Grey wrote on Sep 3
rd, 2012 at 10:08pm:
Quote:Karnal - "you cant beat an insurgency"
According to Karnal every rebellion is successful. What a load of crap. What IS true is that you can't win wars - somebody has to agree to lose.
Winning takes resolve, superior force and better organisation. If you have those things the other side loses, no matter who they are. We ought to have those things and if we don't we need to take a good hard look at ourselves.
Not every rebellion - every conflict where you have the local population on side.
In WWII, the Amerikans had chewing gum and nylon stockings. In Vietnam, the Viet Cong had rice and doctors.
In Afghanistan, the Taliban have one thing: the majority of them are Afghans.
For the Afghans, this is a question of nationalism. You'll never pin them down for long. They'll die defending themselves.
However, many Taliban cells are Pakistani. Afghanistan and Pakistan have been hostile to each other since the British were around. They are not united - far from it - but groups like Al Qaida and other militant Islamicists have staged a crusade out of regional rivalries and disputes.
This is how the Soviets were defeated. The battle for Afghanistan in the 1980s - along with Kashmir - was the genesis of militant Islam.
The West has not defeated these groups. Instead, locals have turned away from them. Al Qaida made themselves hated in Iraq. The Taliban aren't too popular either, but because they're locals they get support.
The Taliban don't give out gum and stockings. They provide security. In a country torn apart by invaders, warlords and tribal rivalries, the Taliban provide a form of order. It's a brutal form of justice, but many Afghanis prefer the devil they know.