There is no CO2 crises, all the average person has to do is go and have a look in to history.
If CO2 controlled temperature it would be evident in our history.
There have been times when CO2 has risen and temperature dropped, there have also been times when temperature has risen and CO2 dropped.
The scale that is ALWAYS show by the alarmists is around the 500,000 year time scale which makes it look as though temperature and CO2 correlate.
If you get a time scale of 10,000 years they don't come close.
If you get a time scale of millions of years they don't come close.
If you get todays CO2 emission levels and temperature they DONT correlate far from it.
That's why the alarmists have all these crazy theories that the ocean is sucking up all this extra heat that the extra CO2 is producing.
If the Earth was so finely tunned we would have perished eons ago.
They never tell people that we once had 20 times the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere that we have today and life thrived.
Today we have some of the lowest temperatures and lowest amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere, there have only been one or two instances in our history when we have had so low temperature and CO2.
So when you reach rock bottom there's only one way to go UP.......??????
I love the environment just as much as any greenie but don't p!ss down my back and tell me its raining.
This global warming religion is communism dressed up as environmentalism, the United Nations want to control the worlds energy resources and at the same time to redistribute wealth from the west to under developed nations.
So all you goody two shoes who want to save the environment and have been brained washed by the global warming religion wake up for goodness sake, it can be done without the United nations, the world bank, the IMF and who everelse has their dirty little fingers in the pie.
The reality is when temperature rises CO2 follows with a lag of about 800 years.
Al Gore got it the arse about he told us that CO2 rise and then temperature follows.
What do you honestly expect from a politician....!!!!!!!!
10,000 year time scale

500,000 year time scale (the scale the alarmist ALWAYS use)

millions of year time scale