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Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum (Read 35975 times)
Shane B
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #45 - Aug 16th, 2012 at 7:33pm
Do you people really think the US could be bothered pursuing a pissant like assange???
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #46 - Aug 16th, 2012 at 7:51pm
adelcrow wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
Shane B wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 6:53pm:
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 5:41pm:
Apparently the uk govt is going to rescind the sovereign status of the embassy to get him out. Thats like declaring war.

The sex charges are fabricated. Everyone knows that.


That's for the Swedish courts to decide.

They want to extradite him for questioning..not for a trial

Quiet and sensible and correct once again Adelcrow. THERE are NO CHARGES.!! The swedish prosecutors dropped both allegations ages ago.  They only pop up when the US is exposed as having 'feet of clay'  by Wikileaks.
What the f???? 
If you think the Yanks aren't up for it Shaun the Brainless Sheep... think again/   this is such a surreal exercise in International relations, it could ONLY be instigated by Yanks.

The Brits ought to be ashamed. !!

AND -- I am seriously pied off at L F'n Sales, on 7.30  ABC  tonight.....   who spread a thick layer of sh8t in her opening... lets call it outrageous misinformation.!!!

Whatever happened to the integrity of the ABC.

SHE SAID he was required to FACE RAPE CHARGES in SWEDEN.

THAT IS WRONG,  and HIGHLY DEFAMATORY,  but the bmtch never does show professionalism.!!  Burns my wick, you could say. Angry Angry

I really DETEST such attempted manipulation of public opinion.
She should be GONE... I can't believe there's a more biased talking head on national free-to-air .....unless its that Bolt egoist. Angry Another moronic would be manipulator.

More embarrassing tho is that Aussies believe the tripe. Swallow it.... lap it up ... and give a sh*t stained grin..


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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #47 - Aug 16th, 2012 at 10:13pm
Why is it that the same ones who demand the Government stay out of Indonesian and Malaysian  legal affairs when Aussies are in much more serious trouble, now demand the Government interfere  in British Sovereignty for Assange?  It smacks of hypocrisy & classism to me...Assange is better than Corby? Smiley Smiley
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #48 - Aug 16th, 2012 at 10:50pm
Prevailing... Roll Eyes
Why is it that the same ones who demand the Government stay out of Indonesian and Malaysian  legal affairs when Aussies are in much more serious trouble, now demand the Government interfere  in British Sovereignty for Assange?  It smacks of hypocrisy & classism to me...Assange is better than Corby? 

THAT IS ALL TOTALLY IRRELEVANT  to the issue in the Assange matter.

Assange hasn't been found guilty of anything whatsoever.
To compare that to Corby is spurious, irrelevant and a dirty smelly little Red Herring.... designed to smear someone who actually DID THE WORLD A FAVOR.

Go WikiLeaks.....  the only thing that stops us living in a world not unlike that famous old B+W movie  ...hmmm what was that now Roll Eyes  Necroplis.???

Oh no thats right ...Metropolis.
Or even 1984   Angry

Moan on clones.!!

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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #49 - Aug 16th, 2012 at 11:23pm
and .. some idiot just commented..on Dither..or whatever  ..and it got National exposure on Channel 10 News....

'He did the crime ..he does the time....  ad nauseum... '

And  the media is s'posed to be reporting News????

Shame Australia...
then again,  what can Julia Gillard actually do about it??
After all we are serfs to the US.
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #50 - Aug 16th, 2012 at 11:53pm
This whole Assange issue is a scamm by the grubs that rule over us regardless of where we live in the western world.
There has never been any Arrest Warrant issued by any quasi authority for the man, Julian Paul Assange or his person JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE.

They cant issue any warrant displaying either of these names in any country, even Australia and the bogus document they rely on has identified the name of a thing, ASSANGE,Julian Paul and this is not Julian Paul Assange not unless he wishes to accept the name the slave master has granted him.
The other person they identify on another document is the same as our Passport and Qld drivers licence name
and that is not him either unless he wishes to accept it claim it and hold it just like we all do when we are the holder of their name they have provided to us on the drivers licence.
There is more to this scamm than meets the eye.
He may be very competent with the computer but he will find it difficult to get his head around this racket run by the Roman Catholic Church and their civil law administrative system we have in this country.
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #51 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 1:02am
I want to say

Julian Assange is neither culpable, or complicit in any sort of crime as far as I can tell.....  the Swedes weren't pursuing him, and only the US has a real grudge,  at least prima facie.

