Quote:Prolly has nothing to do with sharia law. The fact that some of them want it doesnt mean its the cause of the wars.
Think about it Spot. We are trying to establish a functioning democracy. Muslims like Abu are fundamentally opposed to democracy, freedom etc, and will kill people to get their way. Ask him about it if you don't believe me. It matters a great deal. Both wars would be over by now if not for that. Afghanistan and Iraq would have a functioning democracy. Our soldiers would be back home. All the people, including non-Muslims, would be able to have a say in government. Both sides would be happy. The people who oppose that outcome are the ones who want the war to continue. It matters.
Quote:Obviously thats not what im saying. Howeever religion isnt the cause of the troubles. Like i said its a civilisation thing. How long did it take to get the xtians under control?
Spot can you give any examples of Christian extremists who went to the lengths that the Taliban and Al Quaida are going to in order to block democracy, human rights etc? The reason you cannot is the fundamental difference between Islam and other religions. These people oppose to death what you loosely refer to as civilisation and have so far been successful in preventing it from happening in much of the middle east. It matters. It is absurdly hypocritical of you to insist that Christianity is the biggest threat to western civilisation then turn around and try to claim that religion is not the cause of the problems in the middle east. It is just another example of how you think it is more important to argue that religions are equal rather than that they are bad. You are the proverbial useful idiot when it comes to Islam. You are afraid to criticise Islam in case it makes other religions look good in comparison. You take it to the extreme of deliberately lying about Abu.
Quote:They cant though because our society doesnt let them.
And because the religion is fundamentally different to Islam in how it instructs them to handle the situation. Progessive social movements are almost universal across all religions, except Islam. No other religion calls it's followers to establish a state the way Islam does. Abu will even tell you this himself, if you are prepared to face facts. There are plenty of things he would be willing to tell you, if you didn;t run and hide every time he started talking about Islam.
Quote:3 Saudis have joined the atheist forum in the last fortnight,we have ex muslim posters from Iraq,Iran,Turkey,Jordan,Indonesia even a Palestinian atheist and they all say Islam is the problem.
Spot expects us to take his vague generalisations about religion more seriously, even though he is so obviously fooled by Abu.
Quote:Try to comprehend. Religions all have their capital punishments. The only reason the "xtian" countries dont have stonings and stuff is because of the civilisation and its all kept under control. The religion is the excuse for acting horribly but it isnt the cause. If it was the cause then we would still have witch burnings and gay stonings.
You still have not comprehended the difference here Spot. Islam is a militant political movement. You would feel like an idiot making this comparison between nazism and other religions, yet Islam has many parallels with Nazism that other religions do not. If you were capable of facing reality when it comes to Muslims you would have realised this by now, which is why I try so hard to get you to read what Abu actually posts rather than what you want him to post. Abu will willingly tell you a lot of this. He doesn't always spend pages and pages giving excuses for not answering like he did in this thread.
Quote:Do you really think the xtians would refrain from killing gays if we didnt have the society we do with the police forces we do and the indoctrination we do NOT to do that stuff?
Yes Spot. It was Christian countries and Christians themselves that lead the changes.