More Afghani civilians killed by the coalition of the killing. Don't complain when the Afghani soldiers retaliate.
It's too easy to kill unarmed villagers and call them insurgents.
Karzai's pissed off, now the yanks have to throw more money at him.
If we're not training any more, we may as well bring our soldiers home.
'Civilian' Afghan men killed in manhuntSergeant Hek Matullah escaped from the patrol base straight after the killings and he's suspected to have been aided by the Taliban.
After an extensive search Australian troops aided by Afghan forces have detained a suspected insurgent they say helped with the escape.
But the raid has come at a cost. Two Afghan men were killed by Australian troops.
The ADF says all the proper rules of engagement were followed but Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai is furious.
Local reports say those killed were a 70 year old Imam and his son. It's also been reported that the Australian troops detained a number of locals, including a woman, during the operation.
President Karzai says the Australian forces acted unilaterally and he wants a full inquiry into the situation.
The latest incidents have highlighted the problems "green on blue" killings are causing for western forces in Afghanistan. At least 45 Western soldiers have died at the hands of Afghan allies this year.
Now ISAF has suspended the training of new recruits to the Afghan local police.