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UFO Disclosure (Read 264375 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #180 - Dec 12th, 2012 at 10:36am

GEMINID METEOR SHOWER--THIS WEEK! The annual Geminid Meteor Shower is set to peak on Dec. 13 and 14, 2012. The display, which is caused by an unusual 'rock comet,' could produce more than 100 meteors per hour during the dark hours before dawn this Thursday and Friday. [video] [meteor radar]

ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2012 XE54 is flying through the Earth-Moon system today approximately 230 thousand km (0.6 LD) from Earth. The space rock is about 36 meters wide, a little smaller than the Tunguska impactor that leveled 800 square miles of Siberian forest in 1908. Using a remote-controlled telescope in New Mexico, astronomers Ernesto Guido and Nick Howes photographed 2012 XE54 streaking among the stars on Dec. 11th:


Guido and Howes dedicate this image to the memory of their longtime friend and colleague Giovanni Sostero.

This asteroid will not hit Earth, but it is close enough, and thus bright enough, for amateur astronomers to track using backyard telescopes. When Guido and Howes photographed it this morning, it was shining at magnitude +13.

Astronomers monitoring the asteroid might have noticed an unusual eclipse during the early hours of Dec. 11th. According to calculations made by P. Tricarico, 2012 XE54 "will likely cross the Earth's shadow, causing a partial eclipse of the asteroid a few hours before reaching its minimum distance with the Earth. Asteroids eclipsing during an Earth flyby are relatively rare, with the first known case of asteroid 2008 TC3 which was totally eclipsed just one hour before entering Earth's atmosphere over Sudan in 2008, and asteroid 2012 KT42 experiencing both an eclipse and a transit during the same Earth flyby in 2012."

Mesmerising meteors: Cosmic firework lights up the sky above the Mojave Desert
UPDATED: 17:48 GMT, 18 December 2009

This incredible picture shows a huge meteor hurtling to Earth during the annual Geminid meteor shower.
Astro-photogrpaher Wally Pacholk captured this amazing shot in the Mojave Desert area near Victorville under a dark and almost clear sky.
The annual cosmic fireworks have been growing in intensity in recent decades with up to 160 meteors visible per hour under optimal conditions. They travel across the sky at about 22miles per second and are fairly easy to spot.

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #181 - Dec 12th, 2012 at 11:01am
F.ederation (of)

...for all Austr-Aliens  Wink
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #182 - Dec 13th, 2012 at 4:29am

Our Planet Is Surrounded With Multicoloured Lightships (PS. They Are Friendly)
Sunday, December 9, 2012 20:41

Our Planet Is Surrounded With Multicoloured Lightships (PS. They Are Friendly)

Indian in the machine Before Its

Dear world, there’s more than ample proof to suggest that our planet is surrounding by our friendly extraterrestrial family, who have come to guide us through some challenging times… keep raising your frequency even further, so that our planet can be peaceful enough for them to land… first we came to earth to experience “separation”… now we are here to experience “unity”…

Rainbow UFO - Gold Coast, Australia

Uploaded on Jan 9, 2010
This UFO was taken over Burleigh Heads, Australia, above my place at around 5:00PM on Saturday, 9th of January, 2010.

Each picture was taken about 2 seconds apart. The cameras was set on quick succession.

No one has come to take over our planet, that attempt is now being thowarted… as humans all over the world, put out a soul message to the universe, that we desire to be apart of the great dimensional shift… expect many miracles, and stay the course… we are in the jungle called duality, and soon the fog is lifting, and we will see the crystal cities of Light, and much more beyond our comprehension

As a friendly reminder lest you be fooled in these last moments…. all beings of the Light will identify themselves in the Light for you, if they do not identify, they must depart your bubble of experience… if for example, a nice spaceship lands, and some beings want you to spend some time with them, demand politely of course, that they identify themselves in the Light…

Be assured that our planet is totally surrounded with ships from the Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation of Light and many more under Project Transition Earth lead by Sananda the returned Christ Teacher… join with them and many others… how can they assist you to empower yourself to fuller realization of your infinite powers?

Below, I’ve shown you a tiny glimpse of the vast amount of multicoloured rainbow Lightships seen all over the world, ultimately each will decide whether to return their loving presence with love and welcoming, or fear and loathing.

