Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Aug 8
th, 2012 at 7:04am:
<<having watch a program on the homeless the other night have you any idea how many are sleeping on the street every night?????>>
Those people have a choice. They either fork out all their unemployment payment or single pension for rent and have nothing left for food and medication or they eat, buy their medicines and sleep rough (rent free).
Imagine how many sleep in their car at night. I personally know one 68 year old woman who does, in between house sitting jobs, which are few and far between.
I will never understand how sports can come before buying accommodation for the disadvantaged, but then again I'm a lefty and the underprivileged are my main concern.
pansi there is a huge shortage of housing.. rudd and Co promised all sorts of things in the early days.. of look at us look what we did??
how ever instead of things improving they have got worse..it makes me really angry that this govt can find homes or houses for asylum seekers.. I have yet to see where an asylum seeker sleeps in a car or under a bridge..
a member of my family has an investment property leased by the govt for refugees from Iraq..I nice family I am sure.. but it was spelt out to them just what the govt was paying them, on top of that the govt paid the bond and pays the rent..sorry matey but I dont see this govt doing that for anyone of hardship that was born here..
I can understand why people feel resentment, I am fortunate I have a roof over my head..I also find it appalling in a country like this.. which we keep getting told is in a far better position than any other western country..I bet that makes the homeless feel real good!