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When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains (Read 5321 times)
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Grendel Her Bor

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Mutawintji. Far western NSW
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When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:23pm

Around 10 million years ago (mya) The tectonic plate that Africa floats on split in two. This is known today as the 'Great Rift Valley'. The split was vast and deep, stretching from todays Syria in the North down to todays Mozambique in the South. All of Africa's Lakes are now located on this rift, some nearly 2 klm deep. The rift is around 6000 kilometres long.

Prior to the rift the whole area was covered in rainforest and along with thousands of other species was occupied by a species of Lemur like primates. The primates ended up on both sides of the rift.

The side we are concerned with suffered a severe climate change resulting in a shift towards more arid conditions. Trees became sparser and further apart.

The primates stranded on the arid side of the rift already had developed a partially upright posture for walking along tree branches. This 'selection' now enabled them to walk upright between clumps of forest that were becoming separated by open grassy plain.

They are known as Australopithicus Afarensis ... but you have probably heard of them by the most complete specimen found 'Lucy'

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'Blondie says I must hate all Brunettes. I'll try, but if I can't ... I'll love them both'

... graffiti on Tavern wall, Pompeii, circa AD 70.
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Grendel Her Bor

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Mutawintji. Far western NSW
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #1 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:24pm
Our modern Brain today operates with 3 very simple concepts (simple is probably the wrong word )

1.. First concept you need for a modern brain:
The ability to cross connect ideas.

What does this mean. Here is a simple test. If I ask you:

'What is the difference between a stone and a branch ?' You could correctly reply: 'They are 2 entirely different compounds'

'What is the difference between a bone and water ?' 'Why you idiot they are 2 entirely different compounds'

What is the difference between water and sand ? 'You numbskull ... they are 2 different compounds

'OK .. what is the difference between Water and Ice ?'

Did you pause ? ... thats because you made a cross connection in your brain. Lucy could not do this ... she would have replied that water and ice are 2 entirely different compounds. Her brain was smaller, (specifically her memory banks) not much bigger than a chimps. This was not her fault, the neurons required to cross connect the paths in her memory had not yet evolved. She was doing the best she could ... She was our ancestor ! She felt pain, loss, grief, happiness, and she loved ... but she did not know why !!

She would never leave Africa, she had no need to. 2.5 million years ago (mya) she and her kind disappeared from the fossil record.

Now, in the fossil record four new contenders for a modern brain appear.

Homo Rudolfensis. Australopithicus Gahri Australopithicus Africanus Homo Habilus (Handyman)

Lets leave out the first 3 and just talk about Handyman. He was just a little guy, only coming up to our waist ... bullied and pushed out of the good territories. The only way he could get food was to scavenge and keep out of everyone else's way.

He made an incredible discovery ... He did this because he was incredibly curious, starvation makes you investigate every possible source. (his memory banks were larger than Lucys) By waiting his turn, until all the other predators had left the kill site, he collected the bones. Using rocks he smashed open the bones in a safe location and feasted on the marrow. He was the only, and the first, creature that worked this out.

Marrow and Brain are made from the same matter.

He had found a continuous source of food, easily collected. His brain, owing to this rich diet of pure brain matter grew in size and the cross connections grew with it. The single leg bone of a Giraffe can contain 10kgs of marrow !

He was the first of our ancestors to make cross connections. He had made a connection between Stone and Bone to release food. They were 2 different compounds but in some way that he did not really understand, they were connected. Even tho he was only a little, small timid curious fellow, he now stood tall amongst all others. He could organise, and he did. Working like a trained commando unit, they would throw rocks at Lions and Hyenas that had made a fresh kill. The lions were bigger and stronger, but they were frightened by the swarm of Handyman and missiles approaching.

He would never set foot outside of Africa, he had no need to. He disappears from the fossil record about 1.8 mya.

