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Freemasonry on Trial (Read 424170 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1200 - Jun 15th, 2013 at 1:01pm

Pentagon Insider Writes Novel About Bohemian Grove and Globalist Plot
June 14, 2013
When Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer published his memoirs in “Operation Dark Heart” in 2010, the Defense Department found the book so interesting they immediately snapped up the initial run of 10,000 copies to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands and future copies were heavily censored.

Colonel Schaffer On The Bohemian Grove.

This week, Shaffer and co-author William H. Keith are releasing a novel, “The Last Line,” an action-packed thriller that focuses on the dark and twisted cabal known as Bohemian Grove.
The Bohemian Grove is a 2,700 acre campground amid an ancient Redwood forest. outfitted for the rich and famous, it exists not between the pages of a work of fiction but at 20601 Bohemian Avenue in Monte Rio in northern California. Owned by the Bohemian Club, a private San Francisco-based men’s art club, the Bohemian Grove hosts an annual two-week, three-weekend camping event in July for some of the most powerful and influential men in the world.


The Bohemian Club’s membership is all male and includes artists, musicians, prominent business leaders and government officials. The membership list has included every Republican and some Democratic U.S. presidents since 1923. Guests are welcome but must first pass a rigorous screening process before they’re allowed to enter the secretive society.
The annual campfest is generally assumed to be just an opportunity for relaxation and merriment, with members behaving like, well, bohemians, drinking and carousing and peeing on trees. In reality, the goings-on at Bohemian Grove are much more sinister.
A 2011 article by Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson included excerpts from an interview with Sonoma State sociology Professor Peter Phillips, who attended the Grove in 1994. Phillips said the “elitist encampment was a forum for ‘very important people’ to discuss ‘intimate issues.’”
“They’re very clearly talking politics and business constantly,” Phillips said, completely contradicting the Bohemian Club’s claim that ‘weaving spiders come not here,’ a reference to the notion that members talking shop is severely frowned upon.
“I proved the opposite, quite clearly,” said Philips. “I heard conversations about business. ‘If GE comes in on the deal, we can get the Japanese to join’ – three men walking down a trail together.”
The Manhattan Project was born at Bohemian Grove in 1942, which led to the creation of the atomic bomb, a fact members still brag about today. And the Strategic Defense Initiative, Star Wars, was introduced during a lakeside talk in the early 80′s, before Ronald Reagan publicly proposed the program in March 1983.
In 2000, Alex Jones became the first journalist to capture on film the ritualistic “Cremation of Care” ceremony held at the Grove. “This is like something out of a Hollywood movie, where teenagers are out camping in the wilderness and come over a hill and witness some devil cult in black and red garb sacrificing some poor soul on a bloody altar.”
In his article, Watson said, “The fact that Bohemian Grove is perhaps the ultimate ‘secret room’, in which world and domestic policy is agreed upon in amidst bizarre environment of drunken frivolity, alleged homosexual prostitution, and occult pagan ceremonies should be of utmost concern to any thinking person.
Given that Shaffer’s “Operation Dark Heart” was so heavily censored by the DoD, it’s a safe bet “The Last Line” will be a real page-turner. Shaffer didn’t want to say much for fear of spoiling the plot, but he did tell Alex:
“I’ve seen you when you did the show on Bohemian Grove and I don’t want to say it didn’t influence our thinking because it did. … There’s certain elements of the government who may work against our own people’s interests, and it’s tied to Bohemian Grove.”
Check out Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove below to see Alex Jones’ historic infiltration of the occult playground of the global elite, or pick it up from the Infowars Shop and help support our growing media operation.


Back in 2011, Alex interviewed novelist, non-fiction writer, and TV show creator Brad Meltzer, host of the History Channel series Brad Meltzer’s Decoded, an American mystery and conspiracy theory investigation series that produced an episode delving into the bizarre rituals and mock sacrifices performed at Bohemian Grove.
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Christ Light

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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1201 - Jun 15th, 2013 at 1:23pm

Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice in Denver Colorado!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:18



Stew Webb

Warning kidnapping of new born infant between June 17-20 2013, check all aircraft for any infants ask for birth certificates from parents.

