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UFO Disclosure (Read 264276 times)
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #255 - May 4th, 2013 at 1:23pm

Opening paragraph of the book - War of the Worlds - by H. G. Wells.

No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacency men went to and fro over this globe about their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter. It is possible that the infusoria under the microscope do the same. No one gave a thought to the older worlds of space as sources of human danger, or thought of them only to dismiss the idea of life upon them as impossible or improbable. It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most terrestrial men fancied there might be other men upon Mars, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome a missionary enterprise. Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes,
and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.
And early in the twentieth century came the great disillusionment.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #256 - May 4th, 2013 at 5:23pm
im glad you brought this up lighted one..

hg wells another freemasonic dupe given notoriety

H.G. Wells: Prophet of the NWO

April 30, 2011

Wells "psychologically conditioned the public to accept the stages of the New World Order as if they were self-evident."


by Fritz Springmeier


       Is there any proof that events in the world are following a script?  The question has intrigued me because many people with inside knowledge have told me of attending meetings where the script of the future was outlined, 200-yr. plans, 40-year plans, 20, 10, and 5-year plans.

The futuristic predictions of H.G. Wells (a socialist Masonic Prophet) prove that indeed much more is contrived than the man in the street could imagine.

Written in 1913, Well's The World Set Free predicted the use of atom bombs and the effect of nuclear war long before scientists considered the possibility. It also predicted the breakthrough in 1933, when the details of nuclear chain reaction were discovered.

In other books, Wells said a NWO would come about by the elite controlling the air and sea lanes, as well as energy production, which indeed they have done. Another incredible visionary idea was the concept of air superiority. Whoever gains control of the air will consistently win the ground battle. This has been shown since W.W. I, but it was not realized when H.G. Wells conceived it, and it has taken many years for people to accept the idea.

Not only did H.G. Wells predict modern warfare, the bombing of London, atom bombs, the League of Nations, stealth fighters over Iraq, space flight and countless other details of the future, far in advance of their eventual happening, as well as mapping out in detail how a New World Order could be created, but he participated in causing events to take place. 

He was a major player to create the League of Nations. When the Russian Revolution occurred, H.G. Wells (who was known simply as H.G.) went to Russia to trade ideas with Lenin on how to follow up the Revolution to create a New World Order. They disagreed, and parted disliking each other. (The disagreement stemmed over H.G.'s vision that the elite families through business and technology would create the New Order. Lenin wanted to socialize things directly through strong government.)

Much later in 1934, H.G. visited personally with FDR in the U.S. and Stalin in Moscow. (By the way, all three were Freemasons.)   After visiting with FDR, H.G. declared that the "United States...[was] the most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order."

He felt that FDR was incorporating H.G.'s Open Conspiracy ideas for bringing in the NWO that H.G. had been advocating, for instance, FDR's brain trust, technocratic string pullers like Felix Frankfurter and Raymond Moley, who made policy for FDR.

After his meeting with Stalin, he described Stalin, "I have never met a man more candid, fair and honest...and to nothing occult and sinister...everyone trusts him."  Over the years, he advocated the U.K. help the U.S.S.R. 

Readers may realize from this that the U.S., the U.S.S.R. and the U.K. have all been guided toward the same goal, but have been taking different paths.  In general, H.G. was a guru to his generation, and after his death a society in his name continued promoting his views.

While he networked with countless persons around the world directly promoting his views (which obviously lined up with "The Plan"), his books quietly served a more subtle but important role.




[Above,  logo of British intelligence with  "all seeing" eye
of Freemasonry, and leader of British Intelligence during WW
II, Freemason H.G. Wells, outspoken anti-Catholic and author
of "The New World Order", a book that describes the plans of
the global elites to build G.O.G. Global Occult Government.]

Freemason  H.G.  Wells, Fabian socialist, occultist, science
fiction writer,  and  intelligence  agent,  tutored  another
influencial  writer: namley, A. Huxley, author of "Brave New
World", a book, which,  much like socialist Orwell's "1984",
depicted a  totalitarian  society  dominated  by a  ruthless
elite.  No doubt, the elite  know  of what  they speak.  For
example,  Orwell, in his famous book "1984" housed the three
main beaurocracies of the super-spy-state in three  gigantic
pyramid-shaped buildings  -- a more obvious symbolical thumb
print of the Illuminati is hard to think of.

