Sir lastnail wrote on Sep 5
th, 2012 at 11:55pm:
BILLIONAIRE retailer Gerry Harvey says Australia needs a two-tier wage system to allow employers to pay foreign guest workers less than locals.
The Harvey Norman boss said Australia's prosperity was creating a labour shortage and endangering the nation's competitiveness.
He said a growing number of Australian manufacturers were moving overseas, where cheap labour was plentiful.
We should have laws to limit capital transfers overseas. It should not be possible to set up Australian companies on foreign land without regulation and a bureaucracy to watch over them. They should also be expected to pay taxes to our government from there. Actually they should make foreign-based Australian companies state-owned. Some of the revenue will go to the government. This will keep the carpetbaggers from going overseas.
Sir lastnail wrote on Sep 5
th, 2012 at 11:55pm:
He called on the Federal Government to allow foreign workers on fixed visas to form a second tier to the labour market.
"Australia doesn't have cheap labour. Many overseas workers would be prepared to move here for a much better life and half the money Australians earn," he said.
"When you get unemployment down to four per cent, to three per cent, to two per cent, business can't get the labour.
oh yeah, and create an underclass. Good one, Gerry!!!
Sir lastnail wrote on Sep 5
th, 2012 at 11:55pm:
"The danger of being too prosperous is that it can come back to bite you - you can become too lazy and other nations work harder and overtake you."
If people were happy with what they had, they wouldn't need to be paid so much. Unfortunately, the fatcats just don't want to share their wealth and keep dumping their money into swimming pools, mansions, fast cars, private education and luxury products that ordinary people cannot afford. Unfortunately, no amount of judgmental flak and vitriol will stop these people living extravagant lifestyles. No amount of bullying on Twitter and Facebook will hold these people accountable.
Verge wrote on Sep 6
th, 2012 at 8:43am:
I dont think she was suggesting that we work for $2 a day.
I interpreted it as this is what we are competing a against.
I could tell my wife my next door neighbour and his wife have sex 4 times a day, doesnt mean Im going to get it does it.
I take it you would rather be doing it with your neighbour's wife. That's what Gina is saying. Gina is getting horny about the neighbours.