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FORD.R.I.P. (Read 40355 times)
Sir lastnail
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Reply #420 - Aug 5th, 2012 at 4:34pm
gold_medal wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 3:43pm:
I understand why most posters refer to you as buffoons.

Most appropriate given the way you ignore pretty much everything that others say.

like you who continues to ignore the obvious question of service on an EV Wink
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Reply #421 - Aug 5th, 2012 at 5:42pm
Sir lastnail wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 4:34pm:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 3:43pm:
I understand why most posters refer to you as buffoons.

Most appropriate given the way you ignore pretty much everything that others say.

like you who continues to ignore the obvious question of service on an EV Wink

It's hardly the pressing issue of our time. But just to keep your single brain cell buzzing let me say than an EV will have less maintenance than an ICE car. Less, not zero. Im sure you will happily misinterpret and try a tangential response.
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Reply #422 - Aug 5th, 2012 at 6:40pm
gold_medal wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 3:43pm:
I understand why most posters refer to you as buffoons.

Most appropriate given the way you ignore pretty much everything that others say.

No Gold  (Longweekend),
I originally called you a buffoon &
then you started to call me & Nail buffoons.
You learnt that word from me & YOU are the only one who uses it now.  Grin
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Reply #423 - Aug 5th, 2012 at 8:04pm
gold_medal wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 3:25pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 9:34am:
Just in case you don't know how to bring up the previous post, I've asked you to respond to (a few times), here it is.

You still don't seem to want to or have the answers to, the issues raised in the following post, you are simply going on hopium.

So again, why have the Prices already changed so much, over the last decade or so & of what benefit are your "UnConventional" Oils (Tar Sands & Shale Oil) IF their EROEI makes them pretty much a net Energy sink?

And that, is without even going into how  "UnConventional" Oils (Tar Sands & Shale Oil) could be manufactured on the sort of scale required to run a modern Global Economy, with a world of over 7 Billion people?

I look forward to your detailed response? 

perceptions_now wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 12:34pm:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:16am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:11am:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:08am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2012 at 8:51pm:
Good question but there is no doubt that the major oil fields are well in decline.

Just as there is no doubt that the NEW oil fields are significantly BIGGER than the current ones. It is such a pity that the doom-and-gloom paranoia of the left and the dumb (same thing) rarely matches reality. Perhaps that is why every left-governed country is such a mess or headed there.

there has never been a bigger oil field found than in Saudi Arabia.

The shale oil fields of the USA are 7 times larger than Saudi Arabia and recent improvements in drilling technology (going sideways) has made many other fields now economic and viable.

Then we go to Canada whose tar sands are now becoming economic to recover and also contain 7 times the amount as in Saudi Arabia. Southern American oil fields are now also becoming economic driven both by higher oil prices and cheaper extraction technologies.

So you might as well get over the fact that oil is still in plentiful supply. All we have done so far is access the EASY sources and as drilling technology continues to evole more and more deeper and otherwise inaccessible fields will come online.

I know this is uncomfortable for you to accept but the peak oil nonsense is just that - nonsense. That is why we were supposed to run out of oil in 1985 and then again in 2000 and why now we are supposed to be experiencing chronic shortages while there is in fact a mild GLUT in world oil supplies.

Must suck to be an uninformed gullible leftie, mustn't it?

As put to Prevailing already, you may like to comment on the following -
"Given that Economics is all about Supply & Demand, perhaps you can explain to us, the reasons for the massive increases in Oil & Coal, in particular?

If not shortages, then what are the reasons that have influenced the Crude Oil Price?

For example, the Price of a barrel of WTi went from around US$10 in the late 1990's, to US$147 a barrel in 2008, before crashing to around US$40 in 2009, before starting to climb again, where it is now reaching back towards US$100.

So, what reasoning could there be for the size of these increases & the great variations?"

Btw, there are "Conventional" & "Unconventional" sources of Oil, Tar Sands & Shale Oil fall into the "Unconventional" sector.

The following chart mentions some of the Energy sources now in use, including the Tar Sands & Shale Oil you have mentioned.

The EROEI on the following alternative fuel sources are clearly NOT going to replace Oil & Coal, with Oil in particular having an EROEI of 100-150 earlier on in its life.

EROEI (for US)      Fuel
1.3      Biodiesel
1.3      Ethanol corn
1.6      Solar collector
1.9      Solar flat plate
3.0      Bitumen tar sands
5.0      Ethanol sugarcane
5.0      Shale oil
6.8      Photovoltaic

In any event, these "Unconventional" sources of Oil, including Tar Sands & Shale Oil, can not be produced in the volume required, to run the modern world.

