I see ppl railing against "PC" all the time. Seems to me that the ppl that are so against it are rude buggers. They use being "anti-PC" as an excuse to call ppl nvggers and fatties and dole bludgers. To be judgemental bigots basically and to get away with being socially unacceptable. This leads me to think that all "PC" means is manners.
Any bugger that claims to be "against PC" and calls my sisters asylum seeker boyfriend an "illegal immigrant" or my poor dumb uncle that works for the council a "stupid retard" is prolly going to get bashed or ignored or reported depending on the circumstances. Sure its not PC to call a person who is obese "fatty" but should you do it? You dont know if they are that way because of a glandular thing. Its none of your business anyway.
A bit of history of political correctness Quote:n the late ’70s, “politically correct,” “PC” for short, entered the public lexicon. Folks on the left used the term to dismiss views that were seen as too rigid and, also, to poke fun at themselves for the immense care they took to neither say nor do anything that might offend the political sensibilities of others. “You are so PC,” one would say with a smile. In the ’80s, the right, taking the words at face value, latched on to the term and used it to deride leftish voices. Beleaguered progressives, ever earnest, then defended political correctness as a worthy concept, thus validating conservatives’ derision. Today, on both the left and the right, being PC is no laughing matter; three decades of culture wars have generated a bewildering thicket of terminology.
To help me parse what’s PC and what’s not, I had help from people attuned to the nuances of words, particularly those that describe race, ethnicity and sexual identity. Rinku Sen is a 40-year-old South Asian woman. She is the publisher of Colorlines, a national magazine of race and politics, for which she has developed a PC style manual. Tracy Baim is a 44-year-old white lesbian. She grapples with the ever-evolving nomenclature of sexual identity and politics as the executive editor of Windy City Times, a Chicago-based gay weekly. Lott Hill is a 36-year-old white gay male who works at Center for Teaching Excellence at Columbia College in Chicago. He interacts with lots of young people–the font from which much new language usage flows.
The rest of the link is some american PC terms but you get what im talking about.