Phemanderac wrote on Dec 5
th, 2013 at 12:14pm:
Totally prepared to be shot down, because, I am totally unprepared to look at all 54 pages of this thread....
Having said that, at a cursory glance I note a distinct lack of clearly articulated "values" that are intrinsically Australian, further, the values that I have noted being articulated are not values at all, at least not values held to be true, consistent and dear to Australians. Why would I say that? Well, because, we most consistently fail to demonstrate them.
It is note worthy that these ideals like, a fair go, having a go, she'll be right, looking after your mates etc etc etc (feel free to throw in any other feel good ideals you like to imagine) are not what is most consistently demonstrated at any level of our society across the board.
The sad reality seems to look a bit more like a valueless nation of mixed origin constantly slowed by conflicting ideas of religion, business and politics (in no particular order) and lacking in the will, capacity or desire to work towards improvement for the majority, whilst a silent minority make their own beds more comfy.
What a sad picture Australians are allowing Australia to paint of itself.
By all means tell me to get on board or bugger off - you will absolutely demonstrative of the problem. I would respectfully suggest to you to grow a pair and start trying to identify and fix the flaws, because, boy oh boy, we have a more than a few. To truly demonstrate pride in one's country and to maintain any degree of integrity, one must be willing to acknowledge the flaws, errors and misdeeds and to make genuine steps of redress. The blindly patriotic fail to do this and, therefore, are no patriots at all.
One single "knocker" from the inside demonstrates more genuine care for Australia than ALL of the foolishly blind and self proclaimed patriots put together.
This country had great potential, it still has the opportunity to fulfil great potential, however, it is demonstrably failing in so many areas to realise its potential through poor governance and an overall malaise of apathy about taking control of our countries administration.
Well put
Phemanderac.. Gawd what a name..!!