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Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh) (Read 21272 times)
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #45 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 12:48pm
Good one Baron.
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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #46 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 1:02pm
abu_rashid wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 1:11am:
They suffer a disease of the heart whereby they attribute all and any act of any person of Muslim background to the entire worldwide Muslim community.


Is that our fault or is Allah to blame for this?

I blame Allah for people disliking Islam.

Allah has set a seal upon  their hearts and upon their hearing,and over their vision is a veil.And for them is great punishment.

Read all Quran translations by ticking boxes on left as some words dont translate well from Arabic to english.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #47 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 1:08pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 1:02pm:

Is that our fault or is Allah to blame for this?

I blame Allah for people disliking Islam.

Allah has set a seal upon  their hearts and upon their hearing,and over their vision is a veil.And for them is great punishment.

Yes your fault. God has sealed your heart, due to your despicable hatred and rejection of truth.

Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 1:02pm:
Read all Quran translations by ticking boxes on left as some words dont translate well from Arabic to english.

Right, because English is a defective hodge podge of a language.
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #48 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 4:02pm
abu_rashid wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 1:08pm:

.....because English is a defective hodge podge of a language.


I could respond with.....

I am deeply offended and wounded, by your disparaging characterisation of the English language, which is after all, the language of Shakespeare.

But would you take me seriously ???

the English language is the only language that i know fluently, but still, i count the English language as a 'treasure', in that it allows such wonderful expression of the human soul and psyche, imo.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #49 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 4:23pm
Yadda wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 4:02pm:
Abu, I could respond with..... I am deeply offended and wounded, by your disparaging characterisation of the English language, which is after all, the language of Shakespeare. But would you take me seriously ???

English is a Germanic language that was bastardised by various waves of Nordic raiders and eventually spliced with Norman French and finally sprinkled with layers of Greek, Latin, Arabic & other terms.

Its grammar is extremely defective (as witnessed by the fact there's no distinction between basic things like first person singular & plural) and its morphology is just hideous. It's got more exceptions to rules than it does rules, and its assortment of vowels is an absolute dog's breakfast. Its spelling is barely phonetic and much of the time doesn't make even the remotest sense. As I said, it is nothing but a hodge-podge.

Yadda wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 4:02pm:
English language is the only language that i know fluently, but still, i count the English language as a 'treasure'

I think that's precisely why you count it as a treasure, because it's all you know. And besides your level of thinking is restricted by it anyway, so how could you ever know how it compares to other languages to decide whether it is actually a treasure or not.

Yadda wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 4:02pm:
in that it allows such wonderful expression of the human soul and psyche, imo.

As do all languages in their own way. English is certainly not unique in this, and does not particularly excel at it either.
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #50 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 5:52pm
Abu, before you get all wound up over grammar, did you notice that gandalf disagreed with you on what the Islamic punishment for blasphemy is? Which one of you is correct, and why the disagreement?
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #51 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 6:56pm
fd, honestly do you make even the most basic attempt to think your questions through? Or do you just exert yourself for an hour or two and then get so excited that you think you came up with a question to attack Islam, that you forget to actually think through how ludicrous it is?

If you know I hold a certain view, why would you be asking whether or not I believe it to be the correct view? Wouldn't it be a given?

You can't seriously be this dense.. Or can you?
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #52 - Sep 29th, 2012 at 7:44pm
So why the disagreement? And which one represents the majority view of Muslims?

Gandalf seemed to imply that there were different punishments for apostasy, insulting Muhammed, and insulting Allah. Do you think they should all be punished with death by stoning?
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #53 - Sep 30th, 2012 at 11:32am
freediver wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 9:11am:
They are incapable of keeping the 1% in check. Either the 99% are not so good after all, or not 99%.

To be honest I'm finding these rather innane one line, one point replies of yours not at all constructive to the discussion. I feel like I'm the only one making an effort here. Your profile mentions you are an administrator on this forum - frankly I would expect better. If you want a constructive dialogue here, lets have a constructive dialogue. But for that you need to add some flesh to your replies, make them more "debatable". I'm not interested in partaking in these petty one-liner point scoring exercises, but I would love to have a proper discussion about this.