Denver Colorado on June 21 and December 22 each year at 12:00am-3:00am mountain time known as the “Summer and Winter Solstice” the Illuminati Council of 13 Bankers hold their “Tiffany Lamp meetings”. These known Satanists perform Human Sacrifices as part of their satanic rituals at the Old Navarre a former Whore House and Casino located at 1725-1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado, across from the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado.

They enter the Old Navarre through the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel down a ramp between the Restrooms is a door that is unlocked that enters a tunnel that goes across the street to The Navarre.

During these rituals a Human Infant is killed and sacrificed to Satan, the Satanist drink the blood of the Infant Human they sacrifice, and appears before them and goes out to kill the enemies of those Satanist who perform this Human Sacrifice.

This group is known as the Illuminati Bankers the U.S. “Shadow Government”  leaders who dictate U.S. World Policy, that are known as Satanists, George HW Bush, Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel, Henry Kissinger, Meyer Rothchild, David Rockefeller, Grace of Grace and Company, Answer Bin Shari the head Rabbi of Israel and others unnamed.

They hold a Pre Ritual parties were they have sex with children many of these pre ritual parties were held at Leonard & Elaine Millman’s house.

Anthony Lavey son of Anton Levey Founder Church of Satan in America was castrated by George H. W. Bush and Leonard Millman among others at age 13 at the Ritual Party.  Listen to full one hour interview below.

MDC Holdings (MDC-NYSE) CEO Larry Mizel the Bank Bail Out Scamster Satanist Illuminati Banker now Hosts the Pre-ritual child pedophilia party. MDC was the parent company of defunct Silverado Savings and Loan were Neil Bush was a Director, Neil the son of George HW Bush.

Further after these Satanists do their murder of the kidnapped Human Infant at 12:00am-3:00am during the witching hour on June 21 and December 22 each year you will normally find them the next day at  “Cherry Creek Country Club ” playing Golf sometimes for a Children’s Charity Golf Tournament. It is their cover story to be there in Colorado.

They further are known to stay at the Brown Palace Hotel Downtown Denver.

They have been seen at the Freemasons Temple across from the Colorado State Capitol, directly east of the Governor’s Mansion.

A report of these events was given to the Agent Mark Hostlaw of the FBI-Denver Field Office on November 20th, 2001, under 18 USC 4 Federal Reporting Crimes Act by Stewart Webb Federal Whistleblower, stating the above and that a murder of a child (infant) would take place, and that this Satanic murder would involve the above named persons which the FBI did nothing to stop the murder and this reporter-Whistleblower has come to know that Mark Hostlaw was in charge of a special FBI Division #5 team that has targeted this Whistleblower for over 15 years.

History: In Rome, over 300 years AFTER the resurrection of our Lord, there was a yearly feast celebrated by the Romans who worshipped the god Saturn. This was
a carry over from Babylon. This time of celebration was always situated around the December 17-24 time frame, coinciding with the winter solstice and the time when Saturn was close to earth. The Pagan Romans called this celebration “The Feast of Saturnalia.” It was always celebrated with gifts on the last two days, then on the 25th of December they began the new celebration of “The Birth of the Unconquerable Sun,” as the days of light would begin to lengthen and the sun would begin to regain its dominance. They believed the sun would die during the winter solstice then arise again from death as the solstice ended by the revolving of the earth in nature. This
festival was one of drunkenness, revelry and debauchery. When the Roman Catholic Church had been born in Rome they incorporated this day of celebration so these Pagans would become a part of this Catholic (means universal or one world) church. The Catholic priests told the Christians that God had reveled to them that Dec. 25 was really Christ’s birthday and that is how this fable started. I will enjoy seeing the wonders that God has created in this planet Saturn, but not fall for this Pagan celebration that goes with it.

Full Story:
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« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2013 at 1:31pm by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1202 - Jun 16th, 2013 at 8:58am

Tony Abbott: the Jesuit Guided Missile Aimed at OZ
Jun 3 2012 | Charlie Adams |


The next Australian Prime Minister could well be Tony Abbott whom is frequently reviled for his Catholic faith with such derogatory names as the "mad monk", and has often been criticised for bringing his religious convictions into the world of politics. He is a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford university, journalist, author, political advisor, business manager, executive director and ultra-marathon runner, and has a well rounded history of experience, and the stamina to be Australia's next Prime Minister.

