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Question: Who is the Greatest Troll of them All? (Mark III)

« Last Modified by: Sir Spot of Borg on: Jun 16th, 2013 at 5:36am »

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Spot of Troll (Read 186042 times)
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #705 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 5:15am
Poor spot, even denies his own words. Such a shame. Either that pig headed he got it wrong or mentally disabled he believes his own lies, and socks

Then again, this is a grown man who believes in this crap - There are lots of pictures of Spot here. He got hold of a secret temporal anomaly and transported himself to various starships for adventuring and exploring. Before he left Data painted him so he wouldn't miss him so much.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #706 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 5:55am
Poor verge cant handle rejection

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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #707 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 6:56am
Quantum wrote on Nov 8th, 2012 at 4:24pm:
Anyone else seeing a pattern? When spot is caught in his lies and asked a direct question, his muppets show up and take the thread several pages off topic.

Hey Spot, tell us about the F111. Why did you say Howard flew commercial because it was getting repaired?

magpie wrote on Oct 26th, 2012 at 2:22pm:
would the following trolls please report to the spot of troll thread for a dressing down:
Big Dave


sanofi responded with:
May I apologise on behalf of magpie for leaving you (Quantun) off the list. But we consider you to be a minor troll, unworthy of our attention.
You are 'B' grade.

Spot of Borg  responded with:

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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #708 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:28am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 5:55am:
Poor verge cant handle rejection


So do you deny this?
Longy - Howard travelled between canberra and sydney by RAAF jet - not commercial
Spot - Not always. It was when that herc or F1-11 was being repaired.

I see you also havent posted anything up about a PM I supposedly sent, because its pretty obvious I dont sent them.
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And why not, if you will permit me; why shouldn’t I, if you will permit me; spend my first week as prime minister, should that happen, on this, on your, country - Abbott with the Garma People Aug 13
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Posts: 26513
Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #709 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:46am
Verge wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:28am:
So do you deny this?
Longy - Howard travelled between canberra and sydney by RAAF jet - not commercial
Spot - Not always. It was when that herc or F1-11 was being repaired.

I see you also havent posted anything up about a PM I supposedly sent, because its pretty obvious I dont sent them.

You are quotemining which is dishonest. you are leaving out the part where i said he was in a qantas jet.

I will get banned if i post pms - its in the rules. Dont try to set me up.

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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #710 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:49am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:46am:
You are quotemining which is dishonest. you are leaving out the part where i said he was in a qantas jet.

I will get banned if i post pms - its in the rules. Dont try to set me up.


If its my PM, I give you permission.  Come on mate, I want to see what I supposedly wrote.

Also, I dont doubt you that you were on a qantas jet and so was he.  I want to know why you think he would normally have flown in a F111 except on this occassion it was in for repairs?
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And why not, if you will permit me; why shouldn’t I, if you will permit me; spend my first week as prime minister, should that happen, on this, on your, country - Abbott with the Garma People Aug 13
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #711 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:55am
Verge wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:49am:
If its my PM, I give you permission.  Come on mate, I want to see what I supposedly wrote.

Also, I dont doubt you that you were on a qantas jet and so was he.  I want to know why you think he would normally have flown in a F111 except on this occassion it was in for repairs?

As if i would keep your sordid pms. I deleted them when i blocked you.

As for the lies - go ahead keep telling them everyone knows you are lying.

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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #712 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 10:04am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:55am:
As if i would keep your sordid pms. I deleted them when i blocked you.

As for the lies - go ahead keep telling them everyone knows you are lying.


You are full of it borg, Ive never sent you one, so keep up the diversionary tactics.

Also, you didnt answer me yet again on the issue, why did you think Howard would normally fly in an F111, but couldnt on the occassion you met him on a qantas plane because it was being repaired?

Quote again.
Longy - Howard travelled between canberra and sydney by RAAF jet - not commercial
Spot - Not always. It was when that herc or F1-11 was being repaired.

Im not lying mate, Im direct quoting.  Your words, not mine.
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And why not, if you will permit me; why shouldn’t I, if you will permit me; spend my first week as prime minister, should that happen, on this, on your, country - Abbott with the Garma People Aug 13
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #713 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 10:41am
Do you always act like this when you are rejected?

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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #714 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 11:38am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 10:41am:
Do you always act like this when you are rejected?


It is sad when the 'closets' get rejected. But it's sadder when they turn on the object of their obsession with such nastiness.

