Emma wrote on Sep 1
st, 2012 at 1:37am:
I don't agree karnal.
"Moderate" Taliban ???
Like the latest cowardly killer ,?? ...of three of our soldiers?
Say ? do you know some moderate taliban members then ..??.. huh?
DO TELL.!!! Please.
Jeez you talk Krap Karnal.
That's your new name ...krap karnal.
You drag in Khmer? what ? so your point??
.... is irrelevant.! But thanks for the vote.!
Sista, the soldiers you mention were killed by our allies in the Afghan forces, not the Taliban. This is how amorphous the situation is in Afghanistan.
Leaders and warlords change sides like the wind. The Taliban is not a centralised organisation. Power in Afghanistan is regional - well, tribal. There are a huge number of ethnic groups for a country of twenty odd million people.
Like the rest of the country, the Taliban is factionalised and splintered. For a tribal country, Afghans are radically individualistic people. A small number of Taliban leaders are part of a Western educated political elite that has been cultivated by Europe and Amerika in the interest of Afghanistan's resources.
George W Bush, for example, formed a relationship with the Taliban trade minister when he was still Texan governor. Karzai lived and worked in Amerika during the years of Taliban rule. China is now building a national highway linking Kabul with the south.
The world wants what Afghanistan has - what Bush was referring to when he talked about Amerika's addiction to fossil fuels. There are moderate leaders in the Taliban who are now meeting with the US State Department to discuss the transition in 2014.
Whether they or the extremists prevail will determine the fate of Afghanistan. The Karzai government and the current parliament are in their last days.