Mr Abbott's education began at the Jesuits' St Aloysius, followed by St Ignatius Riverview which was also a Jesuit college. He was equally fond of Jesuit maxims as he was intellectualism. Father Emmet Costello of Riverview College was a mentor to Tony Abbott who shared the same interest in politics, who influenced and aided Tony Abbott in attaining a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University. While at Oxford University he acquainted himself with politics, philosophy and was fixated on the works of Jesuit educated eighteenth-century conservative philosopher Edmund Burke. He subsequently met there Paul Mankowski another Jesuit Priest whom Tony Abbott described as "the finest man I have ever met", who was his mentor and persuaded Abbott to become a priest. In 1984, aged 26, Abbott entered St Patrick's Seminary, Manly, and begun his training as a priest but left the all male fraternity due to its culture of rampant homosexuality.

However the many hypocrisies of the Roman Catholic Church has not swayed Tony Abbott's loyalty even though the Church is consistent in publicly condemning the abominations it practices behind closed doors. Archbishop George Pell who was at the centre of scandal: concealment of sexual abuse victims by priests, is Abbott's personal confessor and one of his advisors. So what does this mean for Australia if Tony Abbott becomes the next Prime Minister of Australia? Well an apple never falls far from the tree. Only recently Tony Abbott stated: "The Jesuit ideal of trying to be a man for others is something which has always been important to me." With the Jesuit Order flowing through Abbott's veins like a torrent from years of influence, we must now look at Jesuit Maxims. But before we do this we must understand the function and role of this military arm of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Jesuit organization was approved in 1540 by Pope Paul III to counteract the reformation as well to bring the world under the dominion of the Vatican and that all countries be subordinate to the Roman Catholic Church. One of the goals of the Jesuits was to establish educational facilities all over the world, so that the future leaders would be indoctrinated with Jesuit idealogy and in due course be under Papal control.

Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuits whom had a criminal record and was described by local Spanish authorities as viciously brutal and dangerous. With Loyola's military background he developed what is now today colloquialy called "God's marines" who believe that the end justifies the means. The Jesuits are responsible for tens of millions of deaths, maybe hundreds of millions. It's hard to be exact because the Papacy has burnt all the evidence. The culture can be best described in the Jesuit oath. Here are some excepts:

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

To be frank, the Jesuits would be better named the society of Judas. Any Catholic holding office owes allegiance and obedience to the Pope before king and country. A vote for Tony Abbott means a vote for temporal rule of the Vatican as Australia's interests conflict with those of the papacy. Here are their goals:

1. The end sovereignty of nations.

2. The end of unreserved property rights.

3. The end gun rights for citizens.

4. New International Economic Order (one world government).

5. The redistribution of wealth and jobs. (Send Aussie jobs and wealth offshore).

6. The United Nations to play more of a role in governing nations.

7. The Sunday Law (which honours the Vatican and tramples of liberty of conscience).
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Christ Light

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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1203 - Jun 16th, 2013 at 9:00am
In a nutshell the Jesuits main aim is to weaken the nations and elevate the Vatican as supreme authority. There are many test cases about what happens to nations when Jesuit trained people fill government positions. The incompetent (some say planned) intelligence black out when 9/11 occurred was held by CIA's George Tenet (Jesuit Georgetown University), National Security Agencies Michael Hayden (Jesuit Duquesne University) and Pentagon Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld (Jesuit Georgetown University).

The flow-on affect of this total intelligence blackout was the invasion of sovereign nations in the middle east, the loss of liberties for Americans and the trampling on the United States constitution. Professor Viet Dihn (Jesuit Georgetown University) crafted the most insidious form of legislation that strips liberties off citizens which is deceptively named the Patriot Act. The National Security Agencies Michael Hayden (Jesuit trained Duquesne University) tried his best to dismantle the 4th amendment (Protection of unreasonable search and seizure) by spying on U.S. citizens without legal consent. Michael Quigley (Jesuit trained Loyola University) in May 2011 sponsored an amendment to the Patriot Act prohibiting those on the FBI's terrorist watch-list (including those who believe 9/11 was an inside job) from the right to bear and purchase arms which was subsequently overturned.