"Amazingly enough, the battle plan of the  New  World  Order
controllers  can  be  clearly read in the works of a science
fiction writer, a man who came up from humble beginnings  in
Britian  to  hobnob  in  his adult life  with the movers and
shakers of the elite. Herbert George Wells, more  than  just
the  latter  day  Jules Verne that he is presented as in the
history books, was head of British Intelligence during World
War II, and his mistress was Maura Benchendorff, a woman who
has been called 'perhaps the Soviet Union's  most  effective
agent-of-influence  ever to appear on London's political and
intellectual stage'. H.G. Wells knew whereof he  spoke  when ...
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #257 - May 4th, 2013 at 5:25pm
Much  evidence suggests that Freemasonry's arch-enemy is the
Catholic Church, thus making the  RCC  a  prime  target  for
infiltration, subversion, and sabotage. Certainly H.G. Wells
towed the party line of Masonry in his book,  "Crux  Ansata:
An  Indictment  of  the  Roman Catholic Church", where Wells
went so far as to suggest that the  real  reason  we  fought
WWII was to free Europe from the clutches of Catholicism. Is
this perhaps  why,  at  Yalta,  Freemason  FDR  turned  over
Eastern  Europe  to  the Communists? Much historrical debate
has revolved around the question as to why FDR did  so,  and
here  Freemason  H.G. Wells, who was also a powerful figure,
might be giving us some  insight into FDR's real reasons for
what some considered a betrayal of Eastern Europe Communism:

"As  this  present  world  war goes on, and even if there is
some sort of temporary half peace before it degenerates into
a  tangle  of minor wars, it will become plainer and plainer
that it is no longer a geogrpaically determined  warfare  of
governments,   nations   and  peoples,  but  the  world-wide
struggle  of  our  species  to  release  itself   from   the
strangling  octopus of Catholic Christianity. Everywhere the
Church extends its  tentacles  and  fights  to  prolong  the
Martyrdom  of  Man."  -- H.G. Wells, "Crux Ansata", page 131
[There you have it  expressed  in  a  nutshell:  either  man
crucified Jesus Christ, as traditional Catholics hold, else,
according  to  Wells  and  company,  Catholic   Christianity
crucified  man.  In  light  of the incredible anti-Christian
mass butchery of the 20th century, where millions  of  Jews,
Christians,  and  others  were  systematically murdered, the
claims of Wells seem somewhat exagerated to say the least.]

Guy Burgess was part of the infamous Cambridge spy ring, and
was a Freemason and pioneer of homosexual Freemasonry, wrote
Jim Keith in his book "Mass Mind Control". In the 1930s some
of the young  men  at Cambridge University were recruited as
Soviet spies, among them Burgess.   They became known by the
KGB as the 'magnificent five'  but were known in the U.K. as
the Cambridge spy ring traitors.   The KBG, knowing that the
British intelligence agencies were permeated with Freemasons
targeted Freemasonry as a prime target for infiltration. 

Guy Burgess (1910-63) worked for the BBC from 1936-1939  and
1941-44.  While working for the BBC in the 1940s he was also
employed by MI5. Later  moving  to  the  Foreign  Office  he
became  a  secretary under Kim Philby in Washington in 1950.
Burgess was recalled  from  the  US  in  1950  for  'serious
misconduct'  and  subsequently  he  and  fellow  spy  Donald
Maclean disappeared. They emerged in the Soviet Union a  few
years later. Burgess eventually died in Moscow.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #258 - May 4th, 2013 at 8:44pm
it_is_the_light wrote on May 3rd, 2013 at 7:59pm:

ET Commander Says Watch Skies Around May 3 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013 10:33

Channel: Ashtar/Athena
April 30 2013
3:07 PM Mountain Time

This is Lord Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.

UFO Fleet Caught On Film, Small UFO Entering Larger Ship Makes News In Turkey

Friday, May 3, 2013 12:14

Fleet Of Hovering UFOs Seen Over Farm Area In Russia, April 25, 2013.
Date of sighting: April 25, 2013
Location of sighting: Russia


Credit: UFO Sightings Daily

Eyewitness states:  Astrakhan region, Seen at 08,15pm g.Harabali pos.Silitrennoe.2 times of analyzing and processing at high speed, You can see unidentified flying object, In single-frame playback you can see dark shapes, elongated shapes, appearing in hundredths .Ne tampering done on video, You can is its clear.