Right now if you will say, “God… I’m grateful for this experience of separation, and now I want to unify and become whole once again, joining in with the Universe for a big grand upliftment… thanks for the earth experiences… I’m ready for something new in the fifth dimension of love, and I’m willing to shed all limiting belief, values and attiitudes, as you lead me into infinite creation. Thanks for sending your Heavenly Hosts who have been flying around our solar system for several decades, to show us earthlings the way… I join in with Heaven to help cleanse the earth, and do restore my memory, my DNA, my body, my connection to my divinity and the divinity of all that is… so be it!” 

Indian in the machine

UFOS AROUND THE SUN – Yup… photos and vids courtesy of nasa soho sun observatory.
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« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2012 at 4:37am by it_is_the_light »  

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #183 - Dec 24th, 2012 at 4:34pm

UFO Appears To Shoot Down Incoming Asteroids Over Mexico 21.12.2012 (Video)
Friday, December 21, 2012 8:46

Somepretty crazy footage.  Could this have been the end of us except that a UFO or ‘the gods’ saved us?  ~Ophelia

Giant Mothership UFO Caught On NASA/SOHO Sun Images, Dec 20, 2012.
Friday, December 21, 2012 10:44



Date of sighting: December 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Streetcap1 of Youtube did it again by keeping an eye on SOHO sun images and catching this long mothership UFO. Also pay attention to its trail it makes which is a curved trajectory rather than a straight one. Since its path is curved suddenly, we know that this object is controlled by intelligent beings. Russian scientists for years have said that there are UFOs orbiting the sun that are as big or bigger than Earth itself. They said these UFOs often fly in straight paths then suddenly make right angle turns…impossible in astronomy, but only possible if they are intelligently controlled. NASA has yet to discuss this topic. I checked writes Scott C. Waring.
Write this in the box info to view it but you must look for the photo that was taken at 6:30.

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #184 - Dec 26th, 2012 at 6:00pm

Spaceman Rock Painting Found in The North-West Kimberley Region, W. Australia 1891
Tuesday, December 25, 2012 10:53

Video published on Dec 24, 2012 by totallyinexplicable  Home:

The Bradshaw rock paintings, Bradshaw rock art, Bradshaw figures or The Bradshaws, are terms used to describe one of the two major regional traditions of rock art found in the north-west Kimberley region of Western Australia, first discovered and recorded by pastoralist Joseph Bradshaw in 1891 after whom they were n

isn’t just this one extraordinary painting, it’s all the evidence thats all over the world piling on to support this unreal claim that ancient astronauts visited our planet in our infancy. When you study Easter Island, the Pyramids of Giza, the Gazda Strip, the Sun Temple, or Tiahuanaco, youll come to the same conclusion. Tiahuanaco is especially convincing being that it is the oldest city in the world and drills were used to build it when the mainstream theory is that the native indians (that could barely communicate with each other) built this intricate city. All over the world at the very same time man was compelled to put this story on their walls. A story of beings coming down from the skies in machines and engaging in commerce with mankind.


Its mind blowing stuff

Here we have various examples of Kimberley rock art paintings. Clockwise from the left, A fish painting, Pair of Cupids, Baby Doll Figure, Zig Zag Devil Figure, Female Devil Figure.

tFish Rock Painting

Pair of Cupids

Female Devil Figure

Zig Zag Devil Figure

Baby Doll Figure

See more the these fantastic paintings here:

The astronaut Wandjina


Robert Hefner III sketching a Dingo and two Wandjina are also seen

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« Last Edit: Dec 26th, 2012 at 6:08pm by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #185 - Dec 30th, 2012 at 8:08am

James Gilliland ~ Days To Come, As Seen By The Ultradimensionals ~Brilliant

It has come to my attention repeatedly that many officials in the agencies really do not know about the spiritually and technologically advanced off-world civilizations. They do know of the regenerate low level ETs and have struck deals with them in the past ,but there is a great void concerning the hands off, prime directive highly evolved off worlders. What ever deals were made in the past are now null and void. Those who have interfered in the evolution or awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth are going to be dealt with. They have been given an eviction notice; which is now being enforced by pro-earth forces. Universal Law is now the prime directive. It is the Law of One some call unity consciousness. The forces of tyranny and unbridled greed at the expense of humanity and the Earth will come to an end. It is surfacing now for all to see, the players have been identified human and non-human. The noninterference program has come to an end and the spiritually and technologically advanced races have now joined forces in a program beyond the ability of most scientists to comprehend. Quantum physics has the best grasp of what is unfolding along with some of the most ancient teachings.

