[quote author=70555254656957534E523A0 link=1344514146/50#50 date=1344771601
maybe, just possibly, the investigation came to a halt because the claims against him aren't true? do you even think it's a possibility that the people with ALL the information and with far more investigative ability than anything you'll ever be able to conjure up probably decided that there is just not enough evidence to prove the claims against him?
I bet you are unwilling to concede that it may even be a possibility ... the only reason you will ever have of accepting the investigation came to an end is because 'the PM's office must have put pressure on the police '.... your a joke .... if after all this time he hasn't been charged, then I would say he's unlikely to ever be charged .... it's pointless arguing with you because you don't want to believe anything else ... I only hope that you too are one day condemned for something you haven't done ...
I'm not saying the mans an angel, nor am I saying he didn't do it. .. just don't assume he is guilty [/quote]
Well said, but don't expect the possibility to be considered by
our very own torch-and-pitchfork brigade.
Reason isn't one of their strong points......