As to this particular point, yes I agree there are problems with extremists in the muslim world, but you need to put it in context. A study came out a few years ago about terrorism in Europe, and it was revealed that less than 1% of all terrorist activity - successfully carried out as well as those foiled by the authorities - were non-islamic. A similar finding was revealed in the US in a paper released by the FBI. (Still can't link urls, but they are easy enough to find on google)Muslim protests and riots that cause instant headlines in the western media are frequently carried out by just a few hundred people - an insignificant number in anyone's book. Long story short, islamic violence around the world today is not nearly as bad as the media portrays it to be.

What is significant on a relative scale, is the violence inflicted by non-muslims towards muslims. A study has just been released - which was posted here in another thread - that claims that for every taliban killed by US drones in Pakistan, 49 innocent civilians are killed. Literally thousands of innocents have died by the US attacks over the last few years - and thats not even including the many thousands more who have been killed by direct US action in Afghanistan since 2001. Then of course there's the 7 years or so of slaughter in Iraq. Of course it can be argued that the US is justified in these attacks, and these civilians are necessary collateral - but it doesn't alter the fact that many thousands of muslims have been killed by the US, and one can only imagine the resentment that this has built up within the muslim community. Again, not justifying violence and riots, but please understand the context.

The other thing is you need to acknowledge the positive, mostly unreported, ways the muslim community acts all the time in response to violence and incitement amongst their flock. It is virtually unknown, for example, that after the attack on the American embassy in Libya in which the ambassador was killed, a group of Libyans took it upon themselves to attack the militia who carried out the embassy attack, overrunning their HQ in Benghazi. They were signalling to the world that these thugs are not the real face of islam. Also, if not for Frank Lowy's acknowlegement, no one probably would have known that the islamic leaders in Australia were united in their condemnation of the riots, and successfully dissuaded muslims from holding another protest a week after the first.

It is also at the extremity of the old empire. It works reasonably well there because the locals never 'unlearnt' coexistence like they did elsewhere. However even there they have major problems.

Thats a copout. The fact that the largest muslim populations are demonstrably capable of peace and stability is just be dismissed. But there are progressive elements in the middle east as well. What can't be ignored though is the active role the west has played in suppressing those progressive elements. Saudi Arabia is the centre of all islamic extremism today.
[MOD: Attack on Muslim group removed]
. The problem is, Saudi Arabia is a key US ally, and allowing wahabism to die a natural death is against US interests. In Iran, the current bogeyman of the west, was a progressive democracy until the 1950s when the west overthrow it, and it has never seen real democracy since. The baathists in Iraq were helped to power by the CIA. In Palestine - the grassroots democracy movements were ruthlessly quashed by the corrupt US-backed Arafat. And the list goes on. I'm not saying the muslims themselves don't share any responsibility for the problem of extremism, but the fact is the US and the west interveners had a choice between fostering democracy, and fostering autocracies - and they chose the latter. And Indonesia, since I mentioned it, the US propped up the corrupt tyrrant Suharto for around 30 years, and when they finally "allowed" him to be overthrown, the Indonesians have not looked back, and deserve the highest praise for instituting a thriving democracy in such a short time. This country, absolutely, should be held as a great example of what muslims are capable of instituting.

Except for the occasional mass slaughter of course, and an endless succession or lesser hate crimes.

You're overgeneralising and not appreciating the proper context. Muslim violence against hindus pales compared to hindu violence against muslims. But even so, in the scheme of things the coexistence and harmony is the real story with Indian hindu-muslim relations, acts of violence are few and far between.

The death penalty for things that in the west are considered fundamental human rights and no business of the government.

which is but a tiny aspect of shariah law. So why did you say "shariah law" in its entirety if you really only meant this tiny aspect of it? Unless you really believed shariah law was only about the death penalty? It is entirely possible to have a shariah system where the death penalty does not exist. You really should think about these sorts of things before dissemenating such overgeneralised, misinformed nonsense.