In fact, part of the reason for the large Oil Price increases, since the late 1990's, can be traced back to the scaling up of Production for these "Unconventional" sources of Oil and that will continue to weigh on the Global Economy!   

You are correct, in at least one respect, what we have done so far is access all of the most easily accessible fruit (Energy Sources), from the lowest branches & from here on in, fruit picking (Energy Production) becomes more more difficult AND much more expensive!

Giving you a detailed response is pretty pointless because like so many others on this thread you will simply ignore some answers and misinterpret the rest.

Youy love to believe we have passed peak oil. Go for it. Go hide under a rock if you have to but you are wrong. The amount of oil on planet earth is massive. The amount that is easily extracted is not. But technology is still evolving to handle these otherwise uneconomic fields. You rather gloomy predictions utterly ignore ANY new fields or any technology improvements to make existing unecomoic fields viable. You simply cannot produce a predictive model that ignores any change - especially when change is one of those constant things.

You seem to be stuck in the 1970s and its energy industy back then which was inefficient and hopelessly narrow-vision. since then the energy industry and oil industry has taken a lot of very long-term investments in technology which will make oil extraction economic in the future. it is that approach which is making tar sands and shale oil viable now.

You seem to have that depressive view that no good news ever affects. I predict that in 2025 when the biggest oil producers in the world are canada and USA that you will still be telling everyone that we are past peak oil etc etc

showing a 2002 in 2012 was an embarrassment. Keep up and for goodness sake, get some therapy for that perennially gloomy outlook.

You could have just left it at -
Giving you a detailed response is pretty pointless because, I don't know any real information to match my Rip Van Winkle comments, as I'm still living in the time when I went to sleep, which was a long time ago.

I look forward to hearing from you, IF you have some real information/input on the reasons for the big Energy Price hikes OR the likely effects of the Energy Sink that is "Unconventional" Oil.

Otherwise, there really isn't much point, IF you are just throwing around vague generalities!

PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?
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Reply #424 - Aug 5th, 2012 at 11:52pm
PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?

As a christian he's not supposed to lie.
Will he confess?
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Reply #425 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 6:24pm
perceptions_now wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 8:04pm:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 3:25pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 9:34am:
Just in case you don't know how to bring up the previous post, I've asked you to respond to (a few times), here it is.

You still don't seem to want to or have the answers to, the issues raised in the following post, you are simply going on hopium.

So again, why have the Prices already changed so much, over the last decade or so & of what benefit are your "UnConventional" Oils (Tar Sands & Shale Oil) IF their EROEI makes them pretty much a net Energy sink?

And that, is without even going into how  "UnConventional" Oils (Tar Sands & Shale Oil) could be manufactured on the sort of scale required to run a modern Global Economy, with a world of over 7 Billion people?

I look forward to your detailed response? 

perceptions_now wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 12:34pm:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:16am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:11am:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:08am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2012 at 8:51pm:
Good question but there is no doubt that the major oil fields are well in decline.

Just as there is no doubt that the NEW oil fields are significantly BIGGER than the current ones. It is such a pity that the doom-and-gloom paranoia of the left and the dumb (same thing) rarely matches reality. Perhaps that is why every left-governed country is such a mess or headed there.

there has never been a bigger oil field found than in Saudi Arabia.

The shale oil fields of the USA are 7 times larger than Saudi Arabia and recent improvements in drilling technology (going sideways) has made many other fields now economic and viable.

Then we go to Canada whose tar sands are now becoming economic to recover and also contain 7 times the amount as in Saudi Arabia. Southern American oil fields are now also becoming economic driven both by higher oil prices and cheaper extraction technologies.

So you might as well get over the fact that oil is still in plentiful supply. All we have done so far is access the EASY sources and as drilling technology continues to evole more and more deeper and otherwise inaccessible fields will come online.

I know this is uncomfortable for you to accept but the peak oil nonsense is just that - nonsense. That is why we were supposed to run out of oil in 1985 and then again in 2000 and why now we are supposed to be experiencing chronic shortages while there is in fact a mild GLUT in world oil supplies.

Must suck to be an uninformed gullible leftie, mustn't it?

As put to Prevailing already, you may like to comment on the following -
"Given that Economics is all about Supply & Demand, perhaps you can explain to us, the reasons for the massive increases in Oil & Coal, in particular?

If not shortages, then what are the reasons that have influenced the Crude Oil Price?

