Verge wrote on Nov 8
th, 2012 at 1:15pm:
The goal of both was to manipulate the public so yes they were both lies.
I ask because your posts attempts to lump all lies in the same basket which is not the way society works
Shows your lefties tail? [/quote]
Oh really. So that whole BS about children overboard was okay? And the WMDs in iraq was okay? But no carbon tax was not? What a complete hypocrit you are. All lies are lies.
SOB [/quote]
not even in the same league. Howard was reporting what he was told - nothing more. the carbon tax promise however was told to EVERYBODY and then reneged on mere days after the election. [/quote]
Bullshit. He knew he was lying and he lied because he was (and still is) a lying lair. He cant do ANYTHING without lying. I was once on a plane arriving in canberra and he was onboard. Just because he wanted to get off first and he was up the back they LIED and said that if the back ppl didnt get off first the plane would tip over! You could hear the muffled laughter go through the plane. He just had to lie.
SOB [/quote]
Howard travelled between canberra and sydney by RAAF jet - not commercial. And i doubt he has travelled cattel class in many decades. So no, I dont beleive your story. it is a lie. [/quote]
Not always. It was when that herc or F1-11 was being repaired. Dont remember what year it was but it WAS on the news. He travelled by quantus several times.
I dont really care if you believe me or not though.
SOB [/quote]
So Howard flys Qantas when his F111 is being repaired? [/quote]
Why you, Vergen, continue to make a fool of yourself is beyond me. From what I have read of your posts on this forum, it is already evident that you are, so why be repetitive?
With you limited intellect and limited mindset, you would be better off in the recipe section.
What has not escaped me either, is your smug attempt at being condescending which I find irritating but of some comic value. You present as a puffed up nancy boy.