The simplest way to state this is it all has to do with frequency. We are all known throughout the multiverse by our frequency. Our frequency is the combined attitudes, emotions and beliefs of the world in which we live. Our consciousness has many levels or dimensions and the higher dimensions are pressing in hard upon the Earth. It is like a soul or Godself invasion. The lower vibrational frequencies such as fear, guilt, unworthiness, ignorance, separation, pain, suffering, wrong conclusions from past experiences are undergoing a major clean up. This is why the higher dimensional beings stress clean up your consciousness, release the past and focus on love, joy, bliss, service to others in order to increase your frequency.

We are being aided in this process and it is also a natural evolution; which cannot be derailed or avoided despite arrogant ego driven people who think they are separate. We are being bombarded by what seems to be every level in the electromagnetic light spectrum. Cosmic, Gama, X, Ultraviolet, Infrared are all flooding into the Earth and she is absorbing them, expanding, growing. Yes, I did say growing—this is why all the quakes and volcanoes are going off. There are also those misusing technology amplifying areas already under great pressure as well as playing with weather modification. Just as in the days of Atlantis there are those who want to use technology for dominion and control yet look where this took them in the past. Unfortunately the destruction of Atlantis and other worlds as well could not have come about without willing participants, those who turned a blind eye to injustices and trespasses not wanting to upset their comfort zones.

This time around there are watchers, observers and those who will interact if necessary to make sure we do not repeat the past. They will not allow an all out nuclear war or technology that could end the evolutionary process. They are hoping we learn from our mistakes, rise up and choose noble virtue or impeccable integrity concerning our actions with humanity and the Earth. Thus far we have fallen far short of many of their expectations. We are now entering a time of choosing. The action/reaction principle most call Karma is being amplified. The fear, guilt, and unworthiness are no longer efficient tools to control the masses. This includes nefarious deeds such as wars for God and Country; which in truth are for power and wealth. There is one God/Creator/Spirit given many names and images by man and we are one planet. No one has an exclusive on God, nor the right to destroy and take what is not his or hers. The lying and deceptive natures of those who lust for power and wealth, those who have sold their very soul for fame, power and wealth will become naked in the light. What will also come are the consequences to these deeds. None of these beliefs or actions are frequency specific to the evolution of Earth. There will be those who choose not to heal and continue in actions that are harmful to humanity and the Earth. Their world is imploding. They actually believe they can dig elaborate holes in the Earth, stock them, allow the Earth changes and their own depopulation programs to rid the surface of over 80% of the people then emerge as kings over who is left.

How does this look to their souls, the higher dimensional beings, the awakened ones on Earth. Does this path raise their frequencies; make them compatible to the new frequencies of Earth? Of course not. Will they maintain their bodies, their kingdoms, their tyrannical unjust enslaving system? Of course not. Those who think their security resides in serving the beast will fall along with the beast. This is the simplest explanation we can give. The only real security is to live a live of service to humanity and the Earth, then you are aligned with the higher intelligences and civilizations; which in the end will be undeniably victorious.

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #186 - Dec 30th, 2012 at 8:09am
You cannot fool your soul, Great Spirit, Creator, yet in arrogance there are some very clever people who think they can. What do you think their future will hold not just in this life but lives to come? How do you think their light review will go in passing this plane when they stand naked, no lawyers, no guards, no toys or castles—just their deeds and how they affected others. Now, do you really think the spiritually and technologically advanced beings are going to sit down and have tea with regenerate humans or ETs? Share technology knowing it will be hoarded, misused? This is why so many guberment officials are not in the know, there is no purposeful good in contacting those who have not risen to the occasion. All they can do is dismiss what they cannot experience because they have no control whatsoever in the higher dimensions. Ships and their occupants that can come and go as they please, a force on high that is watching, knowing all their dirty laundry; which is now becoming a hands on process of awakening and healing humanity and the Earth.