For example, the Price of a barrel of WTi went from around US$10 in the late 1990's, to US$147 a barrel in 2008, before crashing to around US$40 in 2009, before starting to climb again, where it is now reaching back towards US$100.

So, what reasoning could there be for the size of these increases & the great variations?"

Btw, there are "Conventional" & "Unconventional" sources of Oil, Tar Sands & Shale Oil fall into the "Unconventional" sector.

The following chart mentions some of the Energy sources now in use, including the Tar Sands & Shale Oil you have mentioned.

The EROEI on the following alternative fuel sources are clearly NOT going to replace Oil & Coal, with Oil in particular having an EROEI of 100-150 earlier on in its life.

EROEI (for US)      Fuel
1.3      Biodiesel
1.3      Ethanol corn
1.6      Solar collector
1.9      Solar flat plate
3.0      Bitumen tar sands
5.0      Ethanol sugarcane
5.0      Shale oil
6.8      Photovoltaic

In any event, these "Unconventional" sources of Oil, including Tar Sands & Shale Oil, can not be produced in the volume required, to run the modern world.

In fact, part of the reason for the large Oil Price increases, since the late 1990's, can be traced back to the scaling up of Production for these "Unconventional" sources of Oil and that will continue to weigh on the Global Economy!   

You are correct, in at least one respect, what we have done so far is access all of the most easily accessible fruit (Energy Sources), from the lowest branches & from here on in, fruit picking (Energy Production) becomes more more difficult AND much more expensive!

Giving you a detailed response is pretty pointless because like so many others on this thread you will simply ignore some answers and misinterpret the rest.

Youy love to believe we have passed peak oil. Go for it. Go hide under a rock if you have to but you are wrong. The amount of oil on planet earth is massive. The amount that is easily extracted is not. But technology is still evolving to handle these otherwise uneconomic fields. You rather gloomy predictions utterly ignore ANY new fields or any technology improvements to make existing unecomoic fields viable. You simply cannot produce a predictive model that ignores any change - especially when change is one of those constant things.

You seem to be stuck in the 1970s and its energy industy back then which was inefficient and hopelessly narrow-vision. since then the energy industry and oil industry has taken a lot of very long-term investments in technology which will make oil extraction economic in the future. it is that approach which is making tar sands and shale oil viable now.

You seem to have that depressive view that no good news ever affects. I predict that in 2025 when the biggest oil producers in the world are canada and USA that you will still be telling everyone that we are past peak oil etc etc

showing a 2002 in 2012 was an embarrassment. Keep up and for goodness sake, get some therapy for that perennially gloomy outlook.

You could have just left it at -
Giving you a detailed response is pretty pointless because,
I don't know any real information to match my Rip Van Winkle comments
, as I'm still living in the time when I went to sleep, which was a long time ago.

I look forward to hearing from you, IF you have some real information/input on the reasons for the big Energy Price hikes OR the likely effects of the Energy Sink that is "Unconventional" Oil.

Otherwise, there really isn't much point, IF you are just throwing around vague generalities!

PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?

In this instance, I'll take your silence, as confirmation that you don't have any real information to input regarding the specific issues raised, regarding Energy Price hikes & shortages, NOR on the likely effects of the Energy Sink that is "Unconventional" Oil!

It also seems, from your lack of disagreeing, that GM is actually LW.
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Reply #426 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 8:26pm
perceptions_now wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 8:04pm:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 3:25pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 9:34am:
Just in case you don't know how to bring up the previous post, I've asked you to respond to (a few times), here it is.

You still don't seem to want to or have the answers to, the issues raised in the following post, you are simply going on hopium.

So again, why have the Prices already changed so much, over the last decade or so & of what benefit are your "UnConventional" Oils (Tar Sands & Shale Oil) IF their EROEI makes them pretty much a net Energy sink?

And that, is without even going into how  "UnConventional" Oils (Tar Sands & Shale Oil) could be manufactured on the sort of scale required to run a modern Global Economy, with a world of over 7 Billion people?

I look forward to your detailed response? 

perceptions_now wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 12:34pm:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:16am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:11am:
gold_medal wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:08am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2012 at 8:51pm:
Good question but there is no doubt that the major oil fields are well in decline.

Just as there is no doubt that the NEW oil fields are significantly BIGGER than the current ones. It is such a pity that the doom-and-gloom paranoia of the left and the dumb (same thing) rarely matches reality. Perhaps that is why every left-governed country is such a mess or headed there.

there has never been a bigger oil field found than in Saudi Arabia.

The shale oil fields of the USA are 7 times larger than Saudi Arabia and recent improvements in drilling technology (going sideways) has made many other fields now economic and viable.

