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Bob Brown disrepects Aborigines - lvs whales thoug (Read 484 times)
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Bob Brown disrepects Aborigines - lvs whales thoug
Aug 8th, 2012 at 9:21pm
'WE ARE NOT MUSEUM PIECES': Elders blast Greens crusader Bob Brown

An Aboriginal elder in Western Australia's Kimberley region has hand-delivered a stinging letter to Bob Brown, urging the former Greens leader to back off from his protest against a major gas project.

The full, unedited letter is reprinted below.

In the letter, Jabirr Jabirr elder Rita Augustine tells Mr Brown that "The only thing we need saving from is people who disrespect our decisions and want to see our people locked up in a wilderness and treated as museum pieces".

She also says, "what saddens me most is your complete disregard for Aboriginal people. I know you care about the whales and the dinosaur footprints, but what about people?"

Mr Brown joined the environmental activist group Sea Shepherd this week as mission leader of a two week trip in the whale calving grounds around James Price Point, site of the proposed $45 billion Browse gas development.

The Browse project was negotiated in conjunction with Woodside, the WA Government and the Kimberley Land council (KLC), which is the native title representative body for Kimberley traditional owners.

As part of the deal, traditional owners in the Kimberley will receive a whopping $1.5 billion in assistance over the next 30 years. The money will go towards housing, education and health programs and will go directly to the people rather than being funnelled through the KLC.

Traditional owners told that they accept the Browse project will be "a minor environmental hit", but they believe it was wiser to negotiate one massive development rather than as many as 20 smaller projects up and down the coast.

But there remains opposition to the Browse project from the local Goolarabooloo people, who share the same native title claim as Rita Augustine's group, the Jabirr Jabirr.

It is the Goolarabooloo people who invited Brown on the Sea Shepherd mission, and the two groups may be set for a legal showdown.

Bob Brown is currently in the waters off the Kimberley aboard the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin. has approached Mr Brown for comment and will update when we receive it.


Dear Dr Bob Brown,

I am writing to you because I have heard that you are coming to the Kimberley on a mission to our country and our culture from gas developments at James Price Point.

It is great that you care so much about our country and our culture. We are proud of our history of caring for this country over thousands of years. The country tells us who We are. It gives us strength and determination. But now we face great challenges; not only about our country and our culture, but about our survival as Indigenous people.

Our people have had to make a choice about allowing development on our lands. It hasn't been easy, but we have made a decision - a majority decision -to face up to our own challenges, and to build a better future for our children, our people, our culture, and our country.

Dr Brown, it is hard for us to understand why you think it is necessary for you to speak on our behalf, about our country, our culture, and our futures.

The only thing We need saving from, is people who disrespect our decisions and want to see our people locked up in a wilderness and treated as museum pieces.

We are a living people and a living culture. We have faced severe change over the last 200 years, and most of it has been far beyond our control. Now We have a chance to make decisions about our own lives and our chi|dren’s futures.

There are people, like you Dr Brown, who disagree with our vision for our future. And that's a good thing in our democratic society. But please, don't use us to push your view. We can speak for ourselves.

I am a supporter of the gas precinct. This was not an easy decision for my people to make and it was not done lightly. But our people need a future that isn’t reliant on Government Welfare. The Browse LNG Project presents that opportunity. I want my children and grandchildren to benefit because if our people don't survive; then the real, living culture dies.

The gas development decision was not made by the Kimberley Land Council. It was made by Kimberley traditional owners after years of consultations and meetings with senior lore bosses and elders. Some of our own group disagree with that decision, and we acknowledge that. The majority ofour group voted to support the development, and instructed the KLC to negotiate an agreement that would give us the power to control our own lives.

And by the way, the money doesn't go to the KLC. It goes to the benefit of Kimberley Aboriginal people.

I am an old woman now and I have witnessed and lived the despair and hopelessness of many Kimberley Aboriginal people. Dr Brown, do you know what it is like to be taken away from your family, to not have money to buy food, to live in a house that is dilapidated and beyond repair? To see your children grow up in despair, die before they are 50, or even worse, take their own lives before they get to their 20s?

My people have lived this life, and we don't Want it anymore.

You recently wrote an opinion piece about your mission to the Kimberley. You are a respected and honourable man in Australian society, but you got a few things wrong about this gas project, and about Aboriginal people and our culture and country. Itis not your place to tell Aboriginal stories of culture to the world, for they are our stories about our traditions and our culture.

But what saddens my people most is your complete disregard for Aboriginal people. I know you care about the whales and the dinosaur footprints, but what about people?

The Indigenous suicide rate in the Kimberley is one of the highest in Australia. There have been 25 suicide deaths in the past year. Dr Brown, is this not an epidemic and national emergency?

You are the mission leader bringing the Sea Shepard to the Kimberley to highlight the plight of the whales. We have had missionaries coming to the Kimberley before. What about our dying children?

Is this not a cause you should be protesting against?