They work with consciousness, light and energy, are extremely telepathic and can transmit information, inspiration and healing whenever and wherever they desire. Some of them have full use of creational energies. It is the destiny of humanity and the Earth to experience a grand reunion with these beings; many already have. The Earth once hijacked by negative forces of ill intent will be reset to its original destiny which is to evolve in peace and harmony to its highest state of evolution. Now you know more than the guberment knows as well as their destiny; which many fear for good reason. There is more to the story. Stay tuned and be well.

james gilliland
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #187 - Dec 30th, 2012 at 10:44am

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #188 - Dec 30th, 2012 at 8:46pm

SOHO's Greatest Hits - Volume 7

Published on Dec 30, 2012
The following images are compilations of the best anomalies found from the Soho probe by SolarWatcher.

SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind.

SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995. The SOHO spacecraft was built in Europe by an industry team led by prime contractor Matra Marconi Space (now EADS Astrium) under overall management by ESA. The twelve instruments on board SOHO were provided by European and American scientists.

SoHO's Greatest Hits - Volume 6

SOHO's Greatest Hits Playlist

SolarWatcher website
Earthquake Forecasting Channel
Another Quality Solar youtube Channel
Earthquake Reporting Channel
Soho Website
Solar Soft website
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction
Quality Solar Website
Estimated Planetary K index information
GOES Xray Flux Data
Sunspot Information from Solar Monitor
Quality Weather Website
Space Weather Website

Music used is "Mainframe Disturbance" by ICON Trailer Music

About this track:
Title: Mainframe Disturbance
Album: ICON Vol. 7 - Infinite Impact
Composer: Frederik Wiedmann
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #189 - Jan 3rd, 2013 at 8:37pm

UFO caught on video at Cardwell in north Queensland
John Anderson
Townsville Bulletin
January 03, 20138:29AM

Silent lights hover over town
'I was a sceptic ... this rattled me'
Half-a-dozen people saw phenomena


A TINY town in north Queensland is on full UFO alert following sightings of strange lights in the night sky.

Cardwell businessman Greg Smith said he and his son watched the lights for 15 minutes and are convinced that what they saw was some sort of UFO.

"This was a couple of months ago. I used to be the world's biggest sceptic about this stuff, but I'll tell you what, this really rattled me and my son,'' he told The Townsville Bulletin.

Mr Smith said they watched the lights from the front of the Lyndoch Motel on the highway towards the northern end of the town.

"There were two large orange lights. There was no beam and no noise. It was absolutely silent and they were moving slowly across the sky towards the north-west. We couldn't tell if the lights were from one or two machines. At first we thought they were over buildings between the highway and the beach, but other people said they were just out over the water,'' he said.

Mr Smith said he thought it must have been one or two helicopters, but discounted the possibility due to the fact there was no noise.

Another Cardwell resident, Phil Mulley and his wife Helen saw the lights on two consecutive nights.

"We thought it was a chopper coming up the channel. We watched it for a few minutes and then it disappeared in cloud. The next night my sister rang me and said to look outside. I went and looked and there were two lights. We watched them for a while until they disappeared in cloud,'' he said.


watch video
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #190 - Jan 14th, 2013 at 4:31am

3MIN News January 13, 2013: M Flare

Published on Jan 13, 2013
What they don't tell you: --Climate Change is more than just warming, and more than just human CO2... a lot more.

Also see this:

A unlikely but relevant risk: The Solar Killshot:

Russia Volcano:
Tornado Damage:
Gandolf Snow:


NDBC Buoys:
Tropical Storms:
HurricaneZone Satellite Images:
Weather Channel:
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory:
Pressure Maps:
Satellite Maps:
Forecast Maps:
TORCON: [Tornado Forecast for the day]

Precipitation Totals:
GOES Satellites:
Severe Weather Threats:
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites:
Temperature Delta:

SOHO Solar Wind:
HAARP Data Meters:
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL:;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
GOES Xray:
Gamma Ray Bursts:
BARTOL Cosmic Rays:
NOAA Sunspot Classifications:

MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map:
RSOE: [That cool alert map I use]
News & Politics

The Electric Sun -Jan. 06, 2013

Published on Jan 6, 2013
The Electric Sun
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: B9 2241 UT Jan06
24-hr: C3 0303 UT Jan06

VERY SPOTTED SUN: Solar activity is still relatively low, but the appearance of the sun suggests the quiet might not last. Over the weekend, a profusion of new sunspot groups peppered the solar disk with dark cores--each one a potential source of eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of M-class flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.