Catholic campaign for America is wants to establish a Sunday Law which strikes at the very heart of the 1st amendment; Congress shall make no law in respecting establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. People may ask "what is wrong with a Sunday law in a Christian country?" Well, the Bible's 4th commandment is to keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy, not sun worship day (Sunday). Christians kept the true Sabbath up until 321 A.D until the Roman Emperor Constantine in a political move amalgamated the pagan day with Christianity. There are many Christians today who still keep the true Sabbath that a Sunday law detrimental to their very existence. Sunday is an illegitimate child of the Papacy and has nothing to do with Christianity. Research it, I sure you will be surprised to learn the truth. So by honouring Sunday, you are bowing down to the Vatican by proxy.

These examples are just a drop in the ocean of the Jesuit authoritarianism that could intrude on a reasonably sheltered (so far) Australia. But make no mistake. The independent spirit, freedoms and insulated economy of Australia is on the Jesuit hit list.


The Jesuit-educated alumni MPs across Australia in on the increase with:

(a)  Joe Hockey -Treasury spokesman

(b)  Christopher Pyne - Education spokesman

(c)  Barnaby Joyce - Rural spokesman

(d) Bill Shorten- Chamber, parliamentary secretary for disabilities

"During the three-way Liberal leadership contest between Malcolm Turnbull, Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott, all three men consulted with Jesuit priests." James Massola- The Australian

Malcolm Turnbull turned to Jesuit Priest Richard Leonard SJ. Joe Hockey confided with Jesuit priest Michael Ryan SJ. Tony Abbott turned to his mentor Emmet Costello St Ignatius Riverview (the same man who advised him to enter the priesthood all those years ago). The diverse nation of Australia does not need any Roman Catholic involvement, historically the Roman Catholic Countries have been the poorer of the Christian nations. With the Protestant countries being the richest. Catholic countries have long been plagued by dictators that were propped up by the Vatican. The Vatican has more in common with totalitarianism than democracy because of its own political nature and structure, since the Pope is regarded as being infallible like a supreme dictator.

Before any citizen of Australia should cast a vote for Tony Abbott, a thorough research of the Jesuit order should be conducted.
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Christ Light

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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1204 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 9:22pm

China asks U.S. to explain Internet surveillance


BEIJING | Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:15am EDT
(Reuters) - China made its first substantive comments on Monday to reports of U.S. surveillance of the Internet, demanding that Washington explain its monitoring programs to the international community.

Several nations, including U.S. allies, have reacted angrily to revelations by an ex-CIA employee over a week ago that U.S. authorities had tapped the servers of internet companies for personal data.

"We believe the United States should pay attention to the international community's concerns and demands and give the international community the necessary explanation," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily briefing.

The Chinese government has previously not commented directly on the case, simply repeating the government's standard line that China is one of the world's biggest victims of hacking attacks.

A senior source with ties to the Communist Party leadership said Beijing was reluctant to jeopardize recently improved ties with Washington.

The explosive revelations of the U.S. National Security Agency's (NSA) spying programs were provided by Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and NSA contractor currently holed up in Hong Kong, a China-controlled city.

Snowden told the South China Morning Post, Hong Kong's main English language newspaper, last week that Americans had spied extensively on targets in China and Hong Kong.

He said these included the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the site of an exchange which handles nearly all the city's domestic web traffic. Other alleged targets included government officials, businesses and students.

At the briefing, Hua rejected a suggestion that Snowden was a spy for China.

"This is sheer nonsense," she said, without elaborating.

It will likely be up to the central government to decide what happens if Washington requests Snowden's extradition, as Beijing controls Hong Kong's diplomatic affairs. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the case but Snowden has not been charged with any crime.

In a poll on the website of the Global Times, a popular tabloid published by the Communist Party's official People's Daily, 98 percent of respondents said China should refuse to send him back to the United States.

"Unlike a common criminal, Snowden did not hurt anybody. His 'crime' is that he blew the whistle on the U.S. government's violation of civil rights," the newspaper said in an editorial.

"His whistle-blowing is in the global public interest. Therefore, extraditing Snowden back to the U.S. would not only be a betrayal of Snowden's trust, but a disappointment for expectations around the world. The image of Hong Kong would be forever tarnished."

The former British colony of Hong Kong is supposed to enjoy wide-ranging autonomy and broad freedoms denied to people in mainland China, including an independent judiciary and free press.