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'Blondie says I must hate all Brunettes. I'll try, but if I can't ... I'll love them both'

... graffiti on Tavern wall, Pompeii, circa AD 70.
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Grendel Her Bor

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Mutawintji. Far western NSW
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #2 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:27pm

2.. Second Concept you need for a modern brain:
The ability to entertain a notion

What does this mean. Here is a simple example.

What do you think when you see a footprint in, for example, dried mud ?

'Why, some creature of type such-and-such passed this way, everyone knows that !'

But not everyone knows that at all. No other creature that walks the earth, swims in the sea, flies in the air, knows that. Only YOU know that!!

A Lion can certainly follow tracks ... but he does it by smell, molecules of the original creature that made the tracks remain in the footprint. The Lion in fact smells the creature. But once the smell has gone, the footprints mean no more to the Lion than any other feature in his landscape.

No other creature on the Earth can discern a footprint. Only YOU.

Why ? Because you can entertain a notion. A Notion is no more than the ability to make a whole series of cross connections and picture a single sequential event.

'A big phuk*n Bear passed here going thatta way. me very scared!!'

A footprint cannot elicit fear, elation or any other emotion in any other creature except US. We can entertain a notion.

When Handyman disappeared from the fossil record around 1.8 mya a new Species appeared. Homo Ergaster, possibly Homo Erectus. Presently there are many unresolved questions surrounding these 2 and it may be they were a single species.

For our purposes lets use Homo Ergaster.

Homo Ergaster, like Handyman, could make cross connections, he also had a much bigger brain than Handyman. As well he was the first of our ancestors that was relatively hairless and he had sweat glands in place of hair follicles (another DNA spelling mistake that turned to his advantage) He could sweat. This was an enormous advantage, it meant he could pass thru inhospitable terrain to reach another place and remain cool on the way. As well he was the first to have a DNA mutation that gave whites to his eyes. This defect he learnt to use as a communication device, a look here, a glance there, and his hunting buddies knew how to react.

The climate was right. Some Homo Ergaster remained in Africa, others left and travelled across the Northern continents as far as China, settling territory as they went. They were very successful.

Homo Ergaster had the ability to make cross connections. Homo Ergaster had the ability to group these cross connections into Notions. This gave him the ability to venture way beyond his environment. Millions of species can venture beyond their birthplaces, insects, fish, ants, all sorts. But big complex creatures require huge support systems to do this. Dinosaurs did it and so did Ergaster.

He crafted Handymans stone bone breaking rocks into jewelled masterpieces. And he carried them with him as support systems.

Homo Ergaster disappeared from the fossil record around 1 mya. Some radical proposals are that they are still around in our DNA .. but this is not mainstream thinking.

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'Blondie says I must hate all Brunettes. I'll try, but if I can't ... I'll love them both'

... graffiti on Tavern wall, Pompeii, circa AD 70.
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Grendel Her Bor

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Mutawintji. Far western NSW
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #3 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:30pm

3.. Third Concept you need for a modern brain:

What does this mean.

Lets use an easy explanation. Firstly we can cross connect apparently unrelated events or objects, we can group these events or objects into notions.

Imagination is nothing more, nor less, than the ability to create notions that DO NOT EXIST in reality. Picturing footprints that you have not seen. Going on a successful Hunt, only in your mind .... and then .... communicating it to others .. and carrying it out. Looking at a massive gorge in a Mountain range and deducing that it looks similar to a Snake Trail... ergo ... A Dreamtime serpent made this gorge when he crawled thru here. Explaining events that have no explanation using your existing notions. Becoming Spiritual, religious ... this is Imagination.

For this you need a very BIG Brain with HEAPS and HEAPS of memory space.

Homo Ergaster did not have imagination. He did not develop jewellery, art work, religion, sophisticated burials ... His tools were masterpieces, but he did not know that ... for him they were purely functional.

You could not tell Ergaster a joke ... imaginary notions were not part of his brain process.

But the two descendants of Ergaster could do this. Neanderthal in a limited way. Homo Sapiens in a limitless way.