Featured Articles

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Electric Universe

The most important issue separating the Electric Universe from conventional views is that evidence based in laboratory experiments can be used to support EU theories of cosmogony and cosmology. The mainstream sinks its foundations in ground where computer models and complex equations are used for support. It is this philosophical divergence that inhibits the general acceptance of plasma and electricity as active agents in space

Electric Sun

The Sun may be powered, not from within itself, but from outside, by the electric (Birkeland) currents that flow in our arm of our galaxy as they do in all galaxies. This possibility - that the Sun may be externally powered by its galactic environment - is the most speculative idea in the ES hypothesis and is always attacked by critics while they ignore all the other more obvious properties of the ES model.

In the Plasma Universe model, cosmic sized, low-density currents create the galaxies and the stars within those galaxies by the electromagnetic z-pinch effect. It is only a small extrapolation to ask whether these currents remain in place to power those stars. Galactic currents are of low current density, but, because the sizes of the stars are large, the total current(Amperage)is high. An Electric Sun's radiated power..
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« Last Edit: Jan 14th, 2013 at 4:36am by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #191 - Jan 16th, 2013 at 4:37am

AURORAS BY SATELLITE: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 13th, igniting bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. A US Department of Defense meteorological satellite photographed the luminous tendrils winding past Iceland:


Mark Conner of the Air Force Weather Agency prepared the image using data from a low-light camera onboard the DMSP-18 satellite. It shows not only the auroras, but also the city lights of northern Europe and the glow of gas flares from oil rigs in the North Sea. The auroras were every bit as bright as the manmade lights below. The view from the ground proves the comparison.

More auroras are in the offing. NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% chance of polar geomagnetic activity as the solar wind continues to blow. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

BIG SUNSPOTS IN THE MORNING: Sunspot AR1654 is so large, people are starting to notice it with their naked eyes when the sun is dimmed by clouds or mist. This morning, Jan. 14th, Göran Strand photographed the behemoth at sunrise over Frösön, Sweden:


"The weather was very cold, -20 degrees Celsius and there was a light mist that made it possible to shoot right at the Sun without any filters," says Strand. "In the foreground you can see the downpipes on my neighbor's house."

To take the picture, Strand set his Nikon D800E digital camera as follows: 510mm/f4.8, ISO 400, 1/6000 sec. Sky watchers who wish to photograph the spot should take note of those settings, but be careful. Even when the sun is dimmed, viewing it through unfiltered optics is every dangerous. One stray beam of magnified sunlight can blind you. Use the digital viewfinder to safely align the camera.

COMET ISON APPROACHES: Later this year, Comet ISON could put on an unforgettable display as it plunges toward the sun for a fiery encounter likely to turn the "dirty snowball" into a naked-eye object in broad daylight. At the moment, however, it doesn't look like much. John Chumack sends this picture, taken Jan. 8th, from his private observatory in Yellow Springs, Ohio:


"Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) is currently in the constellation Gemini, moving between the heads of the twins Castor and Pollux," says Chumack. "It is still pretty faint, near 16th magnitude, but don't be fooled by that. This could become one of the best comets in many years."

Comet ISON is a sungrazer. On Nov. 28, 2013, it will fly through the sun's outer atmosphere only 1.2 million km from the stellar surface below. If the comet survives the encounter, it could emerge glowing as brightly as the Moon, visible near the sun in the blue daylight sky. The comet's dusty tail stretching into the night would create a worldwide sensation.

Comet ISON looks so puny now because it is so far away, currently near the orbit of Jupiter. As it falls toward the sun in the months ahead it will warm up and reveal more about its true character. By the summer of 2013, researchers should know whether optimistic predictions about Comet ISON are justified. Possibilities range from "Comet of the Century" to disintegrated dud. Stay tuned!

On January 15, 2013 there were 1368 potentially hazardous asteroids.

