Karnal wrote on Sep 6
th, 2012 at 10:18am:
True, Grey, the Northern Alliance was formed to defeat the Taliban. However, it was an alliance of leaders who had previously fought the Soviets.
And yes, like the future vacuum you describe, the Northern Alliance were also from outside or from the stateless frontier areas: Tajik, Uzbek and some Hazara. They were no Pashtuns, the traditional rulers of Afghanistan - hence the elevation of Karzai.
Many of the Taliban today are also from the stateless frontier and porous border areas of Pakistan. What do you think of this dynamic? The US strategy was to attempt to establish a strong, multicultural parliament. A state. A rule of law. However, the ancient laws and alliances of Afghanistan seem compelled - as if by forces of nature itself - to destroy any idea of a state.
It's partly geographical, it's partly tribal, it's a complete lack of the most basic infrastructure. It's a lot of things. Without the most basic functions of statehood - taxes, customs, courts, police - Afghanistan will never develop. Without development, it will never be secure.
As an anarchist, what do you think of this idea?
well for a start it wasn't so long ago that Germany, even England, was split geograpically and tribally into competeing fiefdoms. India too of course. That doesn't make a case for such a small 'a' anarchy (chaos) to be regarded as the default position.
America's stated objective was to defeat the lunatic Talib's and do some nation building. Having achieved its first objective it dropped the ball to go and make a war in Iraq. As you will no doubt recall America was run by an idiot at the time.
As an Anarchist (ie being concerned with the structures of economy and power) ... Look, Anarchism comes out of defficiencies in the equations of the modern nation state. It's not applicable to the stoneage. Maybe if Anarchic principles of democracy and conflict resolution were in operation in other nations then it could be used as an example and template for Afghans to co-operate without murdering each other. But Anarchism is the future not the past.
As I've said before there's a world I'd like to live in and the world I do. There is no Anarchist manifesto, other than basic structural ideas. I personally might favour a complete halt to human expansion into the natural world or an overhaul of our criminal justice system. But those are just my personal views I'd bring to the table. But in Anarchism the table is what matters. The table is round, the chairs are equal, agreement is sacred.
Afghanistan is back in the days of church power and the church is running an inquisition that even Spanish Catholics would've found heavy handed, maybe.
Quote: The 1578 handbook for inquisitors spelled out the purpose of inquisitorial penalties: ... quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur. Translation from the Latin: ... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit
I find it unconscionable to leave a population under the rule of such nutters in the modern world.