Obviously if you say it is in the Koran and you think it is wrong

Stop right there, I said nothing whatsoever about right or wrong - why do you keep obsessing about this? The only thing I was arguing about is what is and what isn't in the quran - full stop.
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2012 at 11:50am by abu_rashid »  

A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #54 - Sep 30th, 2012 at 11:59am
Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 12:25pm:

As for the Question in the op, why is there no punishment for insulting Allah that i am aware of yet there are muslims saying chop the heads off those who insult Mohammad?

Can you explain to me exactly how one can "insult" Allah?

It seems to me there is no law against it, because the concept of "insulting Allah" makes no sense at all. There is, however things said about blasphemy, but that is not insulting Allah.

The Quran says it is clear in 2/185 and other verses, 2/2 says it is without doubt so why cant muslims agree on anything from the niqab to terror if it is clear and without doubt?

There are many things muslims don't agree on about islamic jurisprudence - and I believe that should be the whole point of this thread. You waltz in here (and elsewhere) proudly proclaiming you have found the one true islamic ruling on insulting the prophet, whereas my point all along has been that is but one of many interpretations.

so if Islam has been perrfected as claimed in the Quran why cant muslims agree on the punishment for insulting Mohammad, if they cant agree does this mean Islam is in fact not perfect?

no, thats faulty logic. Just because some muslims can't grasp the true meaning of the quran (through pride, arrogance, ignorance, whatever), doesn't in any way prove that the quran is not perfect.

2/132- makes no mention of jews or children of Israel, it does mention muslim.

It mentions the children of Jacob - who was known as "Isreal" - so who do you think are "the children of Israel"? Please, just use your head.

I assume the whole point of all this is that you want to say that muslims are exempt from the law about not killing unjustly? That the idea that to kill one person unjustly is like killing the whole of mankind - is only good advise for non-muslims? Does that make sense to you - that the muslim holy book would, by default, be instructing muslims to "go forth and kill people unjustly"? Roll Eyes I seem to be saying this a lot, but please just use your brain for once.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #55 - Sep 30th, 2012 at 9:00pm
To be honest I'm finding these rather innane one line, one point replies of yours not at all constructive to the discussion. I feel like I'm the only one making an effort here. Your profile mentions you are an administrator on this forum - frankly I would expect better. If you want a constructive dialogue here, lets have a constructive dialogue. But for that you need to add some flesh to your replies, make them more "debatable". I'm not interested in partaking in these petty one-liner point scoring exercises, but I would love to have a proper discussion about this.

Would you like me to add a rant about your debating style to each response? The reason it only takes me one line is because I leave out all the pointless BS you carry on with. I do not need a few paragraphs of obfuscations to avoid answering a simple question.

As to this particular point, yes I agree there are problems with extremists in the muslim world, but you need to put it in context.

Meaningless statistics are not the same thing as context.

A study came out a few years ago about terrorism in Europe, and it was revealed that less than 1% of all terrorist activity - successfully carried out as well as those foiled by the authorities - were non-islamic.

That sounds more accurate than the version I saw. The version I saw tried to equate 9/11 with a graffitti attack by German punks in order to make Islamic terrorism seem trivial. How stupid do you think people are?

Muslim protests and riots that cause instant headlines in the western media are frequently carried out by just a few hundred people - an insignificant number in anyone's book.

The number of people behind 9/11 was also insignificant. It is the actions that make it signigicant, not the number of people, not the number of separate incidents, not any other useless measure they can dream up to make it look like Islamic terrorism isn't so bad after all.

Long story short, islamic violence around the world today is not nearly as bad as the media portrays it to be.

Only if you fail to pause and think about the statistics you are parroting.

Thats a copout.

No it isn't. It goes to the heart of the matter. Most muslims act tolerant when they are in the minority. It is only when they are in the majority that they become totally inflexible assholes.