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #192 - Jan 16th, 2013 at 8:14pm

Published on Jan 13, 2013
Disclosure made by FEDERAL JUDGE DAVID WYNN MILLER who is the speaker in the video. He discusses amazing new technology in China, the Greenland UFO and the UFO captured on video over the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #193 - Jan 31st, 2013 at 8:06pm

SPACE COMSAT LAUNCH: Last night, NASA launched a new communications satellite to shore up the space agency's Tracking and Data Relay System for high-bandwidth missions such as the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope. Mark Staples photographed the lift-off from Little Lake Santa Fe in Waldo, Florida:


"I was 150 miles from the launch site in Cape Canaveral," says Staples, "but the view of the bright orange flame was surprisingly clear. Launches are always exciting no matter how close or far away I am."

This comsat, named TDRS-K, was the first of three next-generation satellites NASA plans to add to the existing fleet. "With this launch, NASA has begun the replenishment of our aging space network," says Jeffrey Gramling, TDRS project manager. Improvements include a redesigned telecommunications payload electronics and high-performance solar panels for more spacecraft power. The next TDRS spacecraft, TDRS-L, is scheduled for launch in 2014.

Realtime Space Weather Photo Gallery

MAGNETIC FILAMENT: A bushy filament of magnetism is snaking over the sun's northeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this extreme UV picture of the structure, which stretches more than 150,000 km from end to end, during the early hours of Jan. 30th:


If this filament becomes unstable, as bushy magnetic filaments often do, it could erupt and hurl a portion of itself into space. Amateur astronomers with backyard solar telescopes are advised to monitor developments.

If the filament does erupt, it will likely be the only solar activity today. No sunspots are actively flaring. NOAA forecasters estimate a slim 1% chance of M-class solar flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

GREEN COMET LEMMON: 2013 could be the Year of the Comet. Comet Pan-STARRS is set to become a naked eye object in March, followed by possibly-Great Comet ISON in November. Now we must add to that list green Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6). "Comet Lemmon is putting on a great show for us down in the southern hemisphere," reports John Drummond, who sends this picture from Gisborne, New Zealand:


"I took the picture on Jan. 23rd using a 41 cm (16 in) Meade reflector," says Drummond. "It is a stack of twenty 1 minute exposures." That much time was required for a good view of the comet's approximately 7th-magnitude coma ("coma"=cloud of gas surrounding the comet's nucleus).

Lemmon's green color comes from the gases that make up its coma. Jets spewing from the comet's nucleus contain cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon (C2). Both substances glow green when illuminated by sunlight in the near-vacuum of space.

Discovered on March 23rd 2012 by the Mount Lemmon survey in Arizona, Comet Lemmon is on an elliptical orbit with a period of almost 11,000 years. This is its first visit to the inner solar system in a very long time. The comet is brightening as it approaches the sun; light curves suggest that it will reach 2nd or 3rd magnitude, similar to the stars in the Big Dipper, in late March when it approaches the sun at about the same distance as Venus (0.7 AU). Northern hemisphere observers will get their first good look at the comet in early April; until then it is a target exclusively for astronomers in the southern hemisphere.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #194 - Feb 7th, 2013 at 4:58pm

18 Giant Skeletons And Pyramids Found In Wisconsin
Posted by Charleston Voice


Here's one for your "Forbidden Archaeology" file.Scientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912. The dig site at Lake Delavan was overseen by Beloit Collegeand it included more than 200 effigy mounds that proved to be classic examples of 8th century Woodland Culture.

But the enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls found in May 1912 did not fit very neatly into anyone's concept of a textbook standard. They were enormous. These were not average human beings.

Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls "presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America to-day." They tend to have a double row of teeth, 6 fingers, 6 toes and like humans came in differant races.

The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. Heads usually found are elongated believed due to longer than normal life span.

On 10 August 1891, the New York Times reported that scientists from the Smithsonian Institution had discovered several large "pyramidal monuments" on Lake Mills, near Madison, Wisconsin. "Madison was in ancient days the centre of a teeming population numbering not less than 200,000," the Times said. The excavators found an elaborate system of defensive works which they named Fort Aztalan.
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prepare yourselves

be at peace


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« Last Edit: Feb 7th, 2013 at 5:04pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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