I think Spot's point is that it is all relative so he can make up whatever he wants.
Quote:So freediver sock are you finished now? Cause you are really boring.
Step 14 already? Spot likes to mix things up a bit.
1) Spot says something really stupid.
2) Spot repeats himself, seemingly oblivious to what other people say.
3) Spot changes the topic.
4) Spot denies saying stupid thing.
5) Spot demands people prove that he said it.
6) Spot accuses them of lying, misrepresenting him, editing quotes, quoting him out of context etc.
7) Spot denies that he denied saying stupid thing.
8) Spot pretends to be too silly to follow links.
9) Spot says he isn't interested in links anyway.
10) Spot demands the same links again.
11) Spot complains about links and accuses people of 'quote mining'.
12) Spot gets all confused about what the topic is and tries to change it again.
13) Spot demands people prove something else before he will address stupid thing he said.
14) Spot accuses everyone who disagrees with him of being a sock puppet.
15) Spot retreats to the safety of vague generalisations and meaningless accusations.
16) Spot complains that he said it too long ago and he now expects other people to prove something did not happen, rather than him showing where it did happen as he claimed.
17) Spot claims he has already backed up his claims, but does not know where.
18) Spot parrots accusations back at the accuser.
19) Spot threatens to do it all again if people keep pointing out how silly his posts are.