The fact that the largest muslim populations are demonstrably capable of peace and stability is just be dismissed.

I did not just dismiss it. I explained why for you. And again, how you divide up the Muslim community is not a valid way to assess the threat. This is just more meaningless statistics from you. Why does it matter so much that they are the most populous countries? Did it occur to you that they are the most populous Muslim countries because they had the more tolerant Muslims, and they had the more tolerant Muslims because if they were as intolerant as the middle eastern ones they would be dead?

You're overgeneralising and not appreciating the proper context.

You are the one over generalising and parroting meaningless statistics. I merely pointed out how absurd your generalisations are.

Muslim violence against hindus pales compared to hindu violence against muslims.

Do you count the slaughter of hundreds of Hindu by Muslims as equal to a bit of anti-Islamic graffiti by Hindus, the same way your European and American statistics did? How come not one of your statistics gives a body count? Is it because you don't want to admit that it is Muslims that go round killing people for no good reason?

which is but a tiny aspect of shariah law.

I don't care how insignificant you think it is. They want to kill people who have not done anything wrong. No volume of instructions on which way to point while praying is going to somehow outweigh that.

So why did you say "shariah law" in its entirety if you really only meant this tiny aspect of it? Unless you really believed shariah law was only about the death penalty?

Because it is a statement of fact. Pointing out all the irrelevant dribble in Shariah law will not change those facts. So why do you keep insisting on pointing it out?

It is entirely possible to have a shariah system where the death penalty does not exist. You really should think about these sorts of things before dissemenating such overgeneralised, misinformed nonsense.

I asked a Muslim. He is the one disseminating. Why don't you take it up with him? I have pointed you in his direction plenty of times already, and I am genuinely interested in the difference of opinion. Do you expect me to translate between the two of you?

Stop right there, I said nothing whatsoever about right or wrong - why do you keep obsessing about this? The only thing I was arguing about is what is and what isn't in the quran - full stop.

Yes I noticed you are studiously avoiding the topic. Why is that? Why are you afraid to pass judgement? It is not obsession. I am just trying to put your posts in context, as you have suggested i do. I have explained my interest plenty of times already and it is perfectly reasonable to expect to know whether the person claiming to know what the real shariah law is is even a Muslim, or just some naive non-Muslim apologist.
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #56 - Sep 30th, 2012 at 9:04pm
Yadda wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 12:48pm:
Good one Baron.

I 'hear' that soren, yadda, elvis wesley, baronvonwort, prevailing, quantum & one or two other identities are actually the same person..
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women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #57 - Sep 30th, 2012 at 9:52pm
It's well known that 90% of the traffic on this forum are all 1 or 2 sad and lonely individuals who enjoy playing "dress ups".
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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #58 - Sep 30th, 2012 at 9:54pm
Criticism is treated as unacceptable and deleted. That's not constructive debate. So people start poking fun. There is nothing to respect in someone who censors criticism.

polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 29th, 2012 at 12:39am:
When non-muslims see muslims behaving badly, it certainly helps to create prejudice against muslims. However that prejudice is greatly enhanced when prejudiced people can reinforce their hatred of muslims by convincing themselves that the bad behaviour is doctrinal - that muslims behaving badly are the rule, not the exception.

They do not need to convince themselves. Muslims convince them.

Muslims have a bad reputation not because  merely because 'they behave badly'. It is about what they do in the name of Allah and Muhammed.

Nobody blames the Rainbow Serpent and the Dreamtime  for Aborigines behaving badly because they are not doing the criminal stuff in the name of the Great Mangar-kunjer-kunja.

That is the central point that you studiously and at length ignore.

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Re: Penalty for insulting the Prophet (pbuh)
Reply #59 - Sep 30th, 2012 at 9:56pm
abu_rashid wrote on Sep 30th, 2012 at 9:52pm:
It's well known that 90% of the traffic on this forum are all 1 or 2 sad and lonely individuals who enjoy playing "dress ups".

Can you please elaborate Abu?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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