Since its return to Chinese rule in 1997, however, the city's pro-democracy politicians and activists have complained that Beijing has been steadily eroding Hong Kong's freedoms despite constitutional safeguards granting a high degree of autonomy.

(Reporting by Michael Martina; Writing by Terril Yue Jones; Editing by Ben Blanchard and Raju Gopalakrishnan)
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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1205 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 9:27pm
Another good post Light,

the USA has been caught in a girls school with their pants down.

How will they ever live this down?
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Christ Light

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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1206 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 6:33am

Authorities took 'no action' against abuse of 'vulnerable young girls' - judge
by: By Candace Sutton
June 22, 2013 1:39PM

Teacher Michael Drew, now 57, was sacked from St Agnes' Catholic Primary School in Matraville in 1982, but his crimes against girls dated back to as early as 1979.

THE victims of a serial child molester, a Catholic school teacher, say the church and school authorities knew of the abuse - and did nothing to stop it.
A Sydney lawyer has called for charges to be laid against the Catholic Church and some of the former principals of a Catholic primary school after one of its teachers was this week sentenced for molesting girls as young as eight.
Documents obtained by show the school's principal at the time of the offences knew the details of the sexual assaults and actively decided to cover them up rather than go to police.
Jason Parkinson, the solicitor representing the victims, says charges of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice may be able to be laid against school authorities at the time of the offences and against church officials who knew of the cases.
Mr Parkinson's call comes after the sentencing judge criticised the school and church authorities for allowing girls at the school to be sexually assaulted by the teacher who "took away their lives".
"He took away their innocence and trust. He took away the lives they had, and the lives they could have had," Judge Donna Woodburne said in sentencing Michael Drew to 13 years prison.
Drew, now 57, was sacked from St Agnes' Catholic Primary School in Matraville in 1982, but his crimes against girls dated back to as early as 1979.
His dismissal papers stated: "It has been confirmed that you have been touching private parts of the body of girls at school. Because of the seriousness of these acts, after consultation with the Director of Education Brother (WXS), I have no other alternative as your employer but to summarily dismiss you for misconduct.
"While at this point of time we don't intend pressing charges against you we must warn you that we have witnesses that include the children involved and their parents."
Mr Parkinson told there was a "real case" for others to be charged.
"If the children of today and tomorrow are to be protected, then (everyone) who covered up the child abuse must be brought before a court."
On Friday, Drew was sentenced in Sydney's Downing Centre to a minimum of six years and six months for one count of committing an act of indecency on a girl aged under 16, six counts of sexual intercourse with a person under 16 and 12 counts of assault and commit an act of indecency on a female aged under 16.
Outside the court, the victims of the former teacher and netball coach wept and demanded action from the church and Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
In an exclusive interview, they told how the teacher's "rampage" of blatant sexual abuse had ruined their lives and said they were outraged the Church had decided to cover it up.
"We are calling on Julia Gillard and the Catholic Church to do something about the people who did nothing to stop this abuse," said one victim, referred to as JW to protect her identity.
She attempted suicide at St Agnes because of Drew's sexual assaults on her and when this was reported to the school's principal, the head nun told her it was "a sin" to take one's own life.
"We call on the Catholic Church to stop excusing itself and do something real to make this change," she said.
"It's all very well for Cardinal (George) Pell to get up and say they didn't know about it.
"In our case the school knew, the Catholic Education office knew and they decided not to go to police."
In court, Judge Woodburne said Drew had embarked on a "systematic course of abuse on vulnerable young girls" over four years.
She said the offences had been "brought to the attention of authorities who took no action at all", and that an earlier court hearing of Drew's abuse of one of the girls noted the "inaction of the school which can only serve to increase the suffering of the victims".
Judge Woodburne related the stories of six of Drew's victims when he began a "sustained course of criminality" against students at St Agnes.
She outlined the details of the 19 instances of sexual assault and intercourse with his students.
Drew customarily called one of the girls to the front of the class and ordered them to stand next to him while he put his hand inside their uniform and sexually assaulted them.
When a girl refused to come to the front of the class, he punished her by making her stay back during the lunch hour alone with him while he assaulted her.
He also took children to his home, a Catholic Church property near the school, and assaulted them there and showed them pornography, or took them to the sports shed to assault them.
The judge said Drew was using fellow students to take notes to other teachers to excuse the girls from class so he could molest them.
"By then he was at the height of his powers," JW said "He was on a rampage, sexually assaulting us in front of the class, pulling kids out of other classes.
"No one stopped them."