Small UFO Enters Massive UFO Hidden Inside Cloud Over Lake Van, Turkey April 2013.
Date of sighting: April 2013
Location of sighting: Lake Van, Turkey (Turkish: Van Golu)



News States: The owner of the local weekly newspaper, Murat Çurku went with a messenger to take pictures of a picnic on Sunday. They went to the beach pier located on the shores of Lake Van. Çurku went wandering around taking pictures on the beach for a while. The massive Pier along the coast of the northern part of Lake Van, near the island of Çarpanak must have attracted the attention of an object. He said that the UFO quickly changed its shape and began to move to the cloud-like giant UFO. Now in his hands was the camera and he instinctively began to photograph it. Çurku is still living in great astonishment at what he saw across the lake, he said: “The weather was beautiful, and I went to take pictures of the coast and pier. I saw an object around Carpanak Island. I did not pay much attention, but then I saw the object change its shape and began to move. The object’s shape was reminiscent of a typical UFO. Then it left. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. I was in great confusion. What I’ve seen I do not know what the object was, but I would say UFO.”
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #259 - May 6th, 2013 at 4:34am


Sunday, May 5, 2013 11:28

In a gripping testimonial, an ailing former member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has talked via video for the first time publicly about his experience dealing with extraterrestrials, their craft and a cover-up.

FULL STORY:­ial-breaks-silence-on-extraterrestrials/
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #260 - May 8th, 2013 at 7:36am

Mysterious New Devices Installed At Border Of Area 51

Sunday, May 5, 2013 12:25


A user with the screen name FosterVS shared an interesting new satellite image with the Above Top Secret message boards yesterday, images that showed evidence of new structures in the forbidden desert land.

“I saw signs of trenching/cabling from the Area 51 guardshack along a trail to one of the Bald Mountain Gates, in the newer Bing Maps imagery,” he wrote.

“The spot is 37°29’30.74″N, 115°40’24.69″W. If you follow this trail back towards the guard shack, you will see a number of similar cement pads.”

Looks like some kind of radar to me or maybe some kind of sound weapon?
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #261 - May 15th, 2013 at 10:44pm

Artificial Monolith Found on Mars Moon Phobos
Submitted by Need2Know on May 12th, 2013


What is the strange monolith looking object spotted on Mar's moon, Phobos? Is it artificial or just a natural feature of the moon? As most people know, there are no shortages of stories and rumors concerning Mar's moons Phobos and Deimos. Everything from them being hollow spaceships to habitats for alien beings has been discussed and rumored about for years concerning these moons. What scientists know for sure is that both moons are asteroids that got too close to Mars orbit and were captured by the planets gravity. Scientists also know that both of the moons are getting closer to Mars itself and will eventually collide with the planet but that is millions of years away.

Most scientists have concluded that the monolith is nothing but a large rock that was ejected from a collision with another asteroid sometime in the past. There are also some researchers that say that the monolith is not a natural feature at all and is in fact a building of some sort, possibly a pyramid. The proof or credibility for these explanations is not really valid though and comes down to opinions rather than any kind of facts. Of course, this does not stop some in believing that the structure is artificial. Recently, Buzz Aldrin, a famous NASA astronaut has even mentioned that the structure looks to him like a "building test". Basically Buzz said that the structure could have been a trial building technique for some alien creatures. He does go onto mention that the chances for this are extremely slim but that the monolith has enough strange characteristics that it definitely needs to be studied.


There have been numerous countries that have pledged interest in exploring Phobos in the coming years. Russia has plans to land a space probe in 2014 titled Phobos-Grunt on the moon itself while China will have a space probe inserted into Mars orbit around the same time. Of course, the United States is planning on having a few space probes targeted for Mars (these will be additions to the ones already exploring Mars) but as of right now, there are no plans to explore Phobos solely.

So, what exactly is the strange Monolith on Phobos? Hopefully, with all of the missions planned for Mars and Phobos over the next several years, we will get some confirmed answers to this question. It would be mind blowing if the structure does turn out to be artificial so lets just hope for it. As always, stay tuned my friends ...
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Mawson Base
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #262 - May 15th, 2013 at 11:11pm
.....maybe it's the same SHADOW that created the "face" on mars?

remember that little bit of mythology ladies and gentlemen?