This is my personal view,  ..and I look at it as the basest hypocricy for the US to attempt ANY payback on this INDIVIDUAL. They demean themselves , and put the lie to their vaunted 'freedom of speech'.

They should represent their ideals...not betray them,  ... because ...hissy fit...  no-one was s'posed to know.!!!

Suck  it up Yanks... you did the crime.... YOU  take the fine.!!!

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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #52 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 1:05am
I tell you what, If the U.K want to create an international incident just to suck the U.S dick, then by all means let them. I can't think of a better piece of entertainment. I dearly hope the U.K are that stupid, and don't put it past them. What you're about to see is the true colors of subservient governments coming out into the fresh air.
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #53 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 1:29am
Well for Julian's sake I hope you are wrong.

Why SHOULD he be martyred to the paranoia of rabid govts.?

They have their pounds of flesh...already.!
They have locked away from light and life a very young man....likely never to see the sky ever again. One of their own.!! 
Shame Shame. 
I really hope he is released one day, - when wiser heads rule.

Mr Julian Assange needs major international support, from the 'people'.

I say again that this is surreal...   and good luck Julian...lets hope the Ecuadorians remain staunch.!

As for the British legal system...something I have always held in greatest respect.....

this is a dark day.!!!  Shame on you all. Sad Sad Sad Sad
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #54 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 4:36am
Okay well heaps happened overnight it seems. Ecuador granted him asylum properly and UK rejected it. A couple worrying things in the news articles:

Patino said he'd tried to get guarantees from the Americans, the British, and the Swedes that Assange would not be extradited to the United States, but that all three had rebuffed him. If Assange were extradited to the U.S. "he would not have a fair trial, could be judged by special or military courts, and it's not implausible that cruel and degrading treatment could be applied, that he could be condemned to life in prison, or the death penalty."

So much for the yanks not being interested then. Some of the media keeps making out that assange is paranoid and the yanks dont really want him that bad, If they didnt they would say so wouldn't they?

The U.K. government said today it has a “binding obligation” to extradite Assange to Sweden and intends to fulfill it. It said it doesn’t recognize the concept of “diplomatic asylum” and won’t grant safe passage out of Britain, setting up a legal showdown if Assange steps outside the embassy door.

Oh boy oh boy. . . . .

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #55 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 4:42am
Shane B wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 6:53pm:
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 5:41pm:
Apparently the uk govt is going to rescind the sovereign status of the embassy to get him out. Thats like declaring war.

The sex charges are fabricated. Everyone knows that.


That's for the Swedish courts to decide.

He isnt charged with anything. Not for the courts.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #56 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 4:46am
Shane B wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 7:06pm:
adelcrow wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
Shane B wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 6:53pm:
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 5:41pm:
Apparently the uk govt is going to rescind the sovereign status of the embassy to get him out. Thats like declaring war.

The sex charges are fabricated. Everyone knows that.


That's for the Swedish courts to decide.

They want to extradite him for questioning..not for a trial

What's he got to hide?

Assange is a coward.

Hide? He is in trouble for NOT hiding things. If you dont know the story of julian assange I suggest you google it.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #57 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 4:47am
Shane B wrote on Aug 16th, 2012 at 7:33pm:
Do you people really think the US could be bothered pursuing a pissant like assange???

He exposed some of their war crimes. If they dont they may be held accountable.

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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #58 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 6:26am
This is the transcript and video of the interview with with the Ecuadorian Ambassador to Australia, on the 7.30 Report.

The British government are obviously being threatened by higher powers or they've totally gone off their heads.

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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Assange Granted Ecuadorian Asylum
Reply #59 - Aug 17th, 2012 at 6:40am
Julian Assange is being set up as an example to all of us. Keep your mouth shut or this will be you.

We must thank our lucky start for countries like Ecuador, that don't prostitute themselves to the USA.

I am once again ashamed to call myself Australian.

BRITAIN has refused to grant WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange free passage out of London after Ecuador accepted his plea for asylum last night.

Following Mr Patino's decision on Thursday the Ecuadorian government took a swipe at Australia for the lack of assistance offered to Mr Assange.

"Ecuador has noted that Mr Assange is without the due protection and help that he should receive from any state of which he is a citizen," it said in a statement.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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