BigOl64 wrote on Aug 12
th, 2012 at 2:14pm:
You're a dill.
Your total inability to grasp even the most basic of concepts is exasperating to say the least.
1. The constitution gives the FEDERAL government power to legislate ALL marriage. S51
Not quite. The constitution gives the FEDERAL parliament power to legislate marriage. S51
It says nothing about ALL marriage. That is something you just made up
Please stop making things up. Telling lies is neither big nor clever.
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 12
th, 2012 at 2:14pm:
2. The constitution gives the FEDERAL government precedence over state legislation. s 109
Yes - Where an inconsistency occurs between State and Federal legislation, The constitution gives the FEDERAL government precedence over state legislation. s 109
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 12
th, 2012 at 2:14pm:
3. The federal marriage act 2004 define marriage as between a man and a woman.
Yes - the federal marriage act 2004 define marriage as between a man and a woman FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE MARRIAGE ACT. It is a narrow definition applicable only to that Act. Not some all-encompassing amendment to the english language to apply everywhere for ever and ever amen. It only applies to that Act.
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 12
th, 2012 at 2:14pm:
4. The state CANNOT redefine marriage in contravention of the federal act
A state may define 'marriage' however it likes, so long as no law passed by the State Parliament is inconsistent with any Federal law. And since the Federal Law is BY DEFINITION only applicable to hetro marriages - then ther is clearly no inconsistency with an Act relating to homo marriage.
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 12
th, 2012 at 2:14pm:
If the FEDERAL government repeals or amends the amendment, then and ONLY then can the state change their acts to include gay marriage.
A State may pass any Act it likes so long as it is not inconsistent under s109.
BigOl64 wrote on Aug 12
th, 2012 at 2:14pm:
This conversation is FVCKEN OVER, your are as moronic and infantile as prevailing/ greens_win and corpulent whitey and as such you will be treated withe same contempt as they are.
Oh oh.... Sound's like someone is getting cranky! You must be tired. Poor dear.
I hope you have learnt something today. Because you really don't seem to know much about this subject