Quote:Are you the media or a military? huh?
Think about it spot. I own a politics website. Also, you have made the same claim plenty of times without restricting it to the media. Are you suggesting that the media should self censor when it comes to Islam but people should not? Or is this just another red herring?
Quote:Well if you arent lying and misrepresenting him like you do to me then he is obviously an extremist. I dont know this though because i no longer believe a word you say.
You could always try asking him. I have given you plenty of links to where he says it clearly.
Quote:I am getting tired of repeating this freeliar (now i know why ppl call you that). Because they are not valid examples if I dont know them and i have your word on what they say. Your word is worth diddlysquat.
That is pretty stupid spot. The whole point of offering an example is to provide evidence that the other person may not be aware of. If we could only use examples we both already knew about we would really just be burying each other's heads in the sand. The point of a debate is not merely to rehash what we already both know.
The amazing thing about this forum is I can give you links to where they said it and you can even ask them for clarification if you disagree. That makes them ideal examples. Don't you agree? Or should we stick to using a bunch of people you saw on holidays who for all we know were not even Muslims, and who you never actually discussed Islam with, meaning you can only offer the wonderful insight that you got out of there alive, minus a bit of cash.
Or is it only possible for us to discuss Islam with each other if we both personally know the same Muslims and carefully restrict every comment we say to those specific individuals?
It sounds to me like you are trying desperately to avoid acknowledging any of the inconvenient realities about Islam by using your own ignorance as an intellectual shield. You use it as an excuse for your ignorance, a validation for remaining ignorant, and as evidence in support of your ignorant generalisations about Islam.
Quote:I lived in malaysia. Most malaysians are muslims apparently. the servants @ my house did stop to stick their bum in the air every now and then. I am not going to ask everyone i meet if they are muslim. However - if they were going to bother me it was pretty obvious i was not a muslim so they would have approached me if they were extremists wouldn't they?
You mean like they did to the Australian tourists in Bali? Or is that an invalid example because you weren't there and know nothing about it?
Is terrorism and violence only a problem when it happens to you? Will you only bring yourself to criticise it when it happens to you?