freediver wrote on Aug 17
th, 2012 at 8:07am:
This is what every discussion with Spot looks like
1) Spot says something really stupid.
2) Spot repeats himself, seemingly oblivious to what other people say.
3) Spot changes the topic.
4) Spot denies saying stupid thing.
5) Spot demands people prove that he said it.
6) Spot accuses them of lying, misrepresenting him, editing quotes, quoting him out of context etc.
7) Spot denies that he denied saying stupid thing.
8) Spot pretends to be too silly to follow links.
9) Spot says he isn't interested in links anyway.
10) Spot gets all confused about what the topic is and tries to change it again.
11) Spot demands people prove something else before he will address stupid thing he said.
12) Spot ignores topic for a while.
13) Spot says same stupid thing and restarts the process.
1) Freediver asks a stupid question
2) Freediver reads the answer to the question and decides it isnt what he wanted to hear
3) Freediver reinterprets the answer assigning his own criteria to mean what he wants it to mean
4) Freediver attacks the person that answered for answering the question with the updated meaning
5) Freediver quote-mines to "prove" the new meaning - disregarding what the person was actually saying
6) Freediver goes on and on and on and on about how whatever it is means what he wants it to mean
7) Freediver tries to back this assertion up with quote-mined quotes form other threads in other contexts
7) Freediver starts lying about the person that answered the original question on some other topic
8) Freediver engages others to come help him with his quest
9) Freediver and the others all jump on the bandwagon making unfounded accusations
10) Freediver doesnt even have a point