Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Aug 16
th, 2012 at 5:53am:
Party pooper
Anyway the PM isnt married.
It may sound sexist for me to say this but, the PM, because she's a woman is less likely to be accused of raping a man.
mozzaok wrote on Aug 16
th, 2012 at 12:12pm:
The Assange case looks as dodgy as all hell, where a willing, consensual sexual partner, can have a change of heart about a guy and then claim their sexual activities should retrospectively be considered as not consensual, because her opinion of him has changed, it is a patently absurd argument, and unless you are talking about some bizarre and devious form of mind control, that goes beyond the basic flattery that most women fall for, then it should be rejected completely as a valid complaint.
I fear for the safety of Julian Assange if the US get their hands on him, and the probability that this whole sordid drama is not a simple case about women's rights seems pretty bloody clear.
I don't think it really matters. It's still Assange's fault. He should have been more careful. It's so easy to blame this on the women we would like to demonise and label as "evil" pawns of the U.S. The powerful men in this world need to start taking better care of themselves and their women.
If you want to have sex with a woman, marry her. I think this was the whole point of marriage, to promise to look after someone with sex as a reward and benefit. Julian Assange didn't promise a lifetime of support and care for this woman and was therefore exploiting her, regardless of whether she "consented." It was never about the puritanical reasons that Christian Bible Belt fanatics say marriage is about. Marriage was always for more practical reasons.
It isn't important if you're an unimportant tradesperson or some other working class, blue collar employee, but if you become as influential as Julian Assange, watch out. Everyone else can have sex with anyone they want, as long as they aren't hurting anyone, but if you're a high profile person it doesn't matter if you didn't hurt anyone. The threat of a law suit is bad enough.
What do Bill Clinton, Craig Thompson, Peter Slipper and John Edwards have in common? One word: sex.
You don't become a political activist or politician and continue sleeping with women who aren't your wife. Political activists like Julian Assange should know that they have enemies and not risk the controversy of sleeping with the wrong woman.
Even if the charges are eventually dropped, Julian Assange is still an idiot and whore for doing what he did. We need to stop pointing fingers at the women involved. If we kept pointing fingers at the women for being pawns of the U.S. what would that prove? That's like double exploitation first by Assange and then by the U.S. and therefore double rape. That just throws the dignity of womanhood out the second-storey window.