard to watch. It's true. Labor and the Greens are standing up to climate change. The Liberals and Nationals are running away from it, and ignoring it. Just plain stupid. I know many people like this, including my own ex-wife. They call me stupid for supporting the Greens and Labor, but trust me, they (including you) are the stupid ones.  That is so funny. The its not me, its everyone else defence. Maybe one day you will wake up and say "I now know what delusional means" Its everyone else, its not me. So so funny, thanks