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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1207 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 9:06am
Senior NSW police officer shredded documents from meetings with Catholic Church officials

New South Wales Police has admitted all records of a senior officer's involvement with a key Catholic Church body set up to deal with sexual abuse cases have been shredded.

This includes briefing papers and all documentation over a five-year period from 1998 to 2003.

The revelations come from Freedom of Information (FOI) documents obtained by the ABC's Lateline program.

The top level group established by the Catholic Church's bishops is known as the Professional Standards Resource Group (PSRG).

It was created in 1997 in response to the Wood Royal Commission into the police and paedophilia, and its key function was to advise the church on specific cases involving clergy and others.

Earlier this year, a NSW Police spokesman told Lateline all the information provided by the church to the serving officer was anonymous.

The names of the victims and the priests had been removed, allegedly at the request of victims who the church said did not want police involvement.

The documents revealed on Lateline were lodged by NSW Greens MLC, David Shoebridge.

They reveal that Inspector Beth Cullen, who was then a senior sergeant with the Sex Crimes Unit, shredded all documents pertaining to her role with the PSRG from 1998 to 2003.

The letter from the NSW Police that accompanied the FOI documents reads:

    "Det Acting Superintendent Linda Howlett of the Sex Crimes Squad had advised the documents concerning the PSRG meetings were confidential and maintained by the Professional Standards Office of the Catholic Church.

    "Inspector Beth Cullen, the NSW Police representative on the PSRG, shredded hard copies of meeting material after each meeting.

    "Furthermore Inspector Cullen did not keep any documentation in relation to her work on the PSRG."
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Christ Light

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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1208 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 1:00pm
all criminal police will be summonsed to appear

this is fact in which is a truth.

fear not

all are one


- : )
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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1209 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 3:44pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 23rd, 2013 at 1:00pm:
all criminal police will be summonsed to appear

this is fact in which is a truth.

fear not

all are one


- : )

No they won't - the police will get away with destroying evidence.
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1210 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 6:11pm
Bobby. wrote on Jun 23rd, 2013 at 3:44pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 23rd, 2013 at 1:00pm:
all criminal police will be summonsed to appear

this is fact in which is a truth.

fear not

all are one


- : )

No they won't - the police will get away with destroying evidence.

Read what the Rabbi said bobby. They're all linkedin.....what chance has a kid got?

Victims may have consented: Rabbi

A senior Australian rabbi who failed to stop an alleged paedophile from sexually abusing boys at a Sydney Jewish school said some of the victims may have consented to sexual relations and has warned that involving police now would ''open a can of worms''.

In the conversation, Rabbi Lesches suggested one of the man's victims, who was aged about 11 at the time of the abuse, may have been a consensual partner. ''Everyone was telling different stories and trying to put the blame on someone else,'' he said.

''We are speaking about very young boys … everybody says about the other one that 'he agreed to this'.''

When challenged on his position that young boys could give consent, Rabbi Lesches replied ''you would be surprised'' and added that some non-Jewish boys, who he termed ''goyims'', began acting or thinking sexually ''from the age of five''.

He said teenagers from poor backgrounds had ''nothing else to do in life, only thinking 24 hours about sex'' with each other, members of their own families and even ''dogs''.

Rabbi Lesches also said reporting the alleged abusers to police so many years after incidents occurred would ''destroy them and their children'' and cause pain for victims.

''Do not talk this way … when it is such a long time ago, everybody suffers,'' he said. ''If you start to do something about it will not be productive and not be good for nobody.''

A traditional rule, mesirah, prohibits a Jew from reporting another's wrong-doing to non-Jewish authorities; it remains a powerful influence in some ultra-orthodox communities.

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1211 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 3:35pm
The Truthseeker Obama's arrest, Bush's trial E18)

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Ex Dame Pansi
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Australian Politics

Posts: 24168
Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1212 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:22pm
The world is at last opening its eyes to who the real criminals are.

I'd love to see justice for all those guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Obama is very scared at the moment, there is just far too much inside information getting out. Their time is running out and they know it.