Now we have more hysterical garbage on Phobos

grow up!
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #263 - May 16th, 2013 at 6:26am
you seem upset

this is forgiven

be at peace


- : )
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Australian Politics

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #264 - May 17th, 2013 at 4:07pm
Love the UFO's in the clouds.

How dam hilarious is that!!

Grin Grin Grin
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #265 - Jun 7th, 2013 at 7:00pm
some clouds have a bit of clout

it would appear

Air China Plane Hit By UFO

Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:24



“It all happened on the morning of June 4, 2013 when a Boeing 757 operated by Air China, which was flying in is from Chengdu to Guangzhou, was at an altitude of 26,000 feet (8,000 meters), was hit by an unknown object. The incident had occurred 20 minutes after takeoff, but caused no injuries among the passengers and crew members”

This is the second timein as many days I’ve heard of a passenger plane having an encounter with a UFO.  This however is  a tad extreme.  What is weird about this is that how did the nose of this plane get busted right n and nobody kneww about it til after they got off the plane? Did they not feel it?  Hw did the jet survive a collision like that?  efinately strange and something I hope Chinese UFOlogists look into (if they exist). -Mort


prepare yourselves

be at peace


- : )
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #266 - Jun 8th, 2013 at 4:08pm
The Elohim Of The Great Central Sun: A Great Work Is Before You – 7 June 2013

We are your family, your siblings. It was not our destiny, to journey through the Cosmos, like you do, as the Cosmos is forever in Us. We are here, to remind You of your original Homeland, your Source and thereby that the Cosmos is also in You.
We are the Radiant Light, that you perceive. We are Keepers of Light and we are Creator Gods, also called the Elohim of the Great Central Sun.
We are here to awaken your memory of the creation of your soul. Your Consciousness witnessed this act of creation, after It had agreed to connect with Soul. It was Pure Unity Consciousness, until it divided through the connection with the soul creations.
We are able to be both: light-form and formlessness. We have confined our absolute  freedom only to this degree. We are capable to release the connection with form any time and Be Pure Light of the Central Sun. For you, existing in great density, this is difficult to imagine, but trust the remembrance of your soul, who understands the truth of our message, as soon as it remembers.
Now the memories gradually start to re-appear, the more you turn to the Light and the more you become It again.
There is only one true language, it is the language of Light. And it is tantamount to and the other face of Love. It is Ecstasy. We are Ecstasy. Remember!
We remind you that there Is Only Light, and that everything is created from that LoveLight. This Light is the Substance of true Being. Without this Light nothing exists. Light is the component of Being, that brings Being into Existence. Being without the existence of Light cannot be recognized. Only Light makes it recognizable, so that It can be Known. You are coming from there, and it is the level of Consciousness, to Whom you will return.
Our Radiance ignites in the depth of your unconscious the spark of the Radiant Light, as which you once emerged and began your journey through the Cosmos.
You learned  from this journey, and the value of your knowledge and of the Creator’s Self-Recognition in His Creation is bearing great treasures. These treasures are forever stored in your consciousness, in your genes and DNA. It is the material which is of high value for further creations in other galaxies.
Therefore you are the teachers of less developed Star Systems, because you know the total bandwidth of Light, from highest power of radiance to a light that is almost extinct. You know all associated faculties of creation in all variants of the lower and higher mind, the associated Emotions and feelings and physical states. You have studied  the separation from your own divine Source, while you surrendered fully to the experience of it.
All these themes, as they are known to you and as you understand them, enable you, to inspire and to fertilize other galactic civilizations with the power of Evolution, that happens by Divine Will.
A great work and a dedicated Service is before you. The evolution of all Galaxies is an unceasing process in the Center of  the Consciousness of the Highest, the Source of  all Existence.
It is up to you, to accept this Service, or to exchange it for a different task. But who have been feeling dedicated to this Service from the very beginning, will hear this call now and open their soul to be drawn to the appropriate pathway. Whether you are being already fully aware of it or not.
It does not matter, but a prevision will dawn in those, who are called, and something in them will respond.
The True Divine Adventure has just now only begun.To know one’s further path is a great Blessing and Grace, because undreamed-of perspectives of multidimensional Consciousness are being opened thereby, expanding your inner awareness to new horizons to awaken in new spheres.
After you’ve reached the very bottom, while penetrating together with your Beloved Planet Earth the deepest depth of darkness, now the final parting from this world of experiences is here. The planes of density are being left behind, a new Field of Consciousness is opening, and other and new radiant Realities are being recognized in the Divine Mind and thereby created.
The new Worlds are emerging and their fruits are serving the growth and inspiration of those who come after you, to learn from you.

