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UFO Disclosure (Read 264266 times)
Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #270 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 6:38am
Why muso?

This thread has been in Thinking Globally and used consistently for almost 12 months without a hitch. Same goes for the Freemason thread.

I thought it was only government departments that made changes for the sake of it. Freediver's not handing out promotions, is he?

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #271 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 11:49pm

Thousands Of Golden Dome Structures On Mars, Near Lonar Crater, Video

Thursday, July 11, 2013 17:06

Scott C. Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily, says “I love using Google Mars to find evidence of ancient aliens and as always, it never lets me down. Although Google is working with the US government to hide alien evidence, thus seen through only 25% of Mars being is a focused quality, most of Mars…nearly 75% is deliberately blurred so that we cannot even view the shapes of mountains.”

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #272 - Jul 17th, 2013 at 6:11pm
Giant Cube Returns To The Sun, Caught In SOHO Photo; NASA Photo Reveals Base On Mars



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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #273 - Jul 18th, 2013 at 11:50am

Coming of Nibiru & Cayce's Pole Shift Prophecy

Published on Jun 27, 2013
Author and publisher Marshall Masters specializes in Planet X and 2012 research. He discussed a specific crop circle, seen in Avebury Manor, UK in 2008 that depicts the planets in our solar system in the position they'll be in on December 21, 2012. According to his decoding of the crop formation's message, "we're going to see what appears to be a second sun in the sky...and there's going to be a horrific solar storm, somewhat similar to the one portrayed in the movie Knowing, and it's going to be devastating for us," he warned. Masters believes ETs have sent this message via a crop circle in order to circumvent government suppression of the dire information.

The depiction in the Avebury crop circle indicates an incoming object in our solar system in Dec. 2012, arriving on a steep elliptical orbit, and a solar eruption extending as far out as Venus, he continued. Solar events will be even more damaging in 2013, and the grid will likely go down, leaving millions of Americans without power for many months, and even longer for the Third World nations, Masters continued. During the worse solar storms, the populace should be prepared to go underground, but in lieu of that, people should note where cell phone reception is weakest or non-existent, as these will be safer spots to be when the storm hits, he commented.

Masters also related Edgar Cayce's pole shift prediction, Ed Dames' remote viewed Solar Killshot, and other prophecies to the Avebury message, and believes we're already seeing advance signs, such as increased earthquakes, of the coming global cataclysm.

The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object could collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.

The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later abandoned) causing Earth to undergo a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The prediction has subsequently spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous Internet doomsday groups, most of which link the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of the late ancient astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, Sitchin denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse.

The idea of the Nibiru encounter originated with Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman who claims that as a girl she was contacted by gray extraterrestrials called Zetas, who implanted a communications device in her brain. In 1995, she founded the website ZetaTalk to disseminate her ideas.[2] Lieder first came to public attention on Internet newsgroups during the build-up to Comet Hale--Bopp's 1997 perihelion. She stated, speaking as the Zetas, that "The Hale-Bopp comet does not exist. It is a fraud, perpetrated by those who would have the teeming masses quiescent until it is too late. Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer." She claimed that the Hale-Bopp story was manufactured to distract people from the imminent arrival of a large planetary object, "Planet X", which would soon pass by Earth and destroy civilization.

This would be followed by the Earth's pole destabilising in a pole shift (a physical pole shift, with the Earth's pole physically moving, rather than a geomagnetic reversal) caused by magnetic attraction between the Earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet. This in turn would disrupt the Earth's magnetic core and lead to subsequent displacement of the Earth's crust

Zecharia Sitchin and Sumer

Although Lieder originally referred to the object as "Planet X", it has become deeply associated with Nibiru, a planet from the works of ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin, particularly his book The 12th Planet. According to Sitchin's interpretation of Babylonian religious texts, which contradicts conclusions reached by credited scholars on the subject, a giant planet (called Nibiru or Marduk) passes by Earth every 3,600 years and allows its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. These beings, which Sitchin identified with the Annunaki of Sumerian myth, would become humanity's first gods.
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #274 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 8:36am
Is that nutter Richard Hoagland still up to no good?
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #275 - Jul 21st, 2013 at 3:05pm
hoagland yes interesting being

and any quick search will produce his evidences

of phenomenon which quite factually exists

without permission approval or validation

of the fact

for it is so


- : )

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #276 - Jul 22nd, 2013 at 12:52pm
Solar events will be even more damaging in 2013, and the grid will likely go down, leaving millions of Americans without power for many months, and even longer for the Third World nations, Masters continued. During the worse solar storms, the populace should be prepared to go underground

Wow - we better get ready.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #277 - Jul 22nd, 2013 at 6:26pm
times up..

Financial Tyranny Collapsing at Free-Fall Speed

by David Wilcock
July 14, 2013, 12:22 am



You may still be clinging to the riverbank, struggling like mad not to let go.

You may still not be prepared to plunge into the wild, terrifying and invigorating "white water" ride of Disclosure.

Nonetheless, just as we have been expecting, disclosure is happening now.

If you ever wondered about what disclosure would actually look like once it started happening, this is it.

As we are now seeing, it cannot be constrained into one single, all-defining moment where "everything happens".

We do not all wake up with a single, streamlined, easy-to-understand story that everyone believes... where all of a sudden the world has changed forever.

This is a massive, systematic, and total shift in what the average person knows, thinks and believes to be true -- on the most basic level.

It is an exciting opportunity to completely "start over" with the basic nature of civilization as we know it -- and build a much happier and healthier world.


The pattern that disclosure will take has now become obvious.

You can extrapolate from what is already happening and have a good idea of where this is going.

"New" information comes out... and the public then realizes the truth was there all along, waiting to be appreciated.

"New" whistleblowers come out... and the public then realizes many other whistleblowers risked their lives to tell us the same things, years ago -- and were ignored.

It is natural for the human ego to deploy the full arsenal of "defense mechanisms" against the truth -- including the all-time favorite method of attacking the messenger.

Unless you are "completely brand-new to all of this," you have undoubtedly suffered these sarcastic, belittling attacks yourself. Many times.

Now, you are finally starting to be vindicated -- for having known and discussed things that are quickly becoming common knowledge.

Your vindication has only just begun. 2013 is indeed the year of the "I-told-ya-so party" -- and we're only halfway through it so far.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #278 - Jul 22nd, 2013 at 9:18pm

58 Alien Races Visiting Earth

Saturday, July 20, 2013 9:01

Proof we’re not alone… Over 60 races have visited Earth now, according to the Disclosure Project in a 2008 presentation.  Below is a clip from the disclosure project. An amazing presentation by Dr. Greer. Where over 400 FAA, CIA, Navy Intel, Police, Generals & other high ranking officials came out to tell the truth (or lie) about Alien races and UFO’s.

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #279 - Jul 23rd, 2013 at 8:09pm
The main thing to remember about UFOs is the fact that they are Unidentified.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #280 - Jul 29th, 2013 at 4:57pm
the phenomena exists quite factually

regardless of your permission..

be at peace and watch NASA footage of UFO's and

other structures on mars from the rovers

we are here.

you are welcome.


- : )

UFO Planet - Ep 10 - NASA UFO's
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #281 - Aug 1st, 2013 at 6:35pm

Two Military Jets Escort UFO To Secret Base, Alien Tech In Military Hands?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 13:37

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #282 - Aug 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm
Also here:

Most comments consider it fake.


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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #283 - Aug 1st, 2013 at 7:52pm
yes most comments were of consent to propaganda

so be it

the phenomena remains littered throughout these pages

without permissions

be at peace


- : )
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #284 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 11:02pm

Top Secret Document On Aliens And UFOs By Einstein And Oppenheimer, Written In June 1947

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 12:24

In June of 1947 Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer together wrote a top secret six page document entitled “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies”. It says the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military.


It also deals with the subjects that you would expect competent scientists to deal with – i.e., where do they come from, what does the law say about it, what should we do in the event of colonization and/or integration of peoples, and why are they here?

Finally, the document addresses the presence of celestial astroplanes in our atmosphere as a result of actions of military experiments with fission and fusion devices of warfare. When each page is shown just press your pause button to read the page at your leisure.
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