It's partially a result of Christian upbringing, the contradiction of being abused by you know who we keep reading about, on the  one hand, then being told you're hell bound on the other.

Conflicting, isn't it.

"Or is it because i turned you down and blocked your PMs?"
"I bet im not the only one you have propositioned though."
"It is a likely (and true) story."
"Some of you people need to hand in your (supposed) man card – RIGHT NOW!!"
"Welcome to the world of decadence."

"Did you get a shock when he asked for it Spot?
Did you proposition nine other posters verge? And here I was thinking you were a hard worker, when you really spend all your time playing up with the boyz.
Let us into a little secret, did anyone accept? I bet wesley did, you two have so much in common, you'd be the perfect match, made in heaven too."

All these post from so many. Naughty boy, time to come out.

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As long as one tax haven exists, there will be a place for the corrupt and the greedy to hide the money they steal from the workers.
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #715 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 1:25pm
Still diverting I see Spotty.

Some out with it boy, show us the PM's that I never sent.  You obviously have me confused with someone else, but considering you confused Howard flying in a hercules with an F111 its not suprising.

I would love to know when howard flew in an F111
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And why not, if you will permit me; why shouldn’t I, if you will permit me; spend my first week as prime minister, should that happen, on this, on your, country - Abbott with the Garma People Aug 13
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #716 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 1:56pm
I think I know why Spot thinks I propositioned him, might have something to do with living with his wife, and now he lives in a flat with another guy.

Hmmmmmm, wife leave you once she found out you were gay Spotty, so now you have to resort to making up fake "pm's" to make yourself feel better.

A liar and a deceiver.
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And why not, if you will permit me; why shouldn’t I, if you will permit me; spend my first week as prime minister, should that happen, on this, on your, country - Abbott with the Garma People Aug 13
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #717 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 2:28pm
Verge wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 1:56pm:
I think I know why Spot thinks I propositioned him, might have something to do with living with his wife, and now he lives in a flat with another guy.

Hmmmmmm, wife leave you once she found out you were gay Spotty, so now you have to resort to making up fake "pm's" to make yourself feel better.

A liar and a deceiver.

Hey man I hope this helps with your situation.

One of my uni mates found it for you.

"Do you ever sit down in an emotional puddle and roll in the misery of getting rejected?
“Who hasn’t?” would be a more accurate question. Everyone has visited the Pity Party.
People advise you to “Get over it!” but you can’t seem to pull yourself out of the dark pit.
Others tell you to quit being so sensitive but the hurt of rejection lingers with a stench."

I was  rejected once (By a girl) and I know it's really bad for a while. I have gay friends and they are not ashamed about it, like you older guys are.

[I think I know why Spot thinks I propositioned him], so who really cares?

oaroaroaroar. Which for you gay old 'men' means friendly laughter.
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So excellent a king, that was to this, Hyperion to a satyr, so loving to my mother,
    That he might not beteem the winds of heaven  Visit her face too roughly; heaven and earth,
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Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #718 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 3:43pm
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:46am:
You are quotemining which is dishonest. you are leaving out the part where i said he was in a qantas jet.

I will get banned if i post pms - its in the rules. Dont try to set me up.


What has that got to do with anything? Are you really this illogical, or are you avoiding the fact your own words show what a liar you are?

He was on a Qantas jet, we all get that. But you said he was on a Qantas jet because the F111 was being repaired. How much clearer can verge make it?

Verge wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:28am:
Longy - Howard travelled between canberra and sydney by RAAF jet - not commercial
Spot - Not always. It was when that herc or F1-11 was being repaired.

Let me rewrite the first part.

Paraphrase of conversation- Howard didn't travel by Qantas but by RAAF jet.
Spot - - Not always. It was when that herc or F1-11 was being repaired

Do you understand now? Or do we need another 2-3 pages of distractions?
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Posts: 26513
Re: Spot of Troll
Reply #719 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 4:20pm
Quantum wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 3:43pm:
What has that got to do with anything? Are you really this illogical, or are you avoiding the fact your own words show what a liar you are?

He was on a Qantas jet, we all get that. But you said he was on a Qantas jet because the F111 was being repaired. How much clearer can verge make it?

Let me rewrite the first part.

Paraphrase of conversation- Howard didn't travel by Qantas but by RAAF jet.
Spot - - Not always. It was when that herc or F1-11 was being repaired

Do you understand now? Or do we need another 2-3 pages of distractions?

Nope i see no "because" there. Im not interested in  you either so stop asking.

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