they were
1980's when i was at uni. very much the values of paul hogan.
trying to be a funny bastard, doing outrageous things, sort of a bit like the guys on jackass, very politically incorrect, pretty chauvanistic, fairly alcohol based, very good humoured.
haha, well i'm older, the morals monitors have what they define as aussie values. they can have their agenda, i'll have mine.
i find the people in charge think they are much smarter than they are.
i call their thinking weird (western, educated, intellectual, righteous, democratic) thye make the mistake of thinking thats how the rest of the world thinks. it isnt.
so theres one thing i'd say about the current social engineers who try to define aussie values, they are naive and they are out of touch.
looking at my kids , i would say they are very good at searching out fun times, they seem to think things will come easily to them, them and their mates seem to like to sit around and drink smoke take eccies , get tatts and , in a way, seem to be almost in some sort of chilled out retirement mode at the age of 20
i bust their balls making them come bushwalking up all the peaks around brisbane as punishment for their sloth.
i hate to say a new aussie value is "softness' but it is.
i would never have carried on when i broke a bone or skinned my knee the way the young ones do now. we prided ourselves on as many cuts and bruises as we could muster. now the culture is more trying to be trendy with , what is really , herd inspired poo, they'd rather a trendy armband or pink hair as a sign to define themselves.
so while aussies would see steve irwin as a man of aussie values, most of em seem scared of a daddy long legs or a cane toad. sad really.
the aetheism seems to have led to a certain drifting nature to aussie values as well. not that i promote religion but you have to have some sort of code.
i suppose the next value that seems to pervade a bit is the "pissed off value" its more than an "i'm alright jack" its more an undercurrent of bad mood. some on here seem to have caught this one.
i think in the youngies its because they all thought they were going to win 'australias got talent or idol' and then discovered their opinion of themselves was somewhat inflated.