When Homo Ergaster disappeared from Africa we find the first fossils of Homo Sapiens.

When Homo Ergaster disappeared from the rest of the occupied world we find the first fossil of Neanderthal.

An Ice age descended on Europe and the Northern Hemisphere. Neanderthal adapted to make a living (just) in this environment. The physical requirements for Neanderthal were so hard that his imagination was put on the backburner.

But Homo Sapiens was in even Bigger trouble. The water that was being locked up in the glaciers of the northern hemisphere meant that no water was available in Africa. Africa started to dry out.

Something had to be done. What did Homo Sapiens do. He died, and he died, and he continued to die.

It can be shown that as any species draws towards extinction, the fitness of the remaining population increases. This is inversely proportional. In other words when things get tough, the toughest get going, they are all that remain.

Homo Sapiens, our Ancestors, approached extinction until there was only around 300 to 1000 of us left. We know this from our DNA Markers.

What did these few, these mighty few do ? They used their imagination.

To start with they had to get out. But how, you cannot travel without water, and there was none in the northern escape route.

They decided to carry it. Sounds simple. Sounds really simple. Listen, they were the first to ever think of it, no one, no creature had ever had a need to devise such an outlandish thing before.

They created water banks, hollowed out ostrich eggs, bark containers, and they fought their way out. They used their imagination to picture a notion that did not exist in reality. ie: water in the desert. Then they followed the coastlines to everywhere ...

Some of them never stopped until they reached Australia 60,000 years ago. The record of their journey is contained in their 'Dreamtime'. the dreamtime is not a religion, it is the oral history passed down thru the countless generations so that the descendants may survive.

The DNA proof of their journey is that they carry a special DNA marker unique to Australian Aboriginals. This DNA Marker has recently been found, by the human genome project, in 2 citizens of Chennai (Formerly Madras, India). These two citizens were born, and have lived all their lives in Madras, as well as all their forebears for as far back as can be traced. This has been taken to show that the Australian Aboriginal passed that way on his incredible journey.

The reason that the Dreamtime is not a religion is that it NEVER makes a prediction for the future, it only tells the story of the journey of man, and the creation of the world. it has no God. It is full of Serpents and creatures of mythical status ... but versions of these creatures exist all around such as snakes and emus and crows and kangaroos.

The Dreamtime lays down Dreaming Paths that are followed to this day by Aboriginals on walkabout. There are very good reasons, scientific reasons, why these paths should be followed and certain actions, such as burning, are to be carried out.

The Dreamtime is not just the Aboriginal story, it is ours, yours and mine too.

When you have the 3 things required for a modern brain ... you can legitimately say that you are SAPIENT (homo sapiens) Today we are starting to realise that their are many other species that show degrees of Sapience. Nearly all of them are mammals, whales, bears, dolphins, etc. The species that are not mammals but have some degree of Sapience are the Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and possibly those last remaining dinosaurs ... the birds

Zac da Black.
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'Blondie says I must hate all Brunettes. I'll try, but if I can't ... I'll love them both'

... graffiti on Tavern wall, Pompeii, circa AD 70.
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #4 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:39pm

Have you been introduced to this-is-the-light yet?

You should get on well, you're both delusional.
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Grendel Her Bor

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Mutawintji. Far western NSW
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #5 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:41pm
Kat wrote on Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:39pm:

Sorry I missed you ... thanks for leaving your name.

Zac da Black

Kat wrote on Jul 9th, 2012 at 2:39pm:
Have you been introduced to this-is-the-light yet? You should get on well, you're both delusional.

PS: No ... not yet ... But I have delusions of grandeur myself .. I believe I'm Zac da Black.
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'Blondie says I must hate all Brunettes. I'll try, but if I can't ... I'll love them both'

... graffiti on Tavern wall, Pompeii, circa AD 70.
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Grendel Her Bor

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Mutawintji. Far western NSW
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #6 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 3:02pm

Is the Family of Man just another species on this Planet, like all the other Species ?

