It is no wonder that Miss Gillard is not the full DOLLAR as Miss Gillard has a lot on the mind apart from the witch's peaked hat.
At the front those welfare parasites, the ridiculous impractical Communist Greens, have a deathlike grip on Miss Gillard's massive schnozzle and are just dragging the old dear along from chaos to catastrophe as they force their Labor puppet to carry out their instructions to destroy Australia. The independents are rushing around in circles saying "
It is all OK just so long as we stay in POWER".
The insidious malignant cancer of the Communist Greens "CO
2" Socialist TAX is slowly spreading throughout the Australian economy and is directly responsible for the increases in electricity prices which will spread the cancer throughout every part of the Australian economy. A reliable prediction is 15% increase in the cost of living by Xmas 2012 and 20% increase in the cost of living by the election - a superb leadup to the election for the Coalition together with Miss Gillard arm in arm with Mr Thomson and Mr Slipper epitomizing the utter incompetence and stupidity of the ex-unionist Labor morons and the unsustainable Socialist madness of their controller the nasty insidious destructive lethal vile Communist Greens.
At the rear are the Sussex Street Union Power Brokers desperately trying to slide Miss Gillard off the throne before Miss Gillard drags Labor so far down into the quicksand of political oblivion that they fear the horrible destructive Communist Greens will take over the 2nd spot by picking up lots of totally disillusioned former Labor voters.
The Sussex Street lads are probably behind the resurgence of the minute re-examination of Miss Gillard's time with Mr Wilson as they are probably going to use this to slide poor old Miss Gillard off the throne and into political oblivion. Earthians, while you are allowed to be gullible dreemers you cannot alter the TRUTH with sarcastic angry ridicule and denial.