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Y Howes supports someon who helped rob its members (Read 164 times)
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Y Howes supports someon who helped rob its members
Aug 15th, 2012 at 7:25am
Why would Howes support someone who helped rob the AWU members(knowingly or not)

Gillard will always be a captive of the Hard Left

In his most recent Sunday Telegraph article Mr Howes credits John Howard as having put in place the conservative wish-list of policy changes. He would no doubt like to do the same for the left wish-list.

He writes “If you want to enact real change, you have to do it slowly. There is no point in making sweeping changes if you only get three years in which to do them”.

Well Mr Howes decided Mr Rudd could not even have the three years. He outed himself on Lateline as the catalyst for the execution of Mr Rudd as Prime Minister by withdrawing the support of the Australian Workers Union.

The rest followed as night follows day.  The factional heavies did their work and Kevin was gone and Julia was installed.

So why the homily on the need to do policy slowly when the execution was so swift?

And why choose the asylum seeker issue to illustrate his point of the need to be in Government to effect change?

Perhaps he had been reading Julia’s words.  Words she wrote when she was the Secretary of the Socialist Forum – the radical left organisation which included former Communist Party Members.

These were her formative years, the time when you establish the foundation of your political beliefs.  Julia wrote “for the left to make any real advance, all these perspectives on the relationship to Labor in government need to be rejected in favour of a concept of strategic support for Labor governments.  We need to recognise the only possibility for major social change is under a long period of Labor administration.  Within that administration the Left needs to be willing to participate to shape political outcomes, recognising the need to accept often unpalatable compromises in the short term to bolster the prospect of future advance.  The task of pushing back the current political constraints by changing public opinion would need to be tackled by the Left through government, social movements and trade unions”.

Paul Howes is one who believes in open borders, a strong tenet of the Left.

“I have always been a strident believer in our responsibility to welcome refugees, regardless of how they arrive in this country”.

Perhaps Mr Howes is channelling the younger Julia Gillard and finding himself in accord with her early musings when he writes “what Labor needs to do is win government again and set up a long term stable administration in which a proper, sensible debate can occur about a compassionate electorally accepted refugee policy”.

And “I don’t believe that one principle, however firmly held, is worth giving up government to Tony Abbott” And “People shouldn’t read this as a surrender of my principles, I intend to continue to work with others to hopefully change debate”.

The rest of Mr Howes meanderings are to attack Tony Abbott and claim it’s all in the name of democracy.

But the article simply highlights the realpolitik of Labor. 
Get power by whatever means you can, promise anything and change it when you get in
. Remember Peter Garrett’s words to Steve Price.

Cry, me too! me too! before the election, a la Kevin Rudd, and the me different! me different! after the election.

This is precisely what Julia Gillard is doing – attempting to match Tony Abbott’s policies to reject the mining super profits tax, promise offshore processing for illegal arrivals, stand by for some direct action on climate change. But of course after the election we’ll see again a reversion to form.

So what’s really in store if Labor is re-elected. Simple, more big taxes, including the ETS great big tax on everything, weakened border patrol with a constant flow of illegal boat arrivals and profligate spending.

Julia Gillard’s attack on Tony Abbott at the Lowy Institute, while trying to pinch his policy, was vicious and crafted that way.

Leopards don’t change their spots and red heads don’t change their streaks.  In Julia’s case it remains a mean streak.

This election promises to be a roller coaster ride.
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« Last Edit: Aug 15th, 2012 at 7:51am by progressiveslol »  
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