If we can use the $1.5 billion in benefits that have been negotiated as part of the Browse LNG Precinct Agreement to save our peop|e's lives, will that not be a good thing? We are not money hungry people. This money is not going into our back pocket. It will be used to implement suicide awareness programs, training and counselling for families, education and employment opportunities, better health and housing. ls that too much to ask for?

You'll probably say these things are natural rights for all Australians, and that governments should be providing them regardless of gas projects. Yes they should. But look at the last 200 years and tell me ifthat has worked. If we wait another 50 years, there is a real risk that Aboriginal people, and the culture that We, and you, value so highly, will be gone.

Dr Brown, we are not enemies. We share many values. We love our land and sea country. We respect strong culture. We want the World to be a better place, not for us, but for our young people and their children.

Kimberley Aboriginal people have helped contain large scale gas development to a single site. We continue to push for the best environmental and social impact safeguards, and community benefits.

You could easily back us up in these efforts.

We don't live in a perfect World, but we do have an opportunity to make it better.

I know that saving the Kimberley is important to you, and maybe my humble Words won't change your opinion. But please, while you are in our country watching the whales, spare a thought for our people and whatwe are trying to achieve.

Yours faithfully

Rita Augustine

On behalf of the Environmental and Cultural Heritage Team and Jabirrlabirr Traditional Owners.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Bob Brown disrepects Aborigines - lvs whales thoug
Reply #1 - Aug 8th, 2012 at 9:31pm
what the hell would Brown know about the Kimberleys and the aboriginal community that is trying to lift itself out of poverty and dependency..

for gods sake get into the real world brown.. you are pompous ass.. who has no idea about reality.

go save the whales.. and when they over breed and die of starvation you can blame yourself cant you bob?
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Re: Bob Brown disrepects Aborigines - lvs whales thoug
Reply #2 - Aug 8th, 2012 at 10:29pm
I will sue his freaking 'rse off... Smiley Smiley
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Re: Bob Brown disrepects Aborigines - lvs whales thoug
Reply #3 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 4:23am
cods wrote on Aug 8th, 2012 at 9:31pm:
what the hell would Brown know about the Kimberleys and the aboriginal community

SUBSTANTIALLY more than YOURSELF, obviously ...

James Price Point, on the Kimberley coast, has been in the news because Woodside — with a who’s-who of other drillers including BP, BHP Billiton, Shell, Mitsubishi, and Chevron — is set to build the world’s biggest gas factory there. But this ancient region has another story to tell.

It’s a stunning ochre-red headland located north of Broome, and culturally known as Walmadan. It’s an important area on the indigenous songcycle belonging to the law and culture of Goolarabooloo people, known as the Northern Tradition of Law. Since Bugarregarre, or the Dreamtime, their ancestors have walked and lived in this country.

Since their “discovery” by Girl Guides in 1935, palaentologists have identified the tracks as belonging to dinosaurs which foraged in swamps here 130 million years ago. This is the only place on Earth where dinosaur tracks are the source of indigenous ancestral belief.

Recent studies identify many species of dinosaurs that foraged in this area, then swamplands, so long ago. The biggest footpads, 1.4 metres across, supported reptiles more than 30 metres long.

The only larger species to ever move on the planet are today’s great whales. In a remarkable conjunction, the Kimberley coastline is also the host of the world’s biggest humpback whale nursery, the so-called Group IV humpback population.

Experts think that up to 13,000 (or one third) of the world’s humpback population are off the Kimberley coastline, including James Price Point, right now. Many will give birth to calves before they migrate south again to Antarctica for the summer.

But 2012 may be the last peaceful season in this ancient nursery. If Woodside’s board seeks the final go-ahead from Canberra next year, and gets it, work will proceed in earnest on the gas factory and its port infrastructure on land and in the sea.

The Goolarabooloo people, traditional owners of the James Price Point (Walmadan) coastline, oppose Woodside’s project
. However, the Kimberley Land Council, in a split vote, endorsed it after Woodside committed to paying the council $1.3 billion over 30 years.

James Price Point will become a transmogrified industrial precinct fed by a new highway from Broome. Hundreds of tanker ships will take the processed gas to China, Japan and elsewhere.

I have long admired the courage of Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson and his crews who have intervened on Japan’s illegal slaughter of whales in Australia’s Antarctic Whale Sanctuary. Sea Shepherd has been backed by strong anti-whaling sentiment across this nation.

Now that the same humpback whales’ nursery is being threatened within Australia’s own continental waters, it is natural that Sea Shepherd, with the invitation of the Goolarabooloo “Law Bosses”, is sending the SS Steve Irwin
 — a ship familiar to Australians for its anti-whaling activities in Antarctic waters — to draw attention to the whales’ plight.

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Re: Bob Brown disrepects Aborigines - lvs whales thoug
Reply #4 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 7:30am
Another case of Black Whites telling Black Blacks what is good for them.
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Drop Dead Gorgeous
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Re: Bob Brown disrepects Aborigines - lvs whales thoug
Reply #5 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 7:31am
Guildford wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 7:30am:
Another case of Black Whites telling Black Blacks what is good for them.

Bit like the greens do with white white/black as well, lump in labor/Gillard and her dicatatorial carbon tax.
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