Barry reads Twitter and he knows that anti American sentiment is running high......within America.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1213 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:44pm
yes too true lighted one

also there are further evidences brought forth on

and for the public record,

Fabian Society and the ALP
by Kevin Hicks on Jan.08, 2011, under Uncategorized

The Australian Fabians as taken from their website
Famous Australian Fabians include labor Prime Ministers and Political leaders of our country. Some contemporary Australian Fabians: Gough Whitlam – Patron of the Australian Fabian Society, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan, John Cain, Jim Cairns, Don Dunstan, Neville Wran, Frank Crean, Simon Crean.
The Australian Fabians have four general aims:
1. To contribute to a renaissance of left of centre and progressive thought, by generating and disseminating ideas that are original, meet the challenge of the times, and are of high intellectual quality.
2. To contribute, by getting these ideas into the public domain, to the creation of a left of centre political culture and consensus.
3. To help create an active movement of people identifying with the left of centre and engaged in political debate.
4. To influence the ideas and policies of the Labor Party (and other parties) and Labor Governments to encourage progressive reform in practice.
Though we call ourselves a think tank, the Australian Fabians are more than this. We are based on a social and intellectual movement: the UK Fabian Society has been a central part of democratic socialist, social-democratic and Labor tradition thoughout the 20th century in Britain, and the Australian Fabians in Australia since 1947. Our output is thoroughly contemporary and relevant: by dint simply of who we are, it is organically connected to the history of the left.
Our goal is not merely (as by and large it is for other think tanks) to produce interesting ideas for the elite policy community. It is the promotion of socialist and progressive thought throughout society. We aim to change the intellectual climate of the Australia (and indeed of the wider world). We want to make broadly left of centre ways of thinking commonplace.
A crucial element of this, obviously, is to help such thought be translated into practice, particularly by government. Producing workable policies which manifest left of centre principles, and encouraging their consideration by the Australian Labor Party and by Labor governments, is therefore a crucial part of what we do. But it remains our aim to get left of centre ideas into the wider public domain. Our function in providing arenas for ordinary people to engage in intelligent discussion – in local societies and in conferences, schools and other meetings – is absolutely central to our purpose.
Labor and the Fabian Society are one in the same, I will show the Labor power brokers involved in the ACTU and Fabian Society, and I can show that The Fabians have in fact had members who were and are PM and what their objective are in Australia
“We want to make broadly left of centre ways of thinking commonplace.”
A crucial element of this, obviously, is to help such thought be translated into practice, particularly by government.”  ‘This has been evident in the arrogance they showed in the BER, the NBN rollout, and the make up of the party.’
The Society consists of Socialists. It therefore aims at the establishment of a society in which equality of opportunity will be assured, and the economic power and privileges of individuals and classes abolished through the collective ownership and democratic control of the economic resources of the community. It seeks to secure these ends by the methods of political democracy.
The Society, believing in equal citizenship in the fullest sense, is open to persons irrespective of sex, race or creed, who commit themselves to its aim and purposes and undertake to promote its work. The Society shall be affiliated to the Labour Party. Its activities shall be the furtherance of socialism and the education of the public on socialist lines by the holding of meetings, lectures, discussion groups, conferences and summer schools, the promotion of research into political, economic and social problems, national and international, the publication of books, pamphlets and periodicals, and by any other appropriate method.
For example – the Internet! How appropriate they have fought so hard for the NBN, the speed of the rollout of the NBN and the failure to supply a proper Cost Benefit Analysis of this Network.
This is from the Australian Fabians website
There is a interesting article by a Senator Robert Roy on “ARE FACTIONS KILLING THE LABOR PARTY? ” This address was to the Fabian society Sydney, however it reads as if he were addressing the Labor Party itself?
The Who’s Who of Fabian society members
*Gough Whitlam,
*Bob Hawke,
*Paul Keating,
*John Cain,
*Jim Cairns,
*Don Dunstan
*Neville Wran,
*Frank Crean
*Anthony Albanese MP, Shadow Minister for Environment &
