Doctor Jolly wrote on Jul 2
nd, 2012 at 4:37pm:
I'm sure we've all heard that whenever any renewable energy scheme is floated or introduced, the deniers scream "wealth redistribution".
But who is it being distributed to or from ?
Some say the Solar FIT was wealth redistribution from poor (or too stupid to get on it) to middle class (or those with half a brain, as I like to call them).
Some say that no FIT as NSW now has is wealth redistribution from middle class (solar owners) to big business (energy companies) who can now tap cheap sources of power to resell at a higher price.
Some say the carbon tax is a wealth redistribution because poor people get to pocket about $1 a week after cost rises vs compo is calculated.
So who is actually giving, and who is getting (poor, middle class, big business ) ?
Or does it not really matter when youve got a catchy slogan.?
All taxation is a distribution of wealth and the unmandated carbon tax is no different.
Another word for wealth redistribution is
State sanctioned thievery. The majority that pay the minority of tax, steal cash from the minority that pay the majority of tax.
Taxation is just state sanctioned
thievery like abortion is state sanctioned
The carbon tax being a great big lie and imposed without a mandate it is therefore unsanctioned Government theft which is even worse.