Quote:You've yet to show he slaughtered any Jew.
I don't need to to ask the question Abu. You have told us plenty of stories about Muhammed killing Jews, so it is a bit hypocritical for you to describe the others as Nazi-like. Any Nazi can give you a reason for it that sounds no less valid than the dodgy excuses Muslims give for slaughtering Jews.
Quote:When you get the concept that Muslims are not slaughtering Muslims in Syria
I get that you decry anyone who doesn't share your version of Islam as not being a Muslim. I also get that you always blame the non 'Muslim' by default. You don't even have to think about it. Your bias does not change the reality.
You don't get to change the meaning of the word Muslim just to suit your blame shifting game.
Quote:Liar. You just twist things so it looks like i do.
No Spot. You twist everything because you are incredibly biased. Like when you outright reject what Abu says because it does not suit the pigeon hole you have put him in.
Quote:Then why did you quote my statement about internal conflict?
Because that is what I was responding to.
Quote:I used YOUR words so there would be no confusion.
And you did not get a straight answer, so you made one up on Abu's behalf. This is why you can only talk about what Abu "pretty much said" rather than what he actually said.
Quote:He answered the questions that were asked - they just werent the answers you wanted.
No he didn't. He answered different questions and gave dodgy excuses for not answering, just like he did in this thread, and for some stupid reason you cannot tell the difference.
Quote:No - not in australia we havent had a breakdown on par with how they live in middle eastern countries.
Spot has it ever occurred to you that the extent of the breakdown may be the result of all the Muslims wanting to kill Muslims?
Quote:Blah blah blah blah - what has it got to do with me? Xtians do the same thing they denounce each other as not true xtians.
The Muslims kill each other. That is not the same thing as denouncing. It is fundamentally different - a difference you seem completely oblivious to. Ask Abu what he thinks the appropriate punishment is for these people, then you will have your reason for why they are killing each other.
Quote:Its all the same. Religion.
Spot it is the killing each other bit that is different. If you weren't so blinded by your desire to put all religious people in the same pigeon hole you would see this.
Quote:You ppl always think your religion is the 1 thats different than all the others but they are all the same.
How about you stick to what I actually say spot? Did you say "you people" because you know this is not in any way a reasonable response to what I posted?
Quote:Yadda open your friggin eyes mate.
I already defined "the danger".
Most people think that people killing each other is more dangerous than people having religion or 'denouncing' each other. If you weren't so biased this would make more sense to you.
Quote:All religion is dangerous IMO because @ any moment they can get violent.
So why are you so afraid to criticise Abu for wanting to kill apostates etc? You are so afraid you can't even bring yourself to talk about it. As soon as you get close you run away, chanting 'all religions are the same'.