These are the eternal cycles of the Glory of the Highest, Who continuously is Moving and Expanding into New Magnificent Experiences, to Discover Itself.
You Are That, and you Are Not It. It Is beyond your language and comprehension. It can only be Experienced and be Lived, in and as the LoveLight of Highest Consciousness.

We Are with You, in the Fire of Light and of Love!
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #267 - Jun 16th, 2013 at 9:19am

Ashtar Through Philipp Ashtar Speaks June the 12th, 2013


Ashtar Speaks:  " The Transformation of your Financial World as the Basis for Disclosure" - June the 12th, 2013

At the moment many things are happening in your world, that give many of you the doubt in the divine plan. Many of you are asking, how it can be, that we are talking about love and peace, promising you the most wonderful things, while seemingly chaos, violence and oppression rule all around the world 

Please understand, that this is the last gasp of the dark energies. Anything, that is not from the light will now be washed away or transformed. It opposes his transformation, fights and stands up to the very last. But his fate is sealed. We see the solutions for the world's conflicts, not only in Turkey and Syria, which is currently keeping your media busy the most. Also, the conflicts between the sexes, different population groups and religions. We see how these conflicts melt and what newly arises on their land. And this is unique to your world: An unprecedented peace is awaiting you.

You are asking, "When?". Well this is depending very much on You. Send out your light and your love and help to transform all the negative energies in your world. We are quite active in bringing in the energies of your central sun, but the real transmutation, the anchoring and the thriving of this incoming energies is your job. And if we are allowed to say, actually your principal duty, irrespective of which other task you additionally have taken on. 

At the moment we do not want go deeper into your actual world affairs, but inform you about, what is directly in front of your door. Because this is considerably influencing the just described transformation.

You were told, that the transformation of your financial system is a done deal and only waiting for implementation. As well you were told, that the dark ones have no more power to delay or to prevent this any more. This we can confirm and you will also see, why this is so important. In the next days and weeks you will learn more about it and even better, you will experience it. We are looking forward to see, how you rub your eyes in disbelief, asking yourself: "Is this really there?  Am I dreaming?" After this short phase you will overflow with happiness and will be totally excited. This on itself lifts you up a great deal and your vibrations raise to higher power. And why do I, Ashtar, tell you this? Because this joy that you will experience with the introduction of the new financial system is absolutely critical and the basis, that disclosure can take place.

At the moment, the majority of mankind believes it is possible, not to be alone in the universe. Nevertheless, there is a difference whether one does not preclude or believes. What do you think would happen, if we now perform a mass flyover? Would the majority of people react with fear and terror? How would react your existing financial system? Would it not result in more violence and chaos?

And now ask yourself, how it would be like if humanity is lifted first by a new and fair financial system. If joy and happiness be consensus that the old shackles of the unfair economic system were stripped off and everyone feels that the New frees him from the yoke of slavery. Do you not think as well, that this will automatically resolve many of your current problems? And based on that, the disclosure that your star family is here and once again would like to unite with you, will be much better received?

Thus we can confirm, what other have reported and many of you already guess: Disclosure will take place, as soon as the necessary steps to implement the new, fair economic system have successfully taken place. Then we can come to you and present you with all that we have already announced to you.

And from your point of view, the most wonderful thing is probably, that we are talking about weeks and not years, until this fundamental transformation of your economic system picks up speed and becomes visible for everyone. And if this stone is rolling, you can be assured that also disclosure will not be long in coming.

I hope very much that this message brings you joy. Because that's going on in your life on this planet: Find joy in your life and focus upon it.

In deepest love,

Your Ashtar
Channeller: Philipp
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #268 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 5:53pm

Glowing Angel Or Alien Caught On Cam? 2013

Published on Jun 27, 2013
Very strange humanoid figure caught on a deer cam in N. Georgia. Figure is holding a rod or wand of some kind and is emitting a luminous glow. Figure is unlikely to be a Fairy as its too tall, its more likely an Angel or possibly a winged Alien or light being, but as always you decide. Picture submitted via the ADG website by Yasmin Crowe. Got something to share, send it here:

More Here:
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #269 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:07pm
This Topic was moved here from Thinking Globally by muso.
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