Soren wrote on Dec 10
th, 2013 at 6:06pm:
Emma wrote on Dec 9
th, 2013 at 10:33pm:
"But multiculturalism does not mean that cultures blend. Mistrust prevails, communitarianism is rampant -- parallel societies are forming that continuously distance themselves from each other." a quote from Soren.
Ahhhhhh .
Have you ever considered that this may be due the ignorance of the parties concerned..
Ignorance of what?
Were/are the American Indians or the Aborigines somehow ignorant of the enriching immigrant cultural diversity that they have been blessed by over the last few centuries?
Hard words and true Soren.
No.. I'm talking about NOW.
The circumstances of immigrants and refugees cannot be compared to the near annihilation of native populations.
It is however an issue that does affect the very lives of many many people... and OUR treatment of them is SCURRILOUS.
hey equality too, as children women and men are all tortured by this policy.
I am sick to my stomach.. that AUSTRALIA.. the land of last resort... HAS BECOME SUCH A CRASS IGNORANT AND BASICALLY CRIMINAL STATE.
IT is PUKEWORTHY, and I wouldn't admit to being Australian.. IF I EVER WENT O/S... I would be TOO EMBARRASSED and ASHAMED.
WE are seriously ON THE NOSE.!
WE.. so blessed... act like the most cowardly of all.