The Helicopter video makes THAT very clear.
Or perhaps you are suggesting they only have the ticker to kill civilians.?? I'm talking the yanks here.
And good grief, it's all the fault of feminists.! ! !
I don't think
our soldiers in Afghanistan would agree with you at all...they obviously consider what they are doing there to be the right and necessary thing to do.
They are all know?? they went to kill or be killed.... that is what war is about, isn't it?
Now, no-one in their right minds would willingly engage in warfare in Afghanistan.
Its been the death of many armies..... the people are indomitable, and will fight any they consider their foe.
But the fact remains ..we are there...courtesy of Howard and Bush.
They have put us, and the West in general, in a situation that cannot be walked away from.
...not without accepting defeat.
The Exit Plan is a means of leaving, without appearing to run.
The future is uncertain.