Heritage, Shadow Minister for Water
* David Bassanese, Journalist, Australian Financial Review
* Caroline Bayliss, Acting Executive Director, Global
Sustainability, RMIT University
* Eric Beecher, CEO, Private Media Partners
* Julian Burnside QC
* The Hon Kim Carr, Shadow Minister for Housing; Urban
Development; Local Government
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Freemasonry on Trial
Reply #1214 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:44pm
* Tricia Caswell, CEO, Victorian Association of Forest Industries
* Barry Cohen, former Federal Minister for Arts, Heritage and
* Greg Combet, Secretary, ACTU
* Simon Crean MP, Shadow Minister for Regional Development
* Professor Glyn Davis, Vice-Chancellor, The University of
* Julian Disney, Professor and Director of Social Justice Project,
Department of Law, University of NSW
* Stephen Duckett, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe
* Senator John Faulkner, former Labor Senate Leader
* Professor John Freebairn, Director of the Melbourne Institute
of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of
* Dr Joshua Funder, GBS Venture Partners Limited
* Dennis Glover, Associate Fellow, School of Social Sciences, La
Trobe University
* Mike Georgeff, Australia s leading expert on artificial
intelligence and successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur
* Nicholas Gruen, CEO, Lateral Economics
* Julie Hansen, former President of the VLGA
* Tony Harris, former Auditor of NSW
* Ryan Heath, speechwriter and events coordinater for Britain’s
most senior public servant, Gus O’Donnell, the Cabinet Secretary
* Ashley Hogan, Historian, Senator John Faulkner’s Office
* Brian Howe, Professorial Associate, Centre for Public Policy,
The University of Melbourne
* Jim Jupp, Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies,
Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National
* Bill Kelty, Former ACTU Secretary and Reserve Bank board
* John Langmore, Professorial Fellow, Political Science
Department, The University of Melbourne
* Jenny Lewis, Senior Research Fellow, Political Science, The
University of Melbourne
* Ian Lowe AO, President, Australian Conservation Foundation
* Jenny Macklin MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition
* Robert Manne, Professor of Politics, La Trobe University
* Ian Marsh, Professor of Public Management, Australia & New
Zealand School of Government, University of Sydney
* Dr Race Mathews, National Chairman, Australian Fabian Society
* Stephen Mayne, Business Editor, Crikey
* John McInerney, Councillor, Sydney City Council
* David McKnight, Sydney academic and author of ‘Beyond Left
and Right: New Politics and the Culture Wars’
* Alison McClelland, Associate Professor & Head of School of
Social Work and Social Policy, La Trobe University
* Geoff Mulgan, Director, UK Institute for Community Studies
* Barbara Norman, Deputy Chair, Australian Fabian Society &
Program Director, Environment & Planning, RMIT University
* Michael O’Connor, National Assistant Secretary, Forestry
Division, Construction Forestry, Energy & Mining Union
* Scott Rankin, Writer and Director
* Heather Ridout, CEO, Australian Industry Group
* Guy Rundle, Co-editor, Arena Magazine
* Bill Shorten, National Secretary, AWU
* Mark Spiller, Director, Planning Institute of Australia
* Wayne Swan MP, Shadow Treasurer
* Evan Thornley, National Secretary, Australian Fabian Society
and LookSmart Co-founder
* Beth Wilson, Health Services Commissioner of Victoria
* Penny Wong MP, Shadow Minister for Employment & Workforce
* Tony Wood, Origin Energy
* Professor David Yencken
*Prime Minister:Julia Gillard*
Treasurer:Wayne Swan (Fabian)*
Minister for Trade:Craig Emerson
Minister for Defence:Stephen Smith
Minister for Foreign Affairs:Kevin Rudd
Minister for Finance & Deregulation:Penny Wong (Fabian)
Minister for Immigration & Citizenship:Chris Bowen (Fabian)
Minister for Infrastructure & Transport:Anthony Albanese (Fabian)
Minister for Health & Ageing:Nicola Roxon
Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development, Local Government & Arts:Simon Crean Fabian)
Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs & Workplace Relations:Chris Evans
Minister for Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy:Stephen Conroy
Minister for School Education, Early Childhood & Youth:Peter Garrett
Minister for Resources & Energy / Minister for Tourism:Martin Ferguson
Minister for Climate Change & Energy Efficiency:Greg Combet (Fabian)
Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs:Jenny Macklin (Fabian)
Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities:Tony Burke
Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science & Research:Kim Carr (Fabian)
Attorney-General:Robert McClelland
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry:Joe Ludwig
Minister for Human Services:Tanya Plibersek

I am happy sharing this information, however, please acknowledge this article when using parts of it.
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