The horrible shocking HOAX that is the NeverBuiltNetwork !!!!!!Labor are only admitting to a ‘tiny’’ portion of their actual blowout which is far far greater and dire for Australia.
Having listened to Alan Jones interviews with Henry Ergas and Terry McCrann some months ago, they both have estimated this disgraceful unaccountable Labor Govt NBN policy would end up costing taxpayers at least $80Billion if not closer to $90Billion for the world’s most expensive broadband network!
The arrogant self serving Conroy the CON artist is wrong when he states this is NOT an expense it’s an investment! WTF!
It is the largest wasteful most enormous EXPENSE ever that will not return anything.
This whole NBN Company is an elaborate HOAX, just like the fraudulent carbon scam tax crap built on lies and socialist extremist green propaganda is to RIP the people OFF and they are feeding with a frenzy off taxpayers! The behind closed doors secrecy of this multi billion dollar project is outrageous and will cost Australia dearly for decades to come.
The NBN policy has given Labor the source to acquire $Billions without ANY scrutiny.
How many thousands are on the payroll?
Their outrageous remuneration guzzling $Millions???
How many of these ‘employees’ are doing anything, but lying under a tree for hours, if they venture that far?
A licence to take what they want is what Labor have got with this and siphon the coffers, just like their NDIS - NO DETAILS whatsoever on multi billion dollar projects!
A corrupt government run by union thugs is what we have, who are holding our country to ransom!
Time to bail them up and throw them in the clinger before they totally bankrupt the nation, if we’re not already there yet.
How the hell are these lying ex-unionist bludgers getting away with it?
How the hell are they able to walk in public without the public roaring at them and chasing the lot of them out of town?
Give the people an election and get a Royal Commission underway against this despicable Union Run Liebor Party.
NBN - the debt that keeps growingPiers Akerman Thursday, August 09, 2012 (4:40am)
Surprise, surprise, the Not Bloody Necessary broadband program is at least half a year behind schedule and costs have blown out by nearly $1.5 billion.
Who says Labor and in particular, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy don’t know what they’re doing?
Everyone who has ever run a business or who can punch figures into a calculator, that’s who.
The biggest infrastructure project in the nation’s history is out of control.
With no cost benefit analysis, the NBN Co is winging it.
The public hasn’t embraced. The company has to close the existing copper wire network (by expensively buying it) to force customers to pay for the NBN.
Total capital expenditure has blown out by $1.4 billion and the construction schedule is at least six months behind.
We, you and me, are being forced to pick up the excess by buying more equity in NBN for an extra $2.9 billion for a total of $30.4 billion – that’s a ten per cent miscalculation right there.
The cost is now $44.1 billion up from $41 billion in the original 2010 plan – but who’s doing the counting and are they any more believable now than they were two years ago?
Not likely, given the scale of their errors and this shabby excuse for a government’s record with spending.
Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull said the delays and blowouts showed the federal government had let taxpayers down.
“Labor’s National Broadband Network is falling disastrously behind every benchmark the government has set for it except one - the amount of taxpayers’ money being spent,” he said.
Turnbull said NBN Co should be given a definitive budget and stick to it – as if.
“And the Productivity Commission should be asked to conduct a thorough cost benefit analysis to assess the most efficient means of upgrading Australians’ broadband as quickly as possible,” he said.
Of course it should, it should have been asked to run a cost benefit analysis before the first trench was dug but that is not the Labor way.
Blunder on until the public wakes up to the fact that its money is being wasted.
Broadband is necessary but this delivery model was never the right one for Australia – as we are all finding out to our enormous cost.