Quote:Like i have said several time and Abu saw it but you are selectively blind - i know all religions want to impose their beliefs on everyone else.
You seem to have made an exception for Islam. Just look at your quotes in the opening post. They are all about reading the most benign possible intent into what Abu did not say.
Quote:However the threat in australia is the xtians not the muslims. The xtians are closer to imposing their crap on the rest of us than the muslims.
I think the threat of external war and internal or external terrorism is far greater than either. Here again it would help for both you and Abu to acknowledge the reality - not about the magnitude of the threat, but of the underlying forces of what people want. If you cannot bring yourself to admit to what people want then you have no hope at all of assessing the threat they pose.
Quote:Abu is not personally trying to bring it about. I had thought he was a radical from all the crap you have been saying about him but he may just be a normal religious person.
Again, you are reading an aweful lot into what he does not say, while flat out rejecting what he does say - eg when he openly admits to rejecting freedom and democracy and feeling a moral imperative to change Australia.
Quote:WTF? You are misrepresenting again. I sussed out if we were in immanent danger from abu and/or his group and we are not as far as i can tell.
You pretty much begged him to lie to you, and when he refused to do that you made it up instead. That is why you have to put words into his mouth rather than quote him, and refuse to ask for clarification when he gives childish excuses for not offering a straight answer.
Quote:I used your questions in fact. Of course he wants his religion too be dominant in the world - all religious ppl do however the muslims in australia seem to be striving to have it for themselves first rather than everyone else.
You used my questions and got the same non-answer I did, then proceded to pretend that you got what you wanted to hear.
What does this mean spot? How hard do you have to 'strive' to obey your own rules? Does that mean you aren't striving to impose them on others?
Quote:Maybe but it isnt the cause of the problem.
So the fact that they want to kill each other has nothing to do with the fact that they are killing each other? Is this another example of you 'sussing out' the threat?
Quote:The cause is the lack of law and order and outside interference.
How does this contradict what I said - that as soon as there is a power a vacuum they start killing each other? It seems a bit silly to blame the power vacuum.
Quote:If there was not such law and order in western countries we would have the same violence between xtian sects.
We have had breakdowns of law and order before. The violence between religious sects did not emerge. They come a far distant second to purely political struggles, and have done for centuries.
Quote:It is not about religion, it is about secularists wanting to eradicate Muslims.
So why are you so afraid to talk about your views on Shites, other than to denounce them as not being Muslims and blame them and other sects for the violence?
Quote:In the video above, you can see they mock religion by prostrating to Bashar al-Assad.
So tell us Abu, what is the appropriate punishment for mocking religion? If the world were to 'let muslims be muslims' what would their fate be?
Quote:Firstly the Alawites are not even considered Shi'ites.
You mentioned Shites first Abu. But OK, seeing as you cannot bring yourself to discuss them, can you tell us what the appropriate Islamic punishment is for being an alawite?
Quote:The thing that gets me is how everything is the blame of the west when muslims start killing one another. It was some past colonial power that left a power vacuum 70 years ago or some western created puppet government. Syria has been one of the most closed of muslim nations for many decades. Everything thing that is happening there is their own doing. Muslims have killed one another for century upon century. Remember the Iran/Iraq War Abu.
You might find this enlightening. It is back from when Abu was not so afraid to give a straight answer:
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 14
th, 2008 at 6:29pm:
Quote:abu - you dont blieve ANYTHING untoward said about ANY muslim EVER.
Generally, no, I don't. I try to always think good about Muslims, and make excuses for them. This is an Islamic etiquette, like it or lump it.
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 15
th, 2008 at 9:42am:
Quote:Could you elbaborate on this 'Islamic etiquette' please Abu?
The first rule is to extend to a Muslim the benefit of the doubt
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 15
th, 2008 at 8:02pm:
Quote:Every single post of yours is riddled with bias and bigotry, which you yourself recently have admitted
Yes, i can admit I am biased towards Islam
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 15
th, 2008 at 4:20pm:
Also it can be further understood by supporting hadiths such as this one:
"Whosoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter. Allah will aid a servant (of His) so long as the servant aids his brother."
Quote:Didnt he just explain that it wasnt muslims killing each other?
No Spot. Again you are reading what you want to read rather than what is actually there. He denounced one side as not being Muslims. However, he even does this for Shites. He claimed it has nothing to do with religion, then went on to complain about how the 'other side' had an incorrect interpretation of Islam. Think about it. It is like a Protestant saying that the problems in Ireland have nothing at all to do with religion because the Catholics are not even religious. You go to absurd lengths to excuse Islam's role in this violence, yet happily make sweeping generalisations about other religions being th cause of violence. Why the double standard?