Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Nov 9
th, 2012 at 10:41am:
Do you always act like this when you are rejected?
It is sad when the 'closets' get rejected. But it's sadder when they turn on the object of their obsession with such nastiness.
It's partially a result of Christian upbringing, the contradiction of being abused by you know who we keep reading about, on the one hand, then being told you're hell bound on the other.
Conflicting, isn't it.
"Or is it because i turned you down and blocked your PMs?"
"I bet im not the only one you have propositioned though."
"It is a likely (and true) story."
"Some of you people need to hand in your (supposed) man card – RIGHT NOW!!"
"Welcome to the world of decadence."
"Did you get a shock when he asked for it Spot?
Did you proposition nine other posters verge? And here I was thinking you were a hard worker, when you really spend all your time playing up with the boyz.
Let us into a little secret, did anyone accept? I bet wesley did, you two have so much in common, you'd be the perfect match, made in heaven too."
All these post from so many. Naughty boy, time to come out.