Or is their something 'beyond' in man ?

Some rare gift that separates us from all the others and makes us special.

Other creatures display sentience, agility, skilled abilities with they're natural tools .... claws, teeth, strength, arms, legs, etc. We don't appear to carry any particular trait that is unique to us, and us alone ... every trait we lay claim to appears to be shared by other species to a greater or lesser extent.

In nearly every physical endevour, there are other creatures that can outperform us.
  • Cheetahs can run the 100m sprint faster
  • elephants are stronger
  • birds can fly
  • jumping spiders and peregrines can see further and clearer
  • dogs can smell better
  • pound for pound nearly every other species is stronger physically than us.

We 'think' better than all other species, or do we just think we 'think' better than all other species. We are the only judges of the competition, we award the prizes .... on the face of it we judge ourselves as better thinkers entirely subjectively.

All creatures have attributes developed thru natural selection that they excel in. So do we.

It appears that ours is a large brain ... but should we award it the ultimate accolade of:

1 ..
Separate and distinct entity to our biological self. Almost God given in its mystery. A communal entity. Could not possibly have been created thru a process of random natural selection.

Or should we treat it as

A natural evolutionary development... No different to others, received thru no fault or application of our own .... just to take its place and to be used by its owner, the way all other creatures use their attributes. Without fanfare, without fuss .... ??

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'Blondie says I must hate all Brunettes. I'll try, but if I can't ... I'll love them both'

... graffiti on Tavern wall, Pompeii, circa AD 70.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #7 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 3:35pm
I saw a documentary about octopus last year. They are pretty smart creatures.

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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #8 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 3:36pm
They're geniuses if we use your intelligence as the benchmark.
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In the fullness of time...
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #9 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 5:47pm
Mutawintji wrote on Jul 9th, 2012 at 3:02pm:
[COLOR=DarkRed]Is the Family of Man just another species on this Planet, like all the other Species ?[/COLOR]

Or is their something 'beyond' in man ?

Yep we certainly are...
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"I just get sick of people who place a label on someone else with their own definition.

It's similar to a strawman fallacy"
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #10 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 7:37pm
Is the Family of Man just another species on this Planet, like all the other Species ?

Who knows? but I wouldn't be conceited enough to say yes we are. The dirt and rib theory is inane.
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #11 - Jul 9th, 2012 at 8:44pm
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jul 9th, 2012 at 7:37pm:
Is the Family of Man just another species on this Planet, like all the other Species ?

Who knows? but I wouldn't be conceited enough to say yes we are. The dirt and rib theory is inane.

Why not Pansi??......Do you believe that man is NOT a species from Earth??
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"I just get sick of people who place a label on someone else with their own definition.

It's similar to a strawman fallacy"
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #12 - Jul 10th, 2012 at 10:49am
To suggest that man is just another type of animal is conceited??? 

Just apes with big brains is all we are.
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In the fullness of time...
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Super Nova
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #13 - Jul 10th, 2012 at 5:39pm
... wrote on Jul 10th, 2012 at 10:49am:
To suggest that man is just another type of animal is conceited??? 

Just apes with big brains is all we are.

We are just apes with big brains.

When I look at other mammals I feel they too have many huiman characteristics.

I could tell when my dog was sad.
When he was in pain.

I have seen monkeys plot and scheme to get food. Work together.

They must have an imagination otherwise they could not invent ways to solve problems.

We are different, as all animals have some charactistics that enable them to survive. Our brain is more developed for our type of survival strategy.... when survival was ensured by our society we could apply our free time to dealing with other problems.
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Re: When God said, 'Brains ?' I thought he said Trains
Reply #14 - Jul 10th, 2012 at 5:42pm
Super Nova wrote on Jul 10th, 2012 at 5:39pm:
Our brain is more developed for our type of survival strategy.... when survival was ensured by our society we could apply our free time to dealing with other problems.

I'm not so sure anymore.  Many things we do actively work against our survival, both as individuals and collectively.
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