Quote:I have not actually spoken to a muslim about Islam so it must be nice
Either i didnt say this or you are taking it way out of context (as usual)
Quote:islamic terrorists are not actually terrorists because we provoked them
I definitely didnt say this
Quote:don't poke Muslims with a stick or they will get upset and blow something up
you changed what I said here
Quote:You are picking on them
Obviously out of context and looks like its changed too
Quote:I am just generalising, so I don't have to make sense
Didnt say that
Quote:it is only OK to make generalised criticisms about Islam, not criticise specific Muslims
Nope didnt say that either. In fact that sounds like something YOU said
Quote:you can only criticise christianity, judaism and buddhism, not islam
You really are a dishonest lil guy arent you
Quote:it is wrong to criticise Abu and Falah because I know nothing about them
You remind me of abbott.
Quote:Think about what you are saying. Stop posting on autopilot. Maybe even try explaining why you think we should self censor in the face of extremism?
I have never said you should self-censor. I have tried to show you that you are wrong. Not all muslims are extremists. same as not all xtians are extremists.
Quote:So why do you keep coming to their defence and insisting that our criticism of them is misguided? How do you know whether they represent mainstream Islam or not?
I havent "come to their defence" I have told you to stop using them as examples in discussions with me and trying to make me judge them when I dont know enough about those particular individual ppl to do so. I do however know about you. You are a liar. A misrepresenting liar. So i take anything you say about them with a grain of salt.