Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Aug 8
th, 2012 at 4:16pm:
Quote:Which has nothing at all to do with being "married".
It lets them be like everyone else. Not "separate" . . . unequal.
But they're not "like everyone else" in that regard. They're homos. Marriage is a formal recognition of the complementary nature of man and woman. It does not apply to homos. It never has, and even if we make it "offocial" it never really will mean anything other than that. We can say "everyones a winner" but it really is an empty, token gesture.
Quote:Much is spoken of the "benefits" of being married - what are they?
I already answered that.
No you didn't. Why do you always claim to have answered things that you clearly haven't?
Quote:It forces me to contravene my principles. I understand this is meaningless to you, as you have none, but it's actually a pretty big deal
Why would it do anything to your principles? You dont have to be gay if you dont want. Perhaps you shouldn't have principles that involve other ppls living arrangements.
I don't give a bugger about peoples "living arrangements". Maybe they shouldn't have principles that involve them demanding people fundamentally change homoured and respected traditions to accommodate them?
Quote:They already have the right to marry. They have all the rights that you and I do. But they don't, nor should they ever, have the right to change what marriage is.
Howard changed what marriage is - he did it without a referendum or anything. He must be gay huh? Anyway the same crap was said about interracial marriage.
No he didn't you dumbshit. He simply put what was always understood in writing to stifle you "where is it written" clowns.