Quote:OK, since we're playing stupid games, and since it's Relationships, I'll play a stupid "hypothetical" game too. Every time you winge, I'll suspend you. First for 24 hours. On the second offense, it will be for 48 hours, then 96 etc.
If 'wingeing' is a bannable activity, you'll need to address not just SOB.....unless of course, you are attacking SOB on whatever arbitrary pretext............
Quote:Tor buddies don't count. We usually delete spambots. What are you doing on Tor anyway?
Not your problem.
Quote:Do you think that would be a fun game to play? You might like to test it to see how hypothetical it is.
Oh......Mr/s 'nasty' emerges with a threat to use 'the power.' Muso, was it you who interfered in that Poll.....in my bailiwick....on my dung-hill?
Oh? You are mod? Well someone actually closed the poll and i have reopened it.