yeah...bloody hypocrit.... if anyone has stood up and taken responsibility it is Assange.
If he acted like the people who oppose him..... we would never have known his name..!! WELL?? Would we? Simple answer yeah? NO, we would not.
Now is it clear why your drab and ineffective jabs are so sad.??
YOU just don't get it.!
No other person in today's world has stood up and taken responsibility like Julian Assange. Name me one. Huh . OK - .... sad it is that the US - to date - have unleashed their maliciousness vengefulness upon a young man...likely never to see the day again. And sad they are itching to get Assange, and that is undeniable.!
When ..the world ... and particularly the US, the UK, and Australia, could have used this as a catalyst for change.
But no... we get the same old same old ...... you call Pansi paranoid????
Fools.... but ooooohh these truths are just too hard for your blinkered minds to consider.
Is the world really like that?? OH NO no it can't be... not what I see on the TV!!
SO if I stole loads of, say, medicare and social security records (all clearly marked 'private and confidential") and published them on the internet in the name of transparency, you'd be cool with that?
I'd get on the soapbox and declare that what motivated me was the burning desire to prevent social security fraud and expose how over/underpaid some people are (or some other cockamamie BS made-up motive).