Uncle Meat wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2012 at 11:25am:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2012 at 11:09am:
The simple solution is this: We only take in 'boat people' who can be billeted. This would require those who want them here to volunteer themselves to do the billeting. This way the tax payer only pays for the boat people's processing. After that, the entire financial burden will be on the billeters. It is the responsibility of these volunteer billeters to ensure they are fed, clothed, sheltered, and provided with all other expenses until the 'boat person' can stand on their own two feet in all these departments.
This would include setting up a registrar were people can put their names down and sign binding legal contracts. All at the expense of the humanitarian, not the tax payer. Any excess 'boat people' that cannot be billeted due to a shortage of volunteers will either be granted a temporary protection visa or sent back to where they came from.
This should not be a problem. Because we all know that the humanitarian brigade want them here and they will be only too happy to spend their money on helping these people settle. It's win/win. The humanitarians get to feel nice, warm, and fuzzy inside and the 'boat people' get freed from 'oppression.'
What an incredibly naive and stupid post.
We pay the government (with taxes), and the government uses that money to provide the infrastructure and services required for refugees.
The same goes for government run nursing homes, hospitals, and zoos.
Or, are you suggesting that animal lovers keep tigers and elephants at their houses? Are you also suggesting that anyone who feels compassion for sick people should have a few patients hooked up to machines in their spare room?
I don't know what it is in here lately, but the IQ level has taken a huge nose dive.
The plan is to cut out the middle man as much as possible. Instead of millions of tax payers dollars being spent on these people, those who want them here can have the burden.
At the moment it's an "out of sight out of mind" thing for the humanitarian brigade. An impersonal thing where the humanitarian trendies feel nice and fuzzy inside because someone, somewhere else is doing their moral work for them. These people being civil servants and/or contractors.
I really don't see the problem. If you and your humanitarian buddies really feel you need to 'save' these people, then you'd only be too willing to take them into your home. Palming it off onto a third party where you play no role except sprout empty moral platitudes doesn't cut it.
See, under this plan the true humanitarians come out - those noble individuals who really do know the meaning of charity. Conversely, we also see the pretenders come out. Those who see this no more than a political football to score a few cheap points by sprouting a few moralized slogans here and there.