Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Sep 21
st, 2012 at 10:18am:
... wrote on Sep 21
st, 2012 at 10:14am:
The "protest" had no purpose but to act as an excuse for them to make some noise. It's a video on friggin youtube for crying out loud - what possible connection could there be between a video on youtube, and shouting and waving banners in the streets of Sydney?
Heh yeah prolly @the making noise but
the connection is obvious. Not rational to us but obvious.
No its not. Some bloke living in America made a movie* insulting Muhammed... So the Muslims rip sh1t out of Sydney in protest.
Do you want to connect the dots; A to B to C for us? No one in Sydney, or even at the American consulate, has anything to do with this movie. They didn't produce it, fund it, distribute it, or even verbally support it. I don't think anyone even acknowledged it's existence until after the riot.
What connection is there between the Youtube trailer and what happened in Syndey?
(*I don't think anyone has even seen the movie in total, but just the trailer of it on YouTube. The actual full length movie doesn't seem to be available anywhere. I am start to wonder if it even exist as an actual movie, or if it is nothing but this short clip.)
but you wouldn't understand it even if it was i expect. The connection is that the yank government didnt force youtube to take the thing offline. Duh.