Then we go to Canada whose tar sands are now becoming economic to recover and also contain 7 times the amount as in Saudi Arabia. Southern American oil fields are now also becoming economic driven both by higher oil prices and cheaper extraction technologies.

So you might as well get over the fact that oil is still in plentiful supply. All we have done so far is access the EASY sources and as drilling technology continues to evole more and more deeper and otherwise inaccessible fields will come online.

I know this is uncomfortable for you to accept but the peak oil nonsense is just that - nonsense. That is why we were supposed to run out of oil in 1985 and then again in 2000 and why now we are supposed to be experiencing chronic shortages while there is in fact a mild GLUT in world oil supplies.

Must suck to be an uninformed gullible leftie, mustn't it?

As put to Prevailing already, you may like to comment on the following -
"Given that Economics is all about Supply & Demand, perhaps you can explain to us, the reasons for the massive increases in Oil & Coal, in particular?

If not shortages, then what are the reasons that have influenced the Crude Oil Price?

For example, the Price of a barrel of WTi went from around US$10 in the late 1990's, to US$147 a barrel in 2008, before crashing to around US$40 in 2009, before starting to climb again, where it is now reaching back towards US$100.

So, what reasoning could there be for the size of these increases & the great variations?"

Btw, there are "Conventional" & "Unconventional" sources of Oil, Tar Sands & Shale Oil fall into the "Unconventional" sector.

The following chart mentions some of the Energy sources now in use, including the Tar Sands & Shale Oil you have mentioned.

The EROEI on the following alternative fuel sources are clearly NOT going to replace Oil & Coal, with Oil in particular having an EROEI of 100-150 earlier on in its life.

EROEI (for US)      Fuel
1.3      Biodiesel
1.3      Ethanol corn
1.6      Solar collector
1.9      Solar flat plate
3.0      Bitumen tar sands
5.0      Ethanol sugarcane
5.0      Shale oil
6.8      Photovoltaic

In any event, these "Unconventional" sources of Oil, including Tar Sands & Shale Oil, can not be produced in the volume required, to run the modern world.

In fact, part of the reason for the large Oil Price increases, since the late 1990's, can be traced back to the scaling up of Production for these "Unconventional" sources of Oil and that will continue to weigh on the Global Economy!   

You are correct, in at least one respect, what we have done so far is access all of the most easily accessible fruit (Energy Sources), from the lowest branches & from here on in, fruit picking (Energy Production) becomes more more difficult AND much more expensive!

Giving you a detailed response is pretty pointless because like so many others on this thread you will simply ignore some answers and misinterpret the rest.

Youy love to believe we have passed peak oil. Go for it. Go hide under a rock if you have to but you are wrong. The amount of oil on planet earth is massive. The amount that is easily extracted is not. But technology is still evolving to handle these otherwise uneconomic fields. You rather gloomy predictions utterly ignore ANY new fields or any technology improvements to make existing unecomoic fields viable. You simply cannot produce a predictive model that ignores any change - especially when change is one of those constant things.

You seem to be stuck in the 1970s and its energy industy back then which was inefficient and hopelessly narrow-vision. since then the energy industry and oil industry has taken a lot of very long-term investments in technology which will make oil extraction economic in the future. it is that approach which is making tar sands and shale oil viable now.

You seem to have that depressive view that no good news ever affects. I predict that in 2025 when the biggest oil producers in the world are canada and USA that you will still be telling everyone that we are past peak oil etc etc

showing a 2002 in 2012 was an embarrassment. Keep up and for goodness sake, get some therapy for that perennially gloomy outlook.

You could have just left it at -
Giving you a detailed response is pretty pointless because, I don't know any real information to match my Rip Van Winkle comments, as I'm still living in the time when I went to sleep, which was a long time ago.

I look forward to hearing from you, IF you have some real information/input on the reasons for the big Energy Price hikes OR the likely effects of the Energy Sink that is "Unconventional" Oil.

Otherwise, there really isn't much point, IF you are just throwing around vague generalities!

PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?

You may have noticed that NO ONE responds to the sock allegations because they are so pointless. A) everyone is mellie according to the marsupial and B) what does it matter anyhow?

people with an interest in debate and half the brain to do so read the post, not wax on about the name behind the ID.

and perceptions, you lengthy and thoroughly inaccurate posts on oil are silly. as mentioned several times (with no reply) if your predictions make the assumption of no new oil fields and no new extractiontechnologies or efficiencies of use than all you are doing is ensuring that your prediction will fail big time. I have done work in predictive modelling and one of the big issues is to ensure that you include FUTURE CHANGES. assuming that nothing changes is the fool-proof death to your model because EVERYTHING CHANGES1
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Perth  WA
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Reply #427 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:07pm
gold_medal wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 8:26pm:
You may have noticed that NO ONE responds to the sock allegations because they are so pointless. A) everyone is mellie according to the marsupial and B) what does it matter anyhow?

people with an interest in debate and half the brain to do so read the post, not wax on about the name behind the ID.

and perceptions, you lengthy and thoroughly inaccurate posts on oil are silly. as mentioned several times (with no reply) if your predictions make the assumption of no new oil fields and no new extractiontechnologies or efficiencies of use than all you are doing is ensuring that your prediction will fail big time. I have done work in predictive modelling and one of the big issues is to ensure that you include FUTURE CHANGES. assuming that nothing changes is the fool-proof death to your model because EVERYTHING CHANGES1

Can I suggest there are 2 pointless things here -
1) Using a sock!
2) Replying to specific issues, by using generalities!

As previously said, IF you have some real information/input on the reasons for the big Energy Price hikes OR the likely effects of the Energy Sink that is "Unconventional" Oil, then please post them.

Otherwise, there really isn't much point. 
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John Smith
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Reply #428 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:09pm
Bobby. wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 11:52pm:
PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?

As a christian he's not supposed to lie.
Will he confess?

I've yet to meet one who doesn't lie ..... and before everyone gets their knickers in a knott, I'm a christian
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Avram Horowitz
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Reply #429 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:20pm
John Smith wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:09pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 11:52pm:
PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?

As a christian he's not supposed to lie.
Will he confess?

I've yet to meet one who doesn't lie ..... and before everyone gets their knickers in a knott, I'm a christian

Italian Christian....
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John Smith
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Reply #430 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:25pm
Avram Horowitz wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:20pm:
John Smith wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:09pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 11:52pm:
PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?

As a christian he's not supposed to lie.
Will he confess?

I've yet to meet one who doesn't lie ..... and before everyone gets their knickers in a knott, I'm a christian

Italian Christian....

the same goes for all the Jews i've met stupid .... and what has Italian got to do with anything?
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Perth  WA
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Reply #431 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:40pm
John Smith wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:25pm:
Avram Horowitz wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:20pm:
John Smith wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:09pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 5th, 2012 at 11:52pm:
PS - It seems you are not even bothering to say that those claiming you are actually a Longweekend sock, are wrong?

As a christian he's not supposed to lie.
Will he confess?

I've yet to meet one who doesn't lie ..... and before everyone gets their knickers in a knott, I'm a christian

Italian Christian....

the same goes for all the Jews i've met stupid .... and what has Italian got to do with anything?

Fair question!
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Sir lastnail
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Reply #432 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 11:07pm
gold_medal wrote on Aug 6th, 2012 at 8:26pm:
You may have noticed that NO ONE responds to the sock allegations because they are so pointless. A) everyone is mellie according to the marsupial and B) what does it matter anyhow?

people with an interest in debate and half the brain to do so read the post, not wax on about the name behind the ID.

and perceptions, you lengthy and thoroughly inaccurate posts on oil are silly. as mentioned several times (with no reply) if your predictions make the assumption of no new oil fields and no new extractiontechnologies or efficiencies of use than all you are doing is ensuring that your prediction will fail big time. I have done work in predictive modelling and one of the big issues is to ensure that you include FUTURE CHANGES. assuming that nothing changes is the fool-proof death to your model because EVERYTHING CHANGES1

so the price of oil keeps going up because it is not becoming scarce and they no longer drill for oil in Texas because there is an infinite supply of it Cheesy LOL

And I'm interested in the sock allegations because  gold_medal sounds more and more like madweekend every day Wink
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« Last Edit: Aug 6th, 2012 at 11:16pm by Sir lastnail »  

In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Australian Politics

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Reply #433 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 11:12pm
You may have noticed that NO ONE responds to the sock allegations because they are so pointless. A) everyone is mellie according to the marsupial and B) what does it matter anyhow?

people with an interest in debate and half the brain to do so read the post, not wax on about the name behind the ID.

Hi Gold ( Longweekend)

Is that a confession that you are using another ID - Longweekend?
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Stop Men
Reply #434 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 11:22pm
Lots of Jews were killed by political thugs of the left in Europe in WW2... Cool
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I condemn Male Violence Against Women
The Government Supports Gynocide
There Is Something Dreadfully Wrong With Men
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