From the Aisha thread:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 26
th, 2014 at 8:27pm:
freediver wrote on Sep 26
th, 2014 at 6:59pm:
It is not clear at all. You have merely insisted it is the case, while taking 3 contradictory stances. You claim they were constantly trying to annihilate each other, that they had stopped fighting in the interests of self preservation and that one group was maintaining the upper hand and somehow ruling the weaker tribes, while not actually annihilating them.
lol - it is not contradictory when they happen in sequence: first the jews ruled over the arabs, second the arabs overthrew them and ruled over the jews, third the arabs fought each other for over a century - only deciding to end the destructive war when it was obvious each side was anhialating itself. If Muhammad ceased hostilities in the interests of self preservation, you would merely cite it as evidence of how sinister he was.
So at the time Muhammed turned up, the tribes were living together in peace, as equals, and Muhammed fixed this by kicking out the first two Jewish tribes and annihilating the third?
If he had actually ceased the (already-ceased) hostilities, that might make him a peacemaker. He was a classic warmonger, and these transparent justifications for Jew-slaughtering would make Goebbels proud.
Quote:This sequence of events very plainly demonstrates your portrayal of coexisting tribes trading with each other and having a society based on "genuine equality" with no caste system is a complete joke.
Why? Because it had not been that way for all eternity?
Quote:hilarious. I'm not justifying anything - quote me justifying anything Muhammad did in this thread.
You have justified his slaughter of an entire Jewish tribe, on the grounds that they were all scheming Jews who deserved what they got.