Sorry guys, but this is a thread about data manipulation and boy is there plenty of it around at USHCN
Steve Goddard is right, a statement for all that mocked him
Nearly every station has had the actual temperatures adjusted upwards by about half a degree centigrade.
There are 8, out of the 29 stations, which have “Estimated” temperatures on USHCN. This is a ratio of 28%, which seems to tie in with Steve Goddard’s country-wide assessment.
Of these eight estimates, five are because of missing data, as listed at the bottom. Four of these are now shut.
There seems to be no obvious reason why the other three estimates have been made , at Ellsworth, Liberal and Ottawa. The adjustments at these though don’t appear to be significantly different to the non estimated ones.
In addition to recent temperatures being adjusted upwards, we also find that historical ones have been adjusted down
. So, for instance we find that the January 1934 mean temperature at Ashland has been adjusted from 3.78C to 3.10C, whilst at Columbus there is a reduction from 4.00C to 3.52C.
In total, therefore, there has been a warming trend of about 1C added since 1934. It has always been my understanding that the various adjustments made for TOBS, etc, have been made to the historic data, and that present temperatures were left unaltered. Certainly, the cooling adjustments of about half a degree in the 1930’s would seem to tally with what NOAA have been publishing.
But this leaves the question of just why there is a need